2017-09-19 Philipp Dalligjoml - set max_input_vars to 1500
2017-09-19 Philipp Dalligjoml - remove suhosin
2017-09-19 Philipp Dalligjoml - correc typo3 version
2017-09-19 sambufeBERFBB-3838 fix index.html problem v2
2017-09-19 sambufeBERFBB-3838 fix index.html problem
2017-09-19 sambufeBERFBB-3838 v5
2017-09-18 Stefan TeschkeMerge branch 'master' of git.pixelpark.com:puppet/hiera
2017-09-18 Stefan Teschkechange system requirements for eures project
2017-09-18 sambufeBERFBB-3838 v4
2017-09-18 sambufeBERFBB-3960
2017-09-18 Philipp Dalligsirona-aem - Rewrite for it on instruments-made-in...
2017-09-18 sambufeBERFBB-3838 v3
2017-09-18 sambufeBERFBB-3838 v2
2017-09-18 sambufeBERFBB-3838 v1
2017-09-18 Thomas Helleradded user d.krause
2017-09-18 Stefan Teschkeadduser christof.hoefler and georg.jaehnig to live...
2017-09-18 Stefan Teschkeadduser georg.jaehnig and christof.hoefler to live
2017-09-18 Thomas Helleradded user d.p.krause
2017-09-15 Philipp Dalligdeuwo - correct typo
2017-09-15 Philipp Dalligdeuwo - install dev-env
2017-09-15 Philipp Dalligrename customer dewo-relaunch -> deuwo
2017-09-14 Stefan TeschkeEures Projekt angepasst
2017-09-14 Philipp Dalligsirona-aem - Add htaccess user from Benjamin for dentsp...
2017-09-14 Philipp Dalligsirona-aem - change default language to en-us for an...
2017-09-14 Stefan TeschkeEures Projekt added
2017-09-14 sambufeGRIDPARK-4137 on prd
2017-09-14 sambufeGRIDPARK-4137 on test part 3
2017-09-14 sambufeGRIDPARK-4137 on test part 2
2017-09-14 sambufeGRIDPARK-4137 on test
2017-09-14 Andreas Gerstenbergspk-spar-checker /sfp auth same as / now
2017-09-14 Andreas Gerstenbergspk-spar-checker update rewrite rules
2017-09-14 Andreas Gerstenbergspk-spar-checker require all for /sfp
2017-09-14 Philipp Dalligspk-spar-checker - change require
2017-09-14 Andreas Gerstenbergspk-spar-checker some fixes
2017-09-14 Andreas Gerstenbergspk-spar-checker some fixes
2017-09-14 Andreas GerstenbergMerge branch 'master' of git.pixelpark.com:puppet/hiera
2017-09-14 Andreas Gerstenbergspk-spar-checker add error_documents and update auth...
2017-09-14 Oliver BöttcherMerge branch 'master' of git.pixelpark.com:puppet/hiera
2017-09-14 Oliver BöttcherODT - logstash escape brackets
2017-09-14 sambufeFBBKERNSERV-325 prd
2017-09-14 sambufeMerge branch 'master' of git.pixelpark.com:puppet/hiera
2017-09-14 sambufeFBBKERNSERV-325 tst
2017-09-13 Philipp Dalligbmas - remove ppmcollective
2017-09-13 Philipp Dalligbmf - do not enable logstash with mysql module
2017-09-13 Philipp Dalligbmas - remove pp_mcollective
2017-09-13 sambufeFBBKERNSERV-285 added aliases to prd-www-fbb
2017-09-13 sambufeFBBKERNSERV-285 added new aliases
2017-09-13 Frank BrehmDisabled puppetconf::server for mail servers
2017-09-13 Philipp Dalligadd mbvd-automat with role base
2017-09-13 sambufefbb-www logging improved
2017-09-13 Philipp Dalligpixelpark test akquise-aem - add dummy backup command
2017-09-13 Philipp Dalligspk-blog - remove extra php-pool block
2017-09-13 Ivan PrikhodkoMerge branch 'master' of git@git.pixelpark.com:puppet...
2017-09-13 Ivan Prikhodkotelekom-ehealth - removed access restriction
2017-09-13 Oliver BöttcherODT - logstash
2017-09-13 Philipp Dalligwebstats - pixel is the default group
2017-09-13 Philipp Dalligbmas-sgb2 - groups is an array
2017-09-13 Philipp DalligAdd MySQL passwort for monitoring
2017-09-12 Philipp Dalliggroups is an array!!!!
2017-09-12 Philipp Dalligmbvd-odt - make sure to install contrib postgres package
2017-09-12 Philipp Dalligmbvd-odt - install contrib package
2017-09-12 Philipp Dalligmbvd-odt - remove mongodb::globals include
2017-09-12 Philipp DalligAdd our php7.1 repo
2017-09-12 Philipp Dalligbkk-vbu - groups is array
2017-09-12 Philipp Dalligsirona-aem - correct yaml on test
2017-09-12 Philipp Dalligmbvd-shes - correct hiera
2017-09-12 Philipp Dalligsirona-neo4j - remove port from hiera
2017-09-12 Philipp Dalligsirona-neo4j - add port
2017-09-12 saschachanged typo3 core on test-redaktion-pfizer-de to 6...
2017-09-12 Philipp Dalligsirona-aem - correct yaml
2017-09-12 Philipp Dalligsirona-neoj4 - use default puppetserver
2017-09-12 Philipp Dalligsirona-aem - use default puppetservers
2017-09-12 Frank BrehmRe-enabling postfix modules for test-mail02.pixelpark.net
2017-09-12 Frank BrehmDisabled some thing for test-mail02.pixelpark.net
2017-09-09 hakcosar1Merge branch 'master' of https://hakcosar1@git.pixelpar...
2017-09-12 Philipp Dalligremove tcp_validator - all looks good
2017-09-12 Philipp Dalligspk-paydirekt - remove duplicate resource
2017-09-12 Philipp Dalligspk-microsites - mysqlnd is default, as on production
2017-09-12 Philipp Dalligmcdonalds - groups is an Array!!
2017-09-12 Philipp Dalligadd tcp connection validators
2017-09-12 Oliver Böttcheroliver.boehrs key vergessen
2017-09-12 Philipp Dalligsirona-neo4j - use default puppetconf on dev
2017-09-09 hakcosar1mcafee
2017-09-09 hakcosar1cosoar-test-customer - remove specific puppetmaster
2017-09-09 hakcosar1java pkg
2017-09-12 Philipp Dalligcosar-test-customer - add backup command
2017-09-12 Oliver BöttcherODT - logstash
2017-09-12 sambufetst-www-fbb excluded PPAdmin from htaccess
2017-09-11 Philipp Dalligcosar-test-customer - correct ntp
2017-09-11 Frank BrehmNeues virtual mapping fuer Postfix Pfizer
2017-09-11 saschaadded postfix module and config to test-web01-pfizer-de
2017-09-11 sambufeFBBKERNSERV-269
2017-09-11 saschaadded postfix module and config to dev-pfizer
2017-09-11 sambufeBERFBB-3871 fix
2017-09-11 sambufeMerge branch 'master' of git.pixelpark.com:puppet/hiera
2017-09-11 sambufeBERFBB-3871
2017-09-11 Oliver BöttcherMerge branch 'master' of git.pixelpark.com:puppet/hiera
2017-09-11 Oliver BöttcherPIXELPARK - tower websocket
2017-09-11 sambufeBERFBB-3871
2017-09-11 Oliver BöttcherMerge branch 'master' of git.pixelpark.com:puppet/hiera