]> Frank Brehm's Git Trees - pixelpark/hiera.git/shortlog
2016-09-02 Ivan PrikhodkoMerge branch 'master' of git@git.pixelpark.com:puppet...
2016-09-02 Ivan Prikhodkoadded server aliases
2016-09-02 Andreas Gerstenbergngcc - change webserver docroot
2016-09-02 Andreas Gerstenbergpfizer impf2ab60 nun wieder live
2016-09-01 samuel.bufefixed sg version
2016-09-01 samuel.bufeadded search-guard plugin to elasticsearch
2016-09-01 Andreas GerstenbergMerge branch 'feature/sirona-prod-deployment-0.17.2...
2016-09-01 Victor Saarsirona - Update backend package versions to hotfix...
2016-09-01 Andreas Gerstenbergsirona set correct aem admin password for new int
2016-09-01 Victor Saarsirona - Update package versions to hotifx 0.17.2 for...
2016-09-01 Andreas Gerstenbergmbvd-ngcc - add user jenkins
2016-09-01 Andreas Gerstenbergsirona neue INT - admin passwort zurueckgesetzt
2016-09-01 Andreas Gerstenbergpfizer change rewrite JIRA PFIZ-4098
2016-09-01 Andreas Gerstenbergpfizer change Rewrite JIRA PFIZ-4098
2016-08-31 Andreas Gerstenbergmbvd-ngcc change webserver docroot
2016-08-31 Andreas GerstenbergMerge branch 'feature/sirona-domain-mappings' into...
2016-08-31 Victor Saarsirona - Add missing domain mappings to PROD
2016-08-31 Andreas Gerstenbergmbvd-ngcc - inital
2016-08-30 Andreas Gerstenbergweb-e-klasse-amazon-mercedes-benz-de - remove webauth
2016-08-30 Andreas GerstenbergMerge branch 'feature/sirona-prod-deployment-0.17.1...
2016-08-30 Victor Saarsirona - Update package versions to hotifx 0.17.1 for...
2016-08-30 Andreas GerstenbergMerge branch 'patch-2' into 'master'
2016-08-30 Katleen Thielesirona - Update package versions to release 0.17 for INT
2016-08-29 Andreas GerstenbergMerge branch 'feature/sirona-prod-deployment-0.17'...
2016-08-29 Victor Saarsirona - Update package versions to release 0.17 for...
2016-08-29 Thomas Hellerhaushaltsplan-koeln - added env config
2016-08-29 Thomas Hellerhaushaltsplan-koeln - added env variable
2016-08-29 Andreas Gerstenbergspk-blog - add sudo command sync2live
2016-08-26 Andreas Gerstenbergweb-client-survey - add user d_krause
2016-08-26 Sven Marcel... zonehost-pp renamed
2016-08-26 Andreas Gerstenbergweb-client-survey - add user dirk-peter.krause
2016-08-26 Andreas Gerstenbergmbvd-eklasse-tmodell - remove webserver authentication
2016-08-25 Andreas Gerstenbergmbch - add directoryindex for index.htm
2016-08-25 Andreas Gerstenbergmbch - add directoryindex for index.htm
2016-08-25 Sven Marcel... zonehost-pp.pixelpark.net: auf role: base zurueckgestellt
2016-08-25 Sven Marcel... zonehost-pp.pixelpark.net: typo
2016-08-25 Sven Marcel... zonehost-pp.pixelpark.net angepasst, mal wieder...
2016-08-25 Sven Marcel... zonehost-pp.pixelpark.net angepasst
2016-08-25 Sven Marcel... zonehost-pp.pixelpark.net angepasst
2016-08-25 Andreas Gerstenbergremove doubled user entries
2016-08-25 Andreas Gerstenbergremove doubled user entries
2016-08-25 Andreas Gerstenbergadd user stephan.zdunczyk-kohn and daniel.kallies
2016-08-25 Sven Marcel... PublicKeys angepasst - Teil 2
2016-08-25 Sven Marcel... PublicKeys angepasst
2016-08-25 Sven Marcel... User entsprechend Ticket PPCGNIT-221 un 222 eingepflegt
2016-08-25 Andreas Gerstenbergremove server auth because server is behind fw
2016-08-24 Steve Rosiakpfizer-schlaganfall - apache environment variables set
2016-08-24 Steve Rosiakpfizer-schlaganfall - apache environment variables set
2016-08-24 Oliver BöttcherMerge branch 'master' of git.pixelpark.com:puppet/hiera
2016-08-24 Oliver BöttcherBMF Test disable galera puppet
2016-08-24 Steve Rosiakpfizer-schlaganfall - corrected typo in dbuser and...
2016-08-24 Andreas Gerstenbergmedperts-com add user matthias.otto to development env
2016-08-24 Andreas GerstenbergMerge branch 'INT-version-0.16' into 'master'
2016-08-24 Katleen ThieleUpdate test.yaml from version 0.15 to 0.16
2016-08-23 Andreas Gerstenbergmbvd-service remove authentication
2016-08-23 Oliver BöttcherBMF disable galera puppet
2016-08-23 Thomas Hellermbvd-tmodell - korrektur
2016-08-23 Thomas Hellerbuschjaeger - setup new test env
2016-08-23 Sven Marcel... added VM zonehost-pp
2016-08-23 Thomas BußmeyerRemove path alias
2016-08-23 Thomas BußmeyerChange simplesamlphp config location.
2016-08-22 Andreas Gerstenbergmbch: add apache module
2016-08-22 Andreas Gerstenbergmbch - initial
2016-08-22 Hannes Eichblattbuschjaeger - initial definition several machines
2016-08-22 Andreas Gerstenbergadd authentication to test site
2016-08-22 Andreas Gerstenbergremove authentication
2016-08-19 Hannes Eichblattpixelpark - initial def host.pixelpark.com
2016-08-19 Hannes Eichblattmbvd-ngcc - initial def dev-web-ngcc-daimler
2016-08-18 Andreas Gerstenbergadd user accounts
2016-08-18 samuel.bufefixed version number
2016-08-18 samuel.bufeupdate logstash version
2016-08-18 Andreas Gerstenbergaamt - add user Lothar Schickhoff
2016-08-18 Andreas Gerstenbergaamt - remove live authentication
2016-08-18 Andreas Gerstenbergaamt - update servername and serveraliases
2016-08-18 Andreas Gerstenbergaamt - add docroot owner and rights
2016-08-18 Andreas Gerstenbergaamt - add user thomas.bussmeyer
2016-08-18 Andreas Gerstenbergaamt - add directory index
2016-08-18 Andreas Gerstenbergaamt - add serveraliases
2016-08-18 Andreas Gerstenbergaamt - syntax fixing
2016-08-18 Andreas Gerstenbergaamt - fix authentication from valid-user to uniq users
2016-08-18 Andreas Gerstenbergaamt - inital
2016-08-18 Oliver Böttcherbmf test db mariadb 10.1 upgrade
2016-08-17 Philipp Dalligbmas-anmeldung - correct mco path
2016-08-17 Philipp Dalligbmast-anmeldung - correct mco path
2016-08-17 Philipp Dalligbmwi-gruenderwoche - Rollout Jenkins
2016-08-17 Philipp DalligMerge branch 'feature/sirona-packages' into 'master'
2016-08-17 Philipp Dalligsirona-aem - correct rewrite
2016-08-17 Philipp Dalligsirona-aem - add serveralias
2016-08-17 Philipp Dalligsirona-aem - add a apache in front of new author
2016-08-17 Andreas Gerstenbergadd sirona ssl certs
2016-08-17 Philipp DalligMerge branch 'master' of git@git.pixelpark.com:puppet...
2016-08-17 Philipp Dalligbauhaus - disable last watcher job
2016-08-17 Hannes EichblattMerge branch 'master' of git.pixelpark.com:puppet/hiera
2016-08-17 Hannes Eichblattpixelpark, aamt - initial def pass, web-aamt-facebook
2016-08-17 Philipp DalligAdd mco corelib dir
2016-08-17 Victor Saarsirona - Add Sirona taxonomy and ACS AEM Tools packages
2016-08-16 Philipp Dalligmbvd - do not manage jenkins on bfd-gadget
2016-08-16 Thomas HellerMerge branch 'patch-2' into 'master'
2016-08-16 Bastian GutschkeBKKVBU-759 asset-cache-busting: bugfix regex
2016-08-16 Andreas Gerstenbergudpate auth alias