2017-10-10 Andreas Gerstenbergspk-spar-checker modify limit_except
2017-10-10 Andreas Gerstenbergspk-spar-checker modify limit_except
2017-10-10 Andreas Gerstenbergspk-spar-checker modify limit_except
2017-10-10 Andreas GerstenbergMerge branch 'master' of git.pixelpark.com:puppet/hiera
2017-10-10 Andreas Gerstenbergspk-spar-checker add limit_except
2017-10-10 Oliver BöttcherODT - refinements
2017-10-09 Thomas Dalichowpfizer - add ip whitelists - additional address
2017-10-09 Andre SchmelzerUpdate stage-web-besttoimpress-de.pixelpark.net.yaml
2017-10-09 Andre Schmelzermbvd-besttoimpress hinzugefuegt
2017-10-09 saschafbb-www prod added fbb employee k.beuster and c.witt
2017-10-09 Frank BrehmTypo
2017-10-09 saschafbb-www test added fbb employee k.beuster and c.witt
2017-10-09 saschaadded FBB employee corinna witt and Kathrin Beuster...
2017-10-09 saschaadded FBB employee corinna witt and Kathrin Beuster...
2017-10-09 Andreas Gerstenbergmbvd add user thomas.eggert + alma.daschke
2017-10-06 Andre Schmelzer{test-}web-deuwo hinzugefuegt
2017-10-06 Thomas Dalichowpfizer - add ip whitelists
2017-10-05 Thomas Dalichowpfizer - set Access-Control-Allow-Origin header
2017-10-05 Oliver BöttcherSirona - Rewrites SIRONAMAIN-1179
2017-10-05 Oliver BöttcherMerge branch 'master' of git.pixelpark.com:puppet/hiera
2017-10-05 Oliver BöttcherBMAS Typo3 - Mysql vars
2017-10-04 Thomas Dalichowpfizer - allow login URI from all - revert, doesn't...
2017-10-04 Thomas Dalichowpfizer - allow login URI from all - fix
2017-10-04 hakcosar1siemens java
2017-10-04 hakcosar1siemens dev
2017-10-04 Frank BrehmRenaming customer/siemens/develeopment.yaml -> customer...
2017-10-04 Andre Schmelzerwhitespace im sshkey entfernt
2017-10-04 Thomas Dalichowpfizer - allow login URI from all - fix
2017-10-04 Andre SchmelzerMerge branch 'master' of git.pixelpark.com:puppet/hiera
2017-10-04 Andre Schmelzerits-vm-johbareu hinzugefuegt
2017-10-04 Thomas Dalichowpfizer - allow login URI from all - fix
2017-10-04 Andre SchmelzerJohannes Bareuther(Azubi Betrieb) hinzugefuegt.
2017-10-04 Thomas Dalichowpfizer - allow login URI from all
2017-09-29 Oliver BöttcherMHK - fix vhost name
2017-09-29 Oliver BöttcherMHK - fix vhost name
2017-09-29 Thomas HellerMerge branch 'mhk_rename_stage' into 'master'
2017-09-27 hakcosar1Merge branch 'master' of https://hakcosar1@git.pixelpar...
2017-09-28 Thomas Hellerdeleted old comments
2017-09-28 saschaBERFBB-3621-Einrichten einer permanenten Umleitung...
2017-09-27 hakcosar1remove maven from common
2017-09-27 Thomas Hellerdeleted htaccess for web-c-family
2017-09-27 Thomas Helleradded new customer ip to test env
2017-09-26 hakcosar1Merge branch 'master' of https://hakcosar1@git.pixelpar...
2017-09-27 Oliver Böttchersirona - rewrite SIRONAMAIN-1175
2017-09-27 Hannes Eichblattfbb-www - BERFBB-3965
2017-09-26 hakcosar1siemens java
2017-09-26 hakcosar1dev java
2017-09-26 hakcosar1Merge branch 'master' of https://hakcosar1@git.pixelpar...
2017-09-26 Thomas Dalichowspk-spar-checker - production: add own IPs to admin_ip_...
2017-09-26 Thomas Dalichowspk-spar-checker - add own IPs to admin_ip_range and...
2017-09-26 Thomas Dalichowspk-spar-checker - add own IPs to admin_ip_range and...
2017-09-26 Thomas Dalichowspk-spar-checker - add own IPs to admin_ip_range and...
2017-09-26 Thomas Dalichowspk-spar-checker - add own IPs to admin_ip_range and...
2017-09-26 Thomas Dalichowspk-spar-checker - add own IPs to admin_ip_range and...
2017-09-26 Thomas Dalichowspk-spar-checker - add own IPs to admin_ip_range and...
2017-09-26 hakcosar1dev java
2017-09-26 hakcosar1siemens pubadmin
2017-09-26 hakcosar1aem user
2017-09-26 hakcosar1siemens
2017-09-26 hakcosar1Merge branch 'master' of https://hakcosar1@git.pixelpar...
2017-09-26 hakcosar1siemens zabbix
2017-09-26 Thomas Dalichowpfizer - add falk roeder and grant access to pfizer...
2017-09-26 hakcosar1Merge branch 'master' of https://hakcosar1@git.pixelpar...
2017-09-26 hakcosar1siemens filebeat
2017-09-26 Oliver BöttcherMerge branch 'master' of git.pixelpark.com:puppet/hiera
2017-09-26 Oliver Böttchersirona - rewrite sirolaser.com
2017-09-26 Frank BrehmAdding role to balu.pixelpark.com
2017-09-25 sambufePFIZ-5424 test
2017-09-25 sambufeMerge branch 'master' of git.pixelpark.com:puppet/hiera
2017-09-25 sambufePFIZ-5430
2017-09-25 hakcosar1Merge branch 'master' of https://hakcosar1@git.pixelpar...
2017-09-25 hakcosar1liamir501a
2017-09-25 Frank BrehmDisabling logstash for MTB hosts
2017-09-25 Frank BrehmDisabling logstash for author01-mtb.pixelpark
2017-09-25 Frank BrehmDisabling logstash for int-author01-mtb.pixelpark.com
2017-09-25 hakcosar1rename cosar to siemens
2017-09-25 Thomas Dalichowpixelpark - abnahme: neuer user
2017-09-22 sambufefbb give jenkins rights to restart services
2017-09-22 sambufefbb added tst twitter tracker to logstash
2017-09-22 sambufefbb added twitter tracker to logstash
2017-09-22 Thomas Helleradded d.klein to mbvd-christmas
2017-09-22 Thomas Helleraddes new sshkey for d.krause
2017-09-22 Frank BrehmDisabling control of mcollective server on messageq01...
2017-09-21 Frank BrehmDisabling mcollective::middleware support in customer...
2017-09-21 Frank BrehmDisabling rabbit-mq support in customer/pixelpark/messa...
2017-09-21 Stefan Teschkereset www passwd for joml
2017-09-20 hakcosar1Merge branch 'master' of https://hakcosar1@git.pixelpar...
2017-09-21 Oliver BöttcherODT - disable https for several ips
2017-09-20 hakcosar1zabbix
2017-09-20 hakcosar1Merge branch 'master' of https://hakcosar1@git.pixelpar...
2017-09-21 Stefan Teschkecreate user christian.schoenherr
2017-09-20 hakcosar1template path
2017-09-20 hakcosar1Merge branch 'master' of https://hakcosar1@git.pixelpar...
2017-09-21 Oliver BöttcherODT - disable https for several ips
2017-09-21 Oliver BöttcherODT - disable https for several ips
2017-09-21 Oliver BöttcherMerge branch 'master' of git.pixelpark.com:puppet/hiera
2017-09-21 Oliver BöttcherODT - disable https for several ips
2017-09-21 Oliver BöttcherODT - disable https for several ips
2017-09-21 Oliver BöttcherODT - disable https for several ips
2017-09-21 sambufeupdated sirona aem admin pw