+++ /dev/null
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# * Required commands:
-# + pg_dump
-# + du
-# + tee
-# + bzip2 # If bzip2 is not available, change 'CMD_COMPRESS'
-# # to use 'gzip' or whatever compress command you want.
-# * It stores all backup copies in directory '/var/vmail/backup' by default,
-# You can change it in variable $BACKUP_ROOTDIR below or via the -b parameter.
-# * Set correct values for below variables:
-# * Add crontab job for root user (or whatever user you want):
-# # crontab -e -u postgres
-# 1 4 * * * bash /path/to/backup_pgsql.sh -q
-# * Make sure 'crond' service is running.
-set -e
-set -u
-export LC_ALL=C
-export LANG=C
-# console colors:
-BASENAME="$(basename ${0})"
-BASE_DIR="$(dirname ${0})"
-declare -a DATABASES=()
-# Modify below variables to fit your need ----
-# Keep backup for how many days. Default is 90 days.
-# System user used to run PostgreSQL daemon.
-# - On Linux, it's postgres.
-# - On FreeBSD, it's pgsql.
-# - On OpenBSD, it's _postgresql.
-# Where to store backup copies.
-# Date.
-YEAR="$( date +%Y)"
-MONTH="$( date +%m)"
-DAY="$( date +%d)"
-TIME="$( date +%H:%M:%S)"
-# Pre-defined backup status
-# Define, check, create directories.
-detect_color() {
- local safe_term="${TERM//[^[:alnum:]]/?}"
- local match_lhs=""
- local use_color="false"
- [[ -f ~/.dir_colors ]] && match_lhs="${match_lhs}$(<~/.dir_colors)"
- [[ -f /etc/DIR_COLORS ]] && match_lhs="${match_lhs}$(</etc/DIR_COLORS)"
- [[ -z ${match_lhs} ]] \
- && type -P dircolors >/dev/null \
- && match_lhs=$(dircolors --print-database)
- [[ $'\n'${match_lhs} == *$'\n'"TERM "${safe_term}* ]] && use_color="true"
- # console colors:
- if [ "${use_color}" = "true" ] ; then
- RED="\033[38;5;196m"
- YELLOW="\033[38;5;226m"
- GREEN="\033[38;5;46m"
- BLUE="\033[38;5;27m"
- NORMAL="\033[39m"
- else
- RED=""
- GREEN=""
- BLUE=""
- fi
- local my_tty=$(tty)
- if [[ "${my_tty}" =~ 'not a tty' ]] ; then
- my_tty='-'
- fi
- if [[ "${my_tty}" = '-' || "${safe_term}" = "dump" ]] ; then
- HAS_TTY='n'
- fi
-description() {
- echo -e $( cat <<-EOF
- Creates a backup of all databases of the PostgreSQL installatio
- on the current host.
- Only the user '${GREEN}${PGSQL_SYS_USER}${NORMAL}' may execute this script.
- )
-usage() {
- cat <<-EOF
- Usage: ${BASENAME} [-K DAYS|--keep=DAYS] [-b DIR|--backupdir=DIR] [-d|--debug] [[-v|--verbose] | [-q|--quiet]]] [--nocolor]
- ${BASENAME} [-h|--help]
- ${BASENAME} [-V|--version]
- Options:
- -K|--keep DAYS Keep the backup files of the last DAYS. Default: ${KEEP_DAYS} days.
- -b|--backupdir DIR
- Set root backup directory. Default: ${BACKUP_ROOTDIR}
- -d|--debug Debug output (bash -x).
- -v|--verbose Set verbosity on. Mutually exclusive to '--quiet'.
- -q|--quiet Quiet execution, only errors and warnings are shown.
- --nocolor Don't use colors on display.
- -h|--help Show this output and exit.
- -V|--version prints out version number of the script and exit
-get_options() {
- local tmp=
- local base_dir=
- set +e
- tmp=$( getopt -o K:b:dvqhV \
- --long keep:,backupdir:,debug,verbose,quiet,nocolor,help,version \
- -n "${BASENAME}" -- "$@" )
- if [[ $? != 0 ]] ; then
- echo "" >&2
- usage >&2
- exit 1
- fi
- set -e
- # Note the quotes around `$TEMP': they are essential!
- eval set -- "${tmp}"
- local p=
- while true ; do
- case "$1" in
- -K|--keep)
- KEEP_DAYS="$2"
- shift
- shift
- ;;
- -b|--backupdir)
- shift
- shift
- ;;
- -d|--debug)
- DEBUG="y"
- shift
- ;;
- -v|--verbose)
- shift
- ;;
- -q|--quiet)
- QUIET="y"
- RED=""
- GREEN=""
- BLUE=""
- shift
- ;;
- --nocolor)
- RED=""
- GREEN=""
- BLUE=""
- shift
- ;;
- -h|--help)
- description
- echo
- usage
- exit 0
- ;;
- -V|--version)
- echo "${BASENAME} version: ${VERSION}"
- exit 0
- ;;
- --) shift
- break
- ;;
- *) echo "Internal error!"
- exit 1
- ;;
- esac
- done
- if [[ "${DEBUG}" = "y" ]] ; then
- set -x
- fi
- if [[ "${VERBOSE}" == "y" && "${QUIET}" == "y" ]] ; then
- error "The parameters '${RED}${VERBOSE}${NORMAL}' and '${RED}${VERBOSE}${NORMAL}' are mutually exclusive."
- usage >&2
- exit 1
- fi
- local keep_int=$(( $KEEP_DAYS + 0 ))
- if [[ "${keep_int}" -le "0" ]] ; then
- error "Invalid number of days '${RED}${KEEP_DAYS}${NORMAL}' to keep backup files."
- echo >&2
- description >&2
- echo
- usage >&2
- exit 1
- fi
- debug "Keeping backupfiles, which are not older than ${keep_int} days."
- KEEP_DAYS="${keep_int}"
- local cur_user=$( id -u -n )
- if [[ "${cur_user}" != "${PGSQL_SYS_USER}" ]] ; then
- error "Wrong user '${RED}${cur_user}${NORMAL}'."
- echo >&2
- description >&2
- echo
- usage >&2
- exit 1
- fi
-# Some often used funktions
-my_date() {
- date +'%F %T.%N %:::z'
-debug() {
- if [[ "${VERBOSE}" != "y" ]] ; then
- return 0
- fi
- echo -e " * [$(my_date)] [${BASENAME}:DEBUG]: $@" | tee -a "${LOGFILE}"
-info() {
- if [[ "${QUIET}" == "y" ]] ; then
- echo -e " * [$(my_date)] [${BASENAME}:INFO] : $@" >> "${LOGFILE}"
- return 0
- fi
- echo -e " ${GREEN}*${NORMAL} [$(my_date)] [${BASENAME}:${GREEN}INFO${NORMAL}] : $@" | tee -a "${LOGFILE}"
-warn() {
- echo -e " ${YELLOW}*${NORMAL} [$(my_date)] [${BASENAME}:${YELLOW}WARN${NORMAL}] : $@" | tee -a "${LOGFILE}"
-error() {
- echo -e " ${RED}*${NORMAL} [$(my_date)] [${BASENAME}:${RED}ERROR${NORMAL}]: $@" | tee -a "${LOGFILE}"
-MKDIR() {
- local cmd="mkdir"
- if [[ "${VERBOSE}" == "y" ]] ; then
- cmd+=" --verbose"
- fi
- eval ${cmd} "$@" 2>&1 | tee -a "${LOGFILE}"
-RM() {
- local cmd="rm"
- if [[ "${VERBOSE}" == "y" ]] ; then
- cmd+=" --verbose"
- fi
- eval ${cmd} "$@" 2>&1 | tee -a "${LOGFILE}"
-MV() {
- local cmd="mv"
- if [[ "${VERBOSE}" == "y" ]] ; then
- cmd+=" --verbose"
- fi
- eval ${cmd} "$@" 2>&1 | tee -a "${LOGFILE}"
-RMDIR() {
- local cmd="rmdir"
- if [[ "${VERBOSE}" == "y" ]] ; then
- cmd+=" --verbose"
- fi
- eval ${cmd} "$@" 2>&1 | tee -a "${LOGFILE}"
-LN() {
- local cmd="ln"
- if [[ "${VERBOSE}" == "y" ]] ; then
- cmd+=" --verbose"
- fi
- eval ${cmd} "$@" 2>&1 | tee -a "${LOGFILE}"
-empty_line() {
- if [[ "${QUIET}" == "y" ]] ; then
- echo >> "${LOGFILE}"
- return 0
- fi
- echo 2>&1 | tee -a "${LOGFILE}"
-get_databases() {
- debug "Detecting databases to backup ..."
- local db=
- for db in $( psql --list \
- --tuples-only \
- --no-align \
- --no-readline \
- --expanded \
- --field-separator=',' | \
- grep -i '^Name' | \
- awk -F ',' '{print $2}' ) ; do
- DATABASES+=( "${db}" )
- done
- if [[ "${VERBOSE}" == "y" ]] ; then
- echo | tee -a "${LOGFILE}"
- echo "Databases to backup:" | tee -a "${LOGFILE}"
- for db in "${DATABASES[@]}" ; do
- echo " * '${db}'" | tee -a "${LOGFILE}"
- done
- echo | tee -a "${LOGFILE}"
- fi
-cleanup_tmp_dir() {
- if [[ -n "${TMP_DIR}" ]] ; then
- if [[ -e "${TMP_DIR}" ]] ; then
- debug "Removing temporary directory '${TMP_DIR}' ..."
- RM --force --recursive "${TMP_DIR}"
- fi
- fi
-prepare_dirs() {
- if [[ ! -d "${BACKUP_ROOTDIR}" ]] ; then
- error "Directory '${RED}${BACKUP_ROOTDIR}${NORMAL}' does not exists or is not a directory."
- exit 5
- fi
- if [[ ! -w "${BACKUP_ROOTDIR}" ]] ; then
- error "No write access to '${RED}${BACKUP_ROOTDIR}${NORMAL}'."
- exit 6
- fi
- info "Creating all necessary directories ..."
- TMP_DIR=$( mktemp -d -p "${HOME}" backup.XXXXXXXX.d )
- debug "Temporary directory is '${TMP_DIR}'."
- debug "Creating trap to cleanup temporary directory ..."
- trap cleanup_tmp_dir INT TERM EXIT ABRT
-cleanup_old_backups() {
- info "Cleaning up old backup files and directories ..."
- local verbose_option=""
- if [[ "${VERBOSE}" == "y" ]] ; then
- verbose_option="--verbose"
- fi
- find "${BACKUP_ROOTDIR}" -type f -mtime +${KEEP_DAYS} -print0 | \
- xargs --null --no-run-if-empty rm ${verbose_option} 2>&1 | tee -a "${LOGFILE}"
- local year=
- local month=
- local day=
- for year in $( ls -1 "${BACKUP_ROOTDIR}" ); do
- local y_dir="${BACKUP_ROOTDIR}/${year}"
- if [[ -d "${y_dir}" ]] ; then
- for month in $( ls -1 "${y_dir}" ); do
- local m_dir="${y_dir}/${month}"
- if [[ -d "${m_dir}" ]] ; then
- for day in $( ls -1 "${m_dir}" ); do
- local d_dir="${m_dir}/${day}"
- if [[ -d "${d_dir}" && "${d_dir}" != "${BACKUP_DIR}" ]] ; then
- rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty "${d_dir}"
- if [[ ! -d "${d_dir}" ]] ; then
- debug "Removed directory '${d_dir}'."
- fi
- fi
- done
- rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty "${m_dir}"
- if [[ ! -d "${m_dir}" ]] ; then
- debug "Removed directory '${m_dir}'."
- fi
- fi
- done
- rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty "${y_dir}"
- if [[ ! -d "${y_dir}" ]] ; then
- debug "Removed directory '${y_dir}'."
- fi
- fi
- done
-backup_globals() {
- empty_line
- info "Backing up ${GREEN}globals${NORMAL} ..."
- local output_sql="globals-${TIMESTAMP}.sql"
- local output_sql_compressed="${output_sql}.bz2"
- local out_sql_tmp="${TMP_DIR}/${output_sql}"
- local out_sql_tmp_compressed="${TMP_DIR}/${output_sql_compressed}"
- local out_sql_tgt="${BACKUP_DIR}/${output_sql}"
- local out_sql_tgt_compressed="${BACKUP_DIR}/${output_sql_compressed}"
- local out_sql_tgt_latest="${BACKUP_ROOTDIR}/globals-latest.sql.bz2"
- local verbose_option=""
- if [[ "${VERBOSE}" == "y" ]] ; then
- verbose_option="--verbose"
- fi
- pg_dumpall --globals-only ${verbose_option} 2>&1 >"${out_sql_tmp}" | tee -a "${LOGFILE}"
- local blocks=$(stat -c "%b" "${out_sql_tmp}")
- local bs=$(stat -c "%B" "${out_sql_tmp}")
- local bytes=$(stat -c "%s" "${out_sql_tmp}")
- local b_bytes=$(( ${blocks} * ${bs} ))
- local k_bytes=$(( ${b_bytes} / 1024 ))
- local m_bytes=$(( ${k_bytes} / 1024 ))
- local msg=$( printf "Original size of %-50s %10d Bytes => %7d KiB => %4d MiB" \
- "'${output_sql}':" "${bytes}" "${k_bytes}" "${m_bytes}" )
- info "${msg}"
- debug "Compressing '${out_sql_tmp}' ..."
- bzip2 ${verbose_option} --best "${out_sql_tmp}" 2>&1 | tee -a "${LOGFILE}"
- blocks=$(stat -c "%b" "${out_sql_tmp_compressed}")
- bs=$(stat -c "%B" "${out_sql_tmp_compressed}")
- bytes=$(stat -c "%s" "${out_sql_tmp_compressed}")
- b_bytes=$(( ${blocks} * ${bs} ))
- k_bytes=$(( ${b_bytes} / 1024 ))
- m_bytes=$(( ${k_bytes} / 1024 ))
- BYTES_TOTAL=$(( ${BYTES_TOTAL} + ${b_bytes} ))
- local msg=$( printf "Compressed size of %-50s %10d Bytes => %7d KiB => %4d MiB" \
- "'${output_sql}':" "${bytes}" "${k_bytes}" "${m_bytes}" )
- info "${msg}"
- debug "Moving '${out_sql_tmp_compressed}' => '${BACKUP_DIR}' ..."
- MV -i "${out_sql_tmp_compressed}" "${BACKUP_DIR}"
- info "Updating reference '${out_sql_tgt_latest}' -> '${out_sql_tgt_compressed}'"
- LN -sf "${out_sql_tgt_compressed}" "${out_sql_tgt_latest}"
-backup_databases() {
- local db=
- for db in "${DATABASES[@]}" ; do
- backup_database "${db}"
- done
- empty_line
- local k_bytes=$(( ${BYTES_TOTAL} / 1024 ))
- local m_bytes=$(( ${k_bytes} / 1024 ))
- local msg=$( printf "Total compressed size: %10d Bytes => %7d KiB => %4d MiB" \
- "${BYTES_TOTAL}" "${k_bytes}" "${m_bytes}" )
- info "${msg}"
-backup_database() {
- local db="$1"
- empty_line
- info "Backing up database '${GREEN}${db}${NORMAL}' ..."
- local output_sql="${db}-${TIMESTAMP}.sql"
- local output_sql_compressed="${output_sql}.bz2"
- local out_sql_tmp="${TMP_DIR}/${output_sql}"
- local out_sql_tmp_compressed="${TMP_DIR}/${output_sql_compressed}"
- local out_sql_tgt="${BACKUP_DIR}/${output_sql}"
- local out_sql_tgt_compressed="${BACKUP_DIR}/${output_sql_compressed}"
- local out_sql_tgt_latest="${BACKUP_ROOTDIR}/${db}-latest.sql.bz2"
- local verbose_option=""
- if [[ "${VERBOSE}" == "y" ]] ; then
- verbose_option="--verbose"
- fi
- pg_dump ${verbose_option} --blobs --clean \
- --create --if-exists --serializable-deferrable \
- "${db}" 2>&1 >"${out_sql_tmp}" | tee -a "${LOGFILE}"
- local blocks=$(stat -c "%b" "${out_sql_tmp}")
- local bs=$(stat -c "%B" "${out_sql_tmp}")
- local bytes=$(stat -c "%s" "${out_sql_tmp}")
- local b_bytes=$(( ${blocks} * ${bs} ))
- local k_bytes=$(( ${b_bytes} / 1024 ))
- local m_bytes=$(( ${k_bytes} / 1024 ))
- local msg=$( printf "Original size of %-50s %10d Bytes => %7d KiB => %4d MiB" \
- "'${output_sql}':" "${bytes}" "${k_bytes}" "${m_bytes}" )
- info "${msg}"
- debug "Compressing '${out_sql_tmp}' ..."
- bzip2 ${verbose_option} --best "${out_sql_tmp}" 2>&1 | tee -a "${LOGFILE}"
- blocks=$(stat -c "%b" "${out_sql_tmp_compressed}")
- bs=$(stat -c "%B" "${out_sql_tmp_compressed}")
- bytes=$(stat -c "%s" "${out_sql_tmp_compressed}")
- b_bytes=$(( ${blocks} * ${bs} ))
- k_bytes=$(( ${b_bytes} / 1024 ))
- m_bytes=$(( ${k_bytes} / 1024 ))
- BYTES_TOTAL=$(( ${BYTES_TOTAL} + ${b_bytes} ))
- local msg=$( printf "Compressed size of %-50s %10d Bytes => %7d KiB => %4d MiB" \
- "'${output_sql}':" "${bytes}" "${k_bytes}" "${m_bytes}" )
- info "${msg}"
- debug "Moving '${out_sql_tmp_compressed}' => '${BACKUP_DIR}' ..."
- MV -i "${out_sql_tmp_compressed}" "${BACKUP_DIR}"
- info "Updating reference '${out_sql_tgt_latest}' -> '${out_sql_tgt_compressed}'"
- LN -sf "${out_sql_tgt_compressed}" "${out_sql_tgt_latest}"
-## Main
-main() {
- get_options "$@"
- prepare_dirs
- info "Starting backup ..."
- get_databases
- backup_globals
- cleanup_old_backups
- backup_databases
- empty_line
- debug "Deactivating trap."
- cleanup_tmp_dir
- info "Finished."
-main "$@"
-exit 0
-# vim: ts=4 et list
+++ /dev/null
-set -u
-set -e
-BASE_NAME="$( basename ${0} )"
-MY_REAL_NAME=$( readlink -f $0 )
-BIN_DIR=$( dirname "${MY_REAL_NAME}" )
-BASE_DIR=$( dirname "${BIN_DIR}" )
-if [[ -f "${LIB_DIR}/functions.rc" ]] ; then
- . "${LIB_DIR}/functions.rc"
- echo "Bash resource file '${LIB_DIR}/functions.rc' not found" >&2
- exit 5
- Checks the given password of the given user against the password in LDAP.
-usage() {
- cat <<-EOF
- Usage: ${BASE_NAME} [Common Options] [LDAP Options] <UID|EMAIL> <PASSWORD>
- ${BASE_NAME} [-h|--help]
- ${BASE_NAME} [-V|--version]
- Mandatory Parameter(s):
- UID|EMAIL: Either the Uid of the requested object
- (Posix name, mostly in the form 'first_name.last_name'), or
- the E-Mail address of the account or group to search.
- PASSWORD: The password to check against the password inside LDAP.
- LDAP Options:
- echo "${LDAP_USAGE_MSG}"
- echo
- echo " Common Options:"
- echo "${STD_USAGE_MSG}"
-get_options() {
- local tmp=
- local base_dir=
- set +e
- tmp=$( getopt -o ${LDAP_STD_OPTS_SHORT}${STD_SHORT_OPTIONS} \
- -n "${BASE_NAME}" -- "$@" )
- if [[ $? != 0 ]] ; then
- echo "" >&2
- usage >&2
- exit 1
- fi
- set -e
- # Note the quotes around `$TEMP': they are essential!
- eval set -- "${tmp}"
- eval_common_options "$@"
- if [[ "${DEBUG}" == 'y' ]] ; then
- declare -p REMAINING_OPTS
- declare -p REMAINING_ARGS
- fi
- eval_ldap_options "${REMAINING_OPTS[@]}" "${REMAINING_ARGS[@]}"
- if [[ "${DEBUG}" == 'y' ]] ; then
- declare -p REMAINING_OPTS
- declare -p REMAINING_ARGS
- fi
- debug "Remaining arguments: ${CYAN}${#REMAINING_ARGS[@]}${NORMAL}"
- if [[ "${#REMAINING_OPTS[@]}" -gt 0 ]] ; then
- error "Unknown options: ${REMAINING_OPTS[*]}"
- echo >&2
- usage >&2
- exit 2
- fi
- if [[ "${#REMAINING_ARGS[@]}" == "0" ]] ; then
- error "No Uids or E-Mail addresses given to retrieve."
- echo >&2
- usage >&2
- exit 2
- fi
- if [[ "${#REMAINING_ARGS[@]}" != "3" ]] ; then
- error "No Password given to check."
- echo >&2
- usage >&2
- exit 2
- fi
- info "Checking password '${CYAN}${GIVEN_PASSWD}${NORMAL}' of user '${CYAN}${OBJECT_TOKEN}${NORMAL}' ..."
-main() {
- get_options "$@"
- local oifs="${IFS}"
- IFS="
- local cmd=
- local filter=
- local result=
- local cmd_base="ldapsearch -LLL -o ldif-wrap=no "
- cmd_base+="-h \"${LDAP_HOST}\" -p ${LDAP_PORT} -b \"${LDAP_BASE}\" "
- cmd_base+="-x -D \"${LDAP_USR}\" -y \"${LDAP_PWD_FILE}\""
- local filter="(&(|(uid=${OBJECT_TOKEN})(mail=${OBJECT_TOKEN}))(userPassword=*))"
- local cmd="${cmd_base} \"${filter}\" userPassword 2>&1 | "
- cmd+=" grep -i '^userPassword:' | sed -e 's/^userPassword::[ ][ ]*//'"
- debug "Executing: ${cmd}"
- result=$( eval ${cmd} )
- debug "ldap_passwd_coded: '${CYAN}${result}${NORMAL}'."
- if [[ -z "${result}" ]] ; then
- echo
- error "Nutzer mit uid '${RED}${OBJECT_TOKEN}${NORMAL}' nicht gefunden oder hat kein Passwort." >&2
- echo
- exit 1
- fi
- local ldap_passwd_value=$( echo "${result}" | base64 -d )
- debug "ldap_passwd_value: '${CYAN}${ldap_passwd_value}${NORMAL}'."
- local ldap_hash_method=$( echo "${ldap_passwd_value}" | \
- sed -e 's/^{//' -e 's/}.*//' | \
- tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' )
- debug "ldap_hash_method: '${CYAN}${ldap_hash_method}${NORMAL}'."
- if [[ "${ldap_hash_method}" != 'crypt' ]] ; then
- echo
- error "Unbekannte Hash-Methode '${RED}${ldap_hash_method}${NORMAL}'" >&2
- echo
- exit 5
- fi
- local ldap_passwd_hash=$( echo "${ldap_passwd_value}" | sed -e 's/^{[^}]*}//' )
- debug "ldap_passwd_hash: '${CYAN}${ldap_passwd_hash}${NORMAL}'."
- local salt=$( echo "${ldap_passwd_hash}" | sed -e 's/^\(..\).*/\1/' )
- debug "salt: '${CYAN}${salt}${NORMAL}'."
- local encr_passwd=$( mkpasswd -m des "${GIVEN_PASSWD}" "${salt}" )
- debug "encr_passwd: '${CYAN}${encr_passwd}${NORMAL}'."
- echo
- if [[ "${ldap_passwd_hash}" == "${encr_passwd}" ]] ; then
- echo -e "Passwort ist ${GREEN}OKAY${NORMAL}."
- echo
- else
- echo -e "Passwort is ${RED}FALSCH${NORMAL}." >&2
- echo
- exit 1
- fi
-main "$@"
-exit 0
-# vim: et list filetype=sh
+++ /dev/null
-set -e
-set -u
-BASE_NAME="$( basename ${0} )"
-MY_REAL_NAME=$( readlink -f $0 )
-BIN_DIR=$( dirname "${MY_REAL_NAME}" )
-BASE_DIR=$( dirname "${BIN_DIR}" )
-if [[ -f "${LIB_DIR}/functions.rc" ]] ; then
- . "${LIB_DIR}/functions.rc"
- echo "Bash resource file '${LIB_DIR}/functions.rc' not found" >&2
- exit 5
-declare -a ZONES=()
- Gets via zone transfer the complete content of a DNS zone and generates
- a normalized zone file for this zone.
-usage() {
- cat <<-EOF
- Usage: ${BASE_NAME} [Common Options] <ZONE> [<ZONE> ...]
- ${BASE_NAME} [-h|--help]
- ${BASE_NAME} [-V|--version]
- Mandatory Parameter(s):
- ZONE: The name of the zone (a.k.a. domain), which you want to retrieve
- completely. May be given for multiple zones.
- It generates in current directory zone files for each given zone
- with a timestamp and a sequential number included in the file name.
- Common Options:
-get_options() {
- local tmp=
- local base_dir=
- set +e
- tmp=$( getopt -o ${STD_SHORT_OPTIONS} --long ${STD_LONG_OPTIONS} -n "${BASE_NAME}" -- "$@" )
- if [[ $? != 0 ]] ; then
- echo "" >&2
- usage >&2
- exit 1
- fi
- set -e
- # Note the quotes around `$TEMP': they are essential!
- eval set -- "${tmp}"
- eval_common_options "$@"
- if [[ "${DEBUG}" == 'y' ]] ; then
- declare -p REMAINING_OPTS
- declare -p REMAINING_ARGS
- fi
- if [[ "${#REMAINING_OPTS[@]}" -gt 0 ]] ; then
- error "Unknown options: ${REMAINING_OPTS[*]}"
- echo >&2
- usage >&2
- exit 2
- fi
- if [[ "${#REMAINING_ARGS[@]}" == "0" ]] ; then
- error "No zones given to retrieve."
- echo >&2
- usage >&2
- exit 2
- fi
- local i=0
- local zone=
- for zone in "${REMAINING_ARGS[@]}" ; do
- if [[ "$i" == 0 ]]; then
- i=1
- continue
- fi
- ZONES+=(${zone})
- i=$(( $i + 1 ))
- done
- if [[ "${DEBUG}" == 'y' ]] ; then
- declare -p ZONES
- fi
-cur_ts() {
- date +'%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S'
-get_zone() {
- local zone="$1"
- echo >&2
- info "Get zone '${GREEN}${zone}${NORMAL}' ..."
- local tmpfile=$( mktemp "${zone}.XXXXXXXXXX.zone" )
- local i=0
- local zone_file="${zone}.$( cur_ts ).${i}.zone"
- while [[ -e "${zone_file}" ]] ; do
- i=$(( $i + 1 ))
- zone_file="${zone}.$( cur_ts ).${i}.zone"
- done
- dig axfr "${zone}" >"${tmpfile}"
- if grep -i 'Transfer failed' "${tmpfile}" >/dev/null ; then
- error "Could not transfer zone '${RED}${zone}${NORMAL}'."
- else
- if type -p named-compilezone >/dev/null ; then
- named-compilezone -o "${zone_file}" -s relative "${zone}" "${tmpfile}"
- else
- cat "${tmpfile}" | grep -P -v '^\s*(;|$)' >"${zone_file}"
- fi
- info "Created zone file '${GREEN}${zone_file}${NORMAL}'."
- fi
- RM "${tmpfile}"
-main() {
- get_options "$@"
- umask 0022
- local the_zone=
- set_locale "en_US.utf8"
- for the_zone in "${ZONES[@]}" ; do
- get_zone "${the_zone}"
- done
-main "$@"
-exit 0
-# vim: et list
+++ /dev/null
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-export LC_ALL=C
-export LANG=C
-# console colors:
-BASENAME="$(basename ${0})"
-BASE_DIR="$(dirname ${0})"
-declare -A ENV_HOST=()
-declare -A ENV_PORT=()
-declare -A ENV_USER=()
-declare -A ENV_GROUP=()
-declare -A ENV_HOME=()
-detect_color() {
- local safe_term="${TERM//[^[:alnum:]]/?}"
- local match_lhs=""
- local use_color="false"
- [[ -f ~/.dir_colors ]] && match_lhs="${match_lhs}$(<~/.dir_colors)"
- [[ -f /etc/DIR_COLORS ]] && match_lhs="${match_lhs}$(</etc/DIR_COLORS)"
- [[ -z ${match_lhs} ]] \
- && type -P dircolors >/dev/null \
- && match_lhs=$(dircolors --print-database)
- [[ $'\n'${match_lhs} == *$'\n'"TERM "${safe_term}* ]] && use_color="true"
- # console colors:
- if [ "${use_color}" = "true" ] ; then
- RED="\033[38;5;196m"
- YELLOW="\033[38;5;226m"
- GREEN="\033[38;5;46m"
- BLUE="\033[38;5;27m"
- NORMAL="\033[39m"
- else
- RED=""
- GREEN=""
- BLUE=""
- fi
- local my_tty=$(tty)
- if [[ "${my_tty}" =~ 'not a tty' ]] ; then
- my_tty='-'
- fi
- if [[ "${my_tty}" = '-' || "${safe_term}" = "dump" ]] ; then
- HAS_TTY='n'
- fi
-description() {
- echo -e $( cat <<-EOF
- Gets the current root Kubernetes configuration files of both live
- and stage Kubernetes of Sparkasse.
- Only the user '${GREEN}root${NORMAL}' may execute this script.
- )
-usage() {
- cat <<-EOF
- Usage: ${BASENAME} [-d|--debug] [[-v|--verbose] | [-q|--quiet]]] [--nocolor]
- ${BASENAME} [-h|--help]
- ${BASENAME} [-V|--version]
- Options:
- -d|--debug Debug output (bash -x).
- -v|--verbose Set verbosity on. Mutually exclusive to '--quiet'.
- -q|--quiet Quiet execution, only errors and warnings are shown.
- --nocolor Don't use colors on display.
- -h|--help Show this output and exit.
- -V|--version prints out version number of the script and exit
-get_options() {
- local tmp=
- local base_dir=
- set +e
- tmp=$( getopt -o dvqhV \
- --long debug,verbose,quiet,nocolor,help,version \
- -n "${BASENAME}" -- "$@" )
- if [[ $? != 0 ]] ; then
- echo "" >&2
- usage >&2
- exit 1
- fi
- set -e
- # Note the quotes around `$TEMP': they are essential!
- eval set -- "${tmp}"
- local p=
- while true ; do
- case "$1" in
- -d|--debug)
- DEBUG="y"
- shift
- ;;
- -v|--verbose)
- shift
- ;;
- -q|--quiet)
- QUIET="y"
- RED=""
- GREEN=""
- BLUE=""
- shift
- ;;
- --nocolor)
- RED=""
- GREEN=""
- BLUE=""
- shift
- ;;
- -h|--help)
- description
- echo
- usage
- exit 0
- ;;
- -V|--version)
- echo "${BASENAME} version: ${VERSION}"
- exit 0
- ;;
- --) shift
- break
- ;;
- *) echo "Internal error!"
- exit 1
- ;;
- esac
- done
- if [[ "${DEBUG}" = "y" ]] ; then
- set -x
- fi
- if [[ "${VERBOSE}" == "y" && "${QUIET}" == "y" ]] ; then
- error "The parameters '${RED}${VERBOSE}${NORMAL}' and '${RED}${VERBOSE}${NORMAL}' are mutually exclusive."
- usage >&2
- exit 1
- fi
- if [[ "$( type -t curl || true )" != "file" ]] ; then
- error "Command '${RED}curl${NORMAL}' not found, please install the appropriate package."
- echo >&2
- exit 5
- fi
- local cur_user_id=$( id -u )
- if [[ "${cur_user_id}" != "0" ]] ; then
- error "Wrong user '${RED}$( id -u -n )${NORMAL}'."
- echo >&2
- description >&2
- echo
- usage >&2
- exit 1
- fi
-# Some often used funktions
-my_date() {
- date +'%F %T.%N %:::z'
-debug() {
- if [[ "${VERBOSE}" != "y" ]] ; then
- return 0
- fi
- echo -e " * [$(my_date)] [${BASENAME}:DEBUG]: $@"
-info() {
- if [[ "${QUIET}" == "y" ]] ; then
- return
- fi
- echo -e " ${GREEN}*${NORMAL} [$(my_date)] [${BASENAME}:${GREEN}INFO${NORMAL}] : $@"
-warn() {
- echo -e " ${YELLOW}*${NORMAL} [$(my_date)] [${BASENAME}:${YELLOW}WARN${NORMAL}] : $@" >&2
-error() {
- echo -e " ${RED}*${NORMAL} [$(my_date)] [${BASENAME}:${RED}ERROR${NORMAL}]: $@" >&2
-MKDIR() {
- local cmd="mkdir"
- if [[ "${VERBOSE}" == "y" ]] ; then
- cmd+=" --verbose"
- fi
- eval ${cmd} "$@"
-CHMOD() {
- local cmd="chmod"
- if [[ "${VERBOSE}" == "y" ]] ; then
- cmd+=" --verbose"
- fi
- eval ${cmd} "$@"
-CHOWN() {
- local cmd="chown"
- if [[ "${VERBOSE}" == "y" ]] ; then
- cmd+=" --verbose"
- fi
- eval ${cmd} "$@"
-CHGRP() {
- local cmd="chgrp"
- if [[ "${VERBOSE}" == "y" ]] ; then
- cmd+=" --verbose"
- fi
- eval ${cmd} "$@"
-RM() {
- local cmd="rm"
- if [[ "${VERBOSE}" == "y" ]] ; then
- cmd+=" --verbose"
- fi
- eval ${cmd} "$@"
-CP() {
- local cmd="cp"
- if [[ "${VERBOSE}" == "y" ]] ; then
- cmd+=" --verbose"
- fi
- eval ${cmd} "$@"
-cleanup_tmp_file() {
- if [[ -n "${TEMPFILE}" ]] ; then
- if [[ -e "${TEMPFILE}" ]] ; then
- debug "Removing temporary file '${TEMPFILE}' ..."
- RM --force "${TEMPFILE}"
- fi
- fi
-do_backup() {
- local my_user_home="$1"
- local k8s_dir="${my_user_home}/${REL_K8S_CFGDIR}"
- local k8s_cfg_file="${k8s_dir}/${REL_K8S_CFGFILE}"
- if [[ ! -f "${k8s_cfg_file}" ]] ; then
- debug "File '${k8s_cfg_file}' not found for backup"
- return 0
- fi
- local backup_file="${k8s_cfg_file}.$( date -r "${k8s_cfg_file}" +'%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S' )"
- info "Copying '${k8s_cfg_file}' => '${backup_file}' ..."
- CP -p "${k8s_cfg_file}" "${backup_file}"
-check_home_dirs() {
- local my_user_home="$1"
- local my_user="$2"
- local my_group="$3"
- local k8s_dir="${my_user_home}/${REL_K8S_CFGDIR}"
- debug "Checking directories '${my_user_home}' and '${k8s_dir}' ..."
- if [[ -z "${my_user_home}" ]] ; then
- error "Could not evaluate \$HOME of user '${RED}${my_user}${NORMAL}'."
- return 6
- fi
- if [[ ! -e "${my_user_home}" ]] ; then
- error "Directory '${RED}${my_user_home}${NORMAL}' does not exists."
- return 6
- fi
- if [[ ! -d "${my_user_home}" ]] ; then
- error "Path '${RED}${my_user_home}${NORMAL}' exists, but is not a directory."
- return 6
- fi
- if [[ -e "${k8s_dir}" ]] ; then
- MKDIR -p "${k8s_dir}"
- else
- if [[ ! -d "${k8s_dir}" ]] ; then
- error "Path '${RED}${k8s_dir}${NORMAL}' exists, but is not a directory."
- return 6
- fi
- fi
- local dir_owner=$( stat --printf="%U" "${k8s_dir}" )
- local dir_group=$( stat --printf="%G" "${k8s_dir}" )
- local dir_mode=$( stat --printf="%a" "${k8s_dir}" )
- debug "Directory '${k8s_dir}' current: owner='${dir_owner}', group='${dir_group}', mode='${dir_mode}'"
- if [[ "${dir_owner}" != "${my_user}" ]] ; then
- info "Setting owner of '${k8s_dir}' to '${my_user}'."
- CHOWN "${my_user}" "${k8s_dir}"
- fi
- if [[ "${dir_group}" != "${my_group}" ]] ; then
- info "Setting group of '${k8s_dir}' to '${my_group}'."
- CHGRP "${my_group}" "${k8s_dir}"
- fi
- if [[ "${dir_mode}" != "700" ]] ; then
- info "Setting mode of '${k8s_dir}' to 0700."
- CHMOD "0700" "${k8s_dir}"
- fi
- return 0
-get_config() {
- local env="$1"
- info "Get current Kubernetes configuration for environment '${GREEN}${env}${NORMAL}'."
- local host="${ENV_HOST[${env}]}"
- local port="${ENV_PORT[${env}]}"
- local user="${ENV_USER[${env}]}"
- local group="${ENV_GROUP[${env}]}"
- local url="http://${host}"
- if [[ "${port}" != "80" ]] ; then
- url+=":${port}"
- fi
- url+="/"
- debug "URL to get the config: '${url}'."
- local user_home=$( getent passwd "${user}" | head -n 1 | awk -F: '{print $6}' )
- debug "Home directory of user '${user}': '${user_home}'"
- if check_home_dirs "${user_home}" "${user}" "${group}" ; then
- :
- else
- return 0
- fi
- TEMPFILE=$( mktemp )
- debug "Temporary file is '${TEMPFILE}'."
- trap cleanup_tmp_file INT TERM EXIT ABRT
- debug "Get '${url}' ..."
- cmd="curl -o \"${TEMPFILE}\" --silent --max-time \"${TIMEOUT}\" \"${url}\""
- debug "Executing: ${cmd}"
- eval ${cmd}
- if [[ "${VERBOSE}" == "y" ]] ; then
- ls -l "${TEMPFILE}"
- fi
- if [[ ! -s "${TEMPFILE}" ]] ; then
- error "Got an empty configuration from '${url}' ..."
- cleanup_tmp_file
- return 0
- fi
- local k8s_dir="${user_home}/${REL_K8S_CFGDIR}"
- local k8s_cfg_file="${k8s_dir}/${REL_K8S_CFGFILE}"
- if diff --ignore-tab-expansion --ignore-trailing-space --ignore-blank-lines \
- --text "${k8s_cfg_file}" "${TEMPFILE}" >/dev/null ; then
- info "Kubernetes configuration '${GREEN}${k8s_cfg_file}${NORMAL}' will be left unchanged."
- else
- warn "Installing new Kubernetes configuration '${YELLOW}${k8s_cfg_file}${NORMAL}' ..."
- do_backup "${user_home}"
- CP -p "${TEMPFILE}" "${k8s_cfg_file}"
- fi
- cleanup_tmp_file
- local file_owner=$( stat --printf="%U" "${k8s_cfg_file}" )
- local file_group=$( stat --printf="%G" "${k8s_cfg_file}" )
- local file_mode=$( stat --printf="%a" "${k8s_cfg_file}" )
- debug "File '${k8s_cfg_file}' current: owner='${file_owner}', group='${file_group}', mode='${file_mode}'"
- if [[ "${file_owner}" != "${user}" ]] ; then
- info "Setting owner of '${k8s_cfg_file}' to '${user}'."
- CHOWN "${user}" "${k8s_cfg_file}"
- fi
- if [[ "${file_group}" != "${group}" ]] ; then
- info "Setting group of '${k8s_cfg_file}' to '${group}'."
- CHGRP "${group}" "${k8s_cfg_file}"
- fi
- if [[ "${file_mode}" != "600" ]] ; then
- info "Setting mode of '${k8s_cfg_file}' to 0600."
- CHMOD "0600" "${k8s_cfg_file}"
- fi
- debug "Finished environment '${env}'."
-## Main
-main() {
- get_options "$@"
- get_config 'live'
- get_config 'stage'
- cleanup_tmp_file
-main "$@"
-exit 0
-# vim: ts=4 et list
+++ /dev/null
-set -e
-set -u
-BASE_NAME="$( basename ${0} )"
-MY_REAL_NAME=$( readlink -f $0 )
-BIN_DIR=$( dirname "${MY_REAL_NAME}" )
-BASE_DIR=$( dirname "${BIN_DIR}" )
-if [[ -f "${LIB_DIR}/functions.rc" ]] ; then
- . "${LIB_DIR}/functions.rc"
- echo "Bash resource file '${LIB_DIR}/functions.rc' not found" >&2
- exit 5
-declare -a TOKENS=()
- Get LDAP distinguished names (DN) either by a given UID or Mail address.
-usage() {
- cat <<-EOF
- Usage: ${BASE_NAME} [Common Options] [LDAP Options] <UID|EMAIL> [<UID|EMAIL> ...]
- ${BASE_NAME} [-h|--help]
- ${BASE_NAME} [-V|--version]
- Mandatory Parameter(s):
- UID|EMAIL: Either the Uid of the requested User
- (Posix name, mostly in the form 'first_name.last_name'), or
- the E-Mail address of the account or group to search.
- LDAP Options:
- echo "${LDAP_USAGE_MSG}"
- echo
- echo " Common Options:"
- echo "${STD_USAGE_MSG}"
-get_options() {
- local tmp=
- local base_dir=
- set +e
- tmp=$( getopt -o ${LDAP_STD_OPTS_SHORT}${STD_SHORT_OPTIONS} \
- -n "${BASE_NAME}" -- "$@" )
- if [[ $? != 0 ]] ; then
- echo "" >&2
- usage >&2
- exit 1
- fi
- set -e
- # Note the quotes around `$TEMP': they are essential!
- eval set -- "${tmp}"
- eval_common_options "$@"
- if [[ "${DEBUG}" == 'y' ]] ; then
- declare -p REMAINING_OPTS
- declare -p REMAINING_ARGS
- fi
-# local -a rest_args_common=()
-# for tmp in "${REMAINING_ARGS[@]}" ; do
-# rest_args_common+=(${tmp})
-# done
- eval_ldap_options "${REMAINING_OPTS[@]}" "${REMAINING_ARGS[@]}"
- if [[ "${DEBUG}" == 'y' ]] ; then
- declare -p REMAINING_OPTS
- declare -p REMAINING_ARGS
- fi
- if [[ "${#REMAINING_OPTS[@]}" -gt 0 ]] ; then
- error "Unknown options: ${REMAINING_OPTS[*]}"
- echo >&2
- usage >&2
- exit 2
- fi
- if [[ "${#REMAINING_ARGS[@]}" == "0" ]] ; then
- error "No Uids or E-Mail addresses given to retrieve."
- echo >&2
- usage >&2
- exit 2
- fi
- local i=0
- local token=
- for token in "${REMAINING_ARGS[@]}" ; do
- if [[ "$i" == 0 ]]; then
- i=1
- continue
- fi
- TOKENS+=(${token})
- i=$(( $i + 1 ))
- done
- if [[ "${DEBUG}" == 'y' ]] ; then
- declare -p TOKENS
- fi
-main() {
- get_options "$@"
- local oifs="${IFS}"
- IFS="
- local token=
- local cmd=
- local filter=
- local cmd_base="ldapsearch -LLL -o ldif-wrap=no "
- cmd_base+="-h \"${LDAP_HOST}\" -p ${LDAP_PORT} -b \"${LDAP_BASE}\""
- cmd_base+=" -x -D \"${LDAP_USR}\" -y \"${LDAP_PWD_FILE}\" "
- for token in "${TOKENS[@]}" ; do
- echo >&2
- info "Getting DN of LDAP-Object with token '${GREEN}${token}${NORMAL}' ..." >&2
- filter="(|(uid=${token})(mail=${token})(mailAlternateAddress=${token})(mailEquivalentAddress=${token}))"
- cmd="${cmd_base} \"${filter}\" dn"
- debug "Executing: ${cmd}"
- echo >&2
- eval ${cmd}
- done
-main "$@"
-exit 0
-# vim: et list
+++ /dev/null
-set -e
-set -u
-BASE_NAME="$( basename ${0} )"
-MY_REAL_NAME=$( readlink -f $0 )
-BIN_DIR=$( dirname "${MY_REAL_NAME}" )
-BASE_DIR=$( dirname "${BIN_DIR}" )
-if [[ -f "${LIB_DIR}/functions.rc" ]] ; then
- . "${LIB_DIR}/functions.rc"
- echo "Bash resource file '${LIB_DIR}/functions.rc' not found" >&2
- exit 5
-declare -a TOKENS=()
- Get complete information about the given LDAP objects by their uid-
- or mail-Attribute.
-usage() {
- cat <<-EOF
- Usage: ${BASE_NAME} [Common Options] [LDAP Options] <UID|EMAIL> [<UID|EMAIL> ...]
- ${BASE_NAME} [-h|--help]
- ${BASE_NAME} [-V|--version]
- Mandatory Parameter(s):
- UID|EMAIL: Either the Uid of the requested object
- (Posix name, mostly in the form 'first_name.last_name'), or
- the E-Mail address of the account or group to search.
- LDAP Options:
- echo "${LDAP_USAGE_MSG}"
- echo
- echo " Common Options:"
- echo "${STD_USAGE_MSG}"
-get_options() {
- local tmp=
- local base_dir=
- set +e
- tmp=$( getopt -o ${LDAP_STD_OPTS_SHORT}${STD_SHORT_OPTIONS} \
- -n "${BASE_NAME}" -- "$@" )
- if [[ $? != 0 ]] ; then
- echo "" >&2
- usage >&2
- exit 1
- fi
- set -e
- # Note the quotes around `$TEMP': they are essential!
- eval set -- "${tmp}"
- eval_common_options "$@"
- if [[ "${DEBUG}" == 'y' ]] ; then
- declare -p REMAINING_OPTS
- declare -p REMAINING_ARGS
- fi
- eval_ldap_options "${REMAINING_OPTS[@]}" "${REMAINING_ARGS[@]}"
- if [[ "${DEBUG}" == 'y' ]] ; then
- declare -p REMAINING_OPTS
- declare -p REMAINING_ARGS
- fi
- if [[ "${#REMAINING_OPTS[@]}" -gt 0 ]] ; then
- error "Unknown options: ${REMAINING_OPTS[*]}"
- echo >&2
- usage >&2
- exit 2
- fi
- if [[ "${#REMAINING_ARGS[@]}" == "0" ]] ; then
- error "No Uids or E-Mail addresses given to retrieve."
- echo >&2
- usage >&2
- exit 2
- fi
- local i=0
- local token=
- for token in "${REMAINING_ARGS[@]}" ; do
- if [[ "$i" == 0 ]]; then
- i=1
- continue
- fi
- TOKENS+=(${token})
- i=$(( $i + 1 ))
- done
- if [[ "${DEBUG}" == 'y' ]] ; then
- declare -p TOKENS
- fi
-main() {
- get_options "$@"
- local oifs="${IFS}"
- IFS="
- local token=
- local cmd=
- local filter=
- local result=
- local cmd_base="ldapsearch -LLL -o ldif-wrap=no "
- cmd_base+="-h \"${LDAP_HOST}\" -p ${LDAP_PORT} -x -D \"${LDAP_USR}\" -y \"${LDAP_PWD_FILE}\" "
- for token in "${TOKENS[@]}" ; do
- local -a dns=()
- local dn=
- echo >&2
- info "Getting LDAP info about user with token '${GREEN}${token}${NORMAL}' ..." >&2
- filter="(|(uid=${token})(mail=${token})(mailAlternateAddress=${token})(mailEquivalentAddress=${token}))"
- cmd="${cmd_base} -b \"${LDAP_BASE}\" \"${filter}\" dn 2>/dev/null | grep '^dn' | sed -e 's/^dn:[ ]*//'"
- debug "Executing: ${cmd}"
- result=$( eval ${cmd} )
- if [[ -z "${result}" ]] ; then
- warn "LDAP object with Uid or Mail '${YELLOW}${token}${NORMAL}' not found."
- continue
- fi
- for dn in ${result} ; do
- echo >&2
- info "Found DN: '${GREEN}${dn}${NORMAL}'"
- cmd="${cmd_base} -b \"${dn}\" -s base \"objectclass=*\" 2>/dev/null | sort -i"
- debug "Executing: ${cmd}"
- eval ${cmd}
- done
- done
-main "$@"
-exit 0
-# vim: et list
+++ /dev/null
-set -e
-set -u
-BASE_NAME="$( basename ${0} )"
-MY_REAL_NAME=$( readlink -f $0 )
-BIN_DIR=$( dirname "${MY_REAL_NAME}" )
-BASE_DIR=$( dirname "${BIN_DIR}" )
-if [[ -f "${LIB_DIR}/functions.rc" ]] ; then
- . "${LIB_DIR}/functions.rc"
- echo "Bash resource file '${LIB_DIR}/functions.rc' not found" >&2
- exit 5
-declare -a TOKENS=()
- Get all relevant information about the given mail addresses from LDAP.
-usage() {
- cat <<-EOF
- Usage: ${BASE_NAME} [Common Options] [LDAP Options] <EMAIL> [<EMAIL> ...]
- ${BASE_NAME} [-h|--help]
- ${BASE_NAME} [-V|--version]
- Mandatory Parameter(s):
- EMAIL: The E-Mail address of the account or group to search.
- LDAP Options:
- echo "${LDAP_USAGE_MSG}"
- echo
- echo " Common Options:"
- echo "${STD_USAGE_MSG}"
-get_options() {
- local tmp=
- local base_dir=
- set +e
- tmp=$( getopt -o ${LDAP_STD_OPTS_SHORT}${STD_SHORT_OPTIONS} \
- -n "${BASE_NAME}" -- "$@" )
- if [[ $? != 0 ]] ; then
- echo "" >&2
- usage >&2
- exit 1
- fi
- set -e
- # Note the quotes around `$TEMP': they are essential!
- eval set -- "${tmp}"
- eval_common_options "$@"
- if [[ "${DEBUG}" == 'y' ]] ; then
- declare -p REMAINING_OPTS
- declare -p REMAINING_ARGS
- fi
- eval_ldap_options "${REMAINING_OPTS[@]}" "${REMAINING_ARGS[@]}"
- if [[ "${DEBUG}" == 'y' ]] ; then
- declare -p REMAINING_OPTS
- declare -p REMAINING_ARGS
- fi
- if [[ "${#REMAINING_OPTS[@]}" -gt 0 ]] ; then
- error "Unknown options: ${REMAINING_OPTS[*]}"
- echo >&2
- usage >&2
- exit 2
- fi
- if [[ "${#REMAINING_ARGS[@]}" == "0" ]] ; then
- error "No E-Mail addresses given to retrieve."
- echo >&2
- usage >&2
- exit 2
- fi
- local i=0
- local token=
- for token in "${REMAINING_ARGS[@]}" ; do
- if [[ "$i" == 0 ]]; then
- i=1
- continue
- fi
- TOKENS+=(${token})
- i=$(( $i + 1 ))
- done
- if [[ "${DEBUG}" == 'y' ]] ; then
- declare -p TOKENS
- fi
-main() {
- get_options "$@"
- local ldap_filter_oclass="(|"
- local oclass=
- for oclass in inetLocalMailRecipient inetMailGroup inetMailingListUser inetOrgPerson \
- inetResource mailGroup mailGroupMember mailRecipient; do
- ldap_filter_oclass+="(objectClass=${oclass})"
- done
- ldap_filter_oclass+=")"
- local filter_tpl="(&${ldap_filter_oclass}(|(mail=@@ADDRESS@@)(mailAlternateAddress=@@ADDRESS@@)"
- filter_tpl+="(mailEquivalentAddress=@@ADDRESS@@)))"
- local oifs="${IFS}"
- IFS="
- local token=
- local cmd=
- local filter=
- local cmd_base="ldapsearch -LLL -o ldif-wrap=no "
- cmd_base+="-h \"${LDAP_HOST}\" -p ${LDAP_PORT} -b \"${LDAP_BASE}\""
- cmd_base+=" -x -D \"${LDAP_USR}\" -y \"${LDAP_PWD_FILE}\" "
- for token in "${TOKENS[@]}" ; do
- echo >&2
- info "Getting DN of LDAP-Object with E-Mail address '${GREEN}${token}${NORMAL}' ..." >&2
- filter=$( echo "${filter_tpl}" | sed -e "s/@@ADDRESS@@/${token}/g" )
- cmd="${cmd_base} \"${filter}\" dn cn mail mailAlternateAddress mailEquivalentAddress "
- cmd+="mgrpRFC822MailMember uniqueMember memberURL mailForwardingAddress mailRoutingAddress"
- debug "Executing: ${cmd}"
- echo >&2
- eval ${cmd}
- done
-main "$@"
-exit 0
-# vim: et list
+++ /dev/null
-set -e
-set -u
-BASE_NAME="$( basename ${0} )"
-MY_REAL_NAME=$( readlink -f $0 )
-BIN_DIR=$( dirname "${MY_REAL_NAME}" )
-BASE_DIR=$( dirname "${BIN_DIR}" )
-if [[ -f "${LIB_DIR}/functions.rc" ]] ; then
- . "${LIB_DIR}/functions.rc"
- echo "Bash resource file '${LIB_DIR}/functions.rc' not found" >&2
- exit 5
-declare -a SEARCH_IDS=()
- Get all LDAP groups, where the user with the given DN uid or mail address is a member of.
-get_options() {
- local tmp=
- local base_dir=
- set +e
- tmp=$( getopt -o ${LDAP_STD_OPTS_SHORT}${STD_SHORT_OPTIONS} \
- -n "${BASE_NAME}" -- "$@" )
- if [[ $? != 0 ]] ; then
- echo "" >&2
- usage >&2
- exit 1
- fi
- set -e
- # Note the quotes around `$TEMP': they are essential!
- eval set -- "${tmp}"
- eval_common_options "$@"
- if [[ "${DEBUG}" == 'y' ]] ; then
- declare -p REMAINING_OPTS
- declare -p REMAINING_ARGS
- fi
- eval_ldap_options "${REMAINING_OPTS[@]}" "${REMAINING_ARGS[@]}"
- if [[ "${DEBUG}" == 'y' ]] ; then
- declare -p REMAINING_OPTS
- declare -p REMAINING_ARGS
- fi
- if [[ "${#REMAINING_OPTS[@]}" -gt 0 ]] ; then
- error "Unknown options: ${REMAINING_OPTS[*]}"
- echo >&2
- usage >&2
- exit 2
- fi
- if [[ "${#REMAINING_ARGS[@]}" == "0" ]] ; then
- error "No user given to retrieve."
- echo >&2
- usage >&2
- exit 2
- fi
- local i=0
- local token=
- for token in "${REMAINING_ARGS[@]}" ; do
- if [[ "$i" == 0 ]]; then
- i=1
- continue
- fi
- SEARCH_IDS+=(${token})
- i=$(( $i + 1 ))
- done
- if [[ "${DEBUG}" == 'y' ]] ; then
- declare -p SEARCH_IDS
- fi
-usage() {
- cat <<-EOF
- Usage: ${BASE_NAME} [Common Options] [LDAP Options] <ID> [<ID> ...]
- ${BASE_NAME} [-h|--help]
- ${BASE_NAME} [-V|--version]
- Mandatory Parameter(s):
- ID: The DN, UID or mail address of the user to search.
- LDAP Options:
- echo "${LDAP_USAGE_MSG}"
- echo
- echo " Common Options:"
- echo "${STD_USAGE_MSG}"
-get_dn() {
- local user_id="$1"
- local dn=
- local ldap_filter_oclass="(|"
- local oclass=
- local line=
- for oclass in inetLocalMailRecipient inetMailingListUser inetOrgPerson \
- inetResource mailGroupMember mailRecipient; do
- ldap_filter_oclass+="(objectClass=${oclass})"
- done
- ldap_filter_oclass+=")"
- local filter="(&${ldap_filter_oclass}(|(mail=${user_id})(mailAlternateAddress=${user_id})"
- filter+="(mailEquivalentAddress=${user_id})(uid=${user_id})))"
- info "Getting DN of LDAP-Object with E-Mail address or UID '${CYAN}${user_id}${NORMAL}' ..."
- cmd="ldapsearch -LLL -o ldif-wrap=no -h \"${LDAP_HOST}\" -p ${LDAP_PORT} -b \"${LDAP_BASE}\""
- cmd+=" -x -D \"${LDAP_USR}\" -y \"${LDAP_PWD_FILE}\" \"${filter}\" dn"
- debug "Executing: ${cmd}"
- for line in $( eval ${cmd} | grep -i '^dn:' | sed -e 's/^dn:[ ]*//i' ) ; do
- echo "${line}"
- done
-search_memberships() {
- local dn="$1"
- info "Searching for groups with member '${CYAN}${dn}${NORMAL}' ..."
- local ldap_filter_oclass="(|"
- local oclass=
- for oclass in groupOfNames groupOfUniqueNames; do
- ldap_filter_oclass+="(objectClass=${oclass})"
- done
- ldap_filter_oclass+=")"
- local filter="(&${ldap_filter_oclass}(|(uniqueMember=${dn})(member=${dn})))"
- cmd="ldapsearch -LLL -o ldif-wrap=no -h \"${LDAP_HOST}\" -p ${LDAP_PORT} -b \"${LDAP_BASE}\""
- cmd+=" -x -D \"${LDAP_USR}\" -y \"${LDAP_PWD_FILE}\" \"${filter}\""
- cmd+=" dn cn description mail mailAlternateAddress mailEquivalentAddress"
- debug "Executing: ${cmd}"
- eval ${cmd}
-search_user() {
- local user_id="$1"
- local dn=
- local oifs="${IFS}"
- IFS="
- echo
- if echo "${user_id}" | grep -q -i "${LDAP_BASE}\$" ; then
- dn="${user_id}"
- info "Searching for user with DN '${CYAN}${dn}${NORMAL}' ..."
- search_memberships "${dn}"
- else
- for dn in $( get_dn "${user_id}" ); do
- info "Searching for user '${CYAN}${user_id}${NORMAL}' with DN '${CYAN}${dn}${NORMAL}' ..."
- search_memberships "${dn}"
- done
- fi
- IFS="${oifs}"
-main() {
- get_options "$@"
- local id
- for id in "${SEARCH_IDS[@]}" ; do
- search_user "${id}"
- done
-main "$@"
-exit 0
-# vim: et list
+++ /dev/null
-set -e
-set -u
-BASE_NAME="$( basename ${0} )"
-MY_REAL_NAME=$( readlink -f $0 )
-BIN_DIR=$( dirname "${MY_REAL_NAME}" )
-BASE_DIR=$( dirname "${BIN_DIR}" )
-if [[ -f "${LIB_DIR}/functions.rc" ]] ; then
- . "${LIB_DIR}/functions.rc"
- echo "Bash resource file '${LIB_DIR}/functions.rc' not found" >&2
- exit 5
-if [[ -f "${CONF_DIR}/pp-nfs.rc" ]] ; then
- . "${CONF_DIR}/pp-nfs.rc"
- Removes orphaned NFS home directories under ${CYAN}${NFS_HOMEDIR_PARENT}${NORMAL}
- and archives them under ${CYAN}${NFS_HOMEDIR_PARENT}/${OLD_HOMES_DIR}${NORMAL}.
-usage() {
- cat <<-EOF
- Usage: ${BASE_NAME} [-d] [-v] [--nocolor] [NFS_HOMEDIR_PARENT]
- ${BASE_NAME} [-h|--help]
- ${BASE_NAME} [-V|--version]
- Optional Parameter:
- NFS_HOMEDIR_PARENT: The parent directory of the NFS home directories.
- Defaults to: '${NFS_HOMEDIR_PARENT}'.
- Options:
- echo "${STD_USAGE_MSG}"
-get_options() {
- local tmp=
- local base_dir=
- set +e
- tmp=$( getopt -o ${STD_SHORT_OPTIONS} \
- --long start:,${STD_LONG_OPTIONS} \
- -n "${BASE_NAME}" -- "$@" )
- if [[ $? != 0 ]] ; then
- echo "" >&2
- usage >&2
- exit 1
- fi
- set -e
- # Note the quotes around `$TEMP': they are essential!
- eval set -- "${tmp}"
- eval_common_options "$@"
- #if [[ "${VERBOSE}" == 'y' ]] ; then
- # declare -p REMAINING_ARGS
- #fi
- local num_args="${#REMAINING_ARGS[@]}"
- if [[ "${num_args}" != "0" ]] ; then
- if [[ "${num_args}" -gt "2" ]] ; then
- error "Invalid number of arguments."
- echo >&2
- usage >&2
- exit 1
- fi
- fi
- if [[ ! -d "${NFS_HOMEDIRS}" ]] ; then
- error "Parent of NFS home directories '${RED}${NFS_HOMEDIRS}${NORMAL}' not found."
- echo >&2
- usage >&2
- exit 2
- fi
-check_dir() {
- local hdir="${1}"
- local bname=$( basename "${hdir}" )
- local ex=
- local skip="n"
- debug "Checking directory '${CYAN}${NFS_HOMEDIRS}/${hdir}${NORMAL}' ..."
- local owner=$( stat --format="%U" "${hdir}" )
- if [[ "${owner}" != 'UNKNOWN' ]] ; then
- debug "Owner: '${owner}'"
- return
- fi
- for ex in $( echo "${EXCLUDE_DIRS}" | egrep -v "^[ ]*(#|$)" | sed -e 's/^[ ]*//' -e 's/[ ]*$//' ) ; do
- if [[ "${bname}" == "${ex}" ]] ; then
- skip="y"
- break
- fi
- done
- if [[ "${skip}" == "y" ]] ; then
- info "Skipping '${CYAN}${NFS_HOMEDIRS}/${hdir}${NORMAL}'."
- return
- fi
- info "Directory '${CYAN}${NFS_HOMEDIRS}/${hdir}${NORMAL}' is orphaned, cleaning it up"
- ls -ld "${hdir}"
- du -sm "${hdir}"
- local j=0
- local tarfile="${NFS_HOMEDIRS}/${OLD_HOMES_DIR}/$bname.$j.tar.gz"
- while [[ -e "${tarfile}" ]] ; do
- j=$(( $j + 1 ))
- tarfile="${NFS_HOMEDIRS}/${OLD_HOMES_DIR}/$bname.$j.tar.gz"
- done
- debug "Creating tarfile: '${CYAN}${tarfile}${NORMAL}'"
- local cmd="tar cfz \"${tarfile}\" \"${hdir}\""
- if [[ "${VERBOSE}" == "y" ]] ; then
- cmd="tar cfzv \"${tarfile}\" \"${hdir}\""
- fi
- debug "Executing: ${cmd}"
- if [[ "${SIMULATE}" != "y" ]] ; then
- eval ${cmd}
- ls -l "${tarfile}"
- else
- debug "Tarfile '${tarfile}' not created."
- fi
- info "Removing directory '${CYAN}${NFS_HOMEDIRS}/${hdir}${NORMAL}' ..."
- RM --recursive "${hdir}"
-do_cleanup() {
- cd "${NFS_HOMEDIRS}"
- local dir=
- local oifs="${IFS}"
- IFS="
- for dir in $( ls -1 -U ) ; do
- if [[ ! -d "${dir}" ]] ; then
- continue
- fi
- if [[ "${dir}" == "${OLD_HOMES_DIR}" ]] ; then
- continue
- fi
- check_dir "${dir}"
- done
- IFS="${oifs}"
-main() {
- get_options "$@"
- set_locale "en_US.utf8"
- info "Starting cleanup homedirs ..."
- do_cleanup
- info "Finished cleanup homedirs."
-main "$@"
-exit 0
-# vim: et ts=4 list
+++ /dev/null
-# by @rwaffen
-#update zelos
-DATE=$(date '+%Y-%m-%d')
-is_mounted=$(mount | grep /mnt/storagebox/backup -c)
-backup_box_pass=$1 #see tpm
-if [ -z "${backup_box_pass}" ]; then
- echo "Bitte Password aus TPM entnehmen!"
- exit 1
-# mount hetzner backup disk
-if [ $is_mounted -ne 1 ]; then
- mount.cifs -o user=u234365,pass=${backup_box_pass} //u234365.your-storagebox.de/backup /mnt/storagebox/backup
-# delete older backups
-find /mnt/storagebox/backup -mtime +20 -delete
-# make file backups
-echo "packe /root"
-tar cfz /mnt/storagebox/backup/${DATE}_root.tgz /root
-echo "packe /opt/asterisk"
-tar cfz /mnt/storagebox/backup/${DATE}_asterisk.tgz /opt/asterisk
-echo "packe /etc"
-tar cfz /mnt/storagebox/backup/${DATE}_etc.tgz /etc
-echo "packe /home"
-tar cfz /mnt/storagebox/backup/${DATE}_home.tgz /home
-# make db backup
-echo "mache db dump"
-echo "kann so 60min. dauern..."
-time /root/MysqlDumps/backupZabbixDB.sh
-mv $(find /opt/dbstorage -name "*.bz2" -daystart -ctime 0) /mnt/storagebox/backup
-# update system
-yum update -y
-# reboot
-systemctl reboot
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# * Required commands:
+# + pg_dump
+# + du
+# + tee
+# + bzip2 # If bzip2 is not available, change 'CMD_COMPRESS'
+# # to use 'gzip' or whatever compress command you want.
+# * It stores all backup copies in directory '/var/vmail/backup' by default,
+# You can change it in variable $BACKUP_ROOTDIR below or via the -b parameter.
+# * Set correct values for below variables:
+# * Add crontab job for root user (or whatever user you want):
+# # crontab -e -u postgres
+# 1 4 * * * bash /path/to/backup_pgsql.sh -q
+# * Make sure 'crond' service is running.
+set -e
+set -u
+export LC_ALL=C
+export LANG=C
+# console colors:
+BASENAME="$(basename ${0})"
+BASE_DIR="$(dirname ${0})"
+declare -a DATABASES=()
+# Modify below variables to fit your need ----
+# Keep backup for how many days. Default is 90 days.
+# System user used to run PostgreSQL daemon.
+# - On Linux, it's postgres.
+# - On FreeBSD, it's pgsql.
+# - On OpenBSD, it's _postgresql.
+# Where to store backup copies.
+# Date.
+YEAR="$( date +%Y)"
+MONTH="$( date +%m)"
+DAY="$( date +%d)"
+TIME="$( date +%H:%M:%S)"
+# Pre-defined backup status
+# Define, check, create directories.
+detect_color() {
+ local safe_term="${TERM//[^[:alnum:]]/?}"
+ local match_lhs=""
+ local use_color="false"
+ [[ -f ~/.dir_colors ]] && match_lhs="${match_lhs}$(<~/.dir_colors)"
+ [[ -f /etc/DIR_COLORS ]] && match_lhs="${match_lhs}$(</etc/DIR_COLORS)"
+ [[ -z ${match_lhs} ]] \
+ && type -P dircolors >/dev/null \
+ && match_lhs=$(dircolors --print-database)
+ [[ $'\n'${match_lhs} == *$'\n'"TERM "${safe_term}* ]] && use_color="true"
+ # console colors:
+ if [ "${use_color}" = "true" ] ; then
+ RED="\033[38;5;196m"
+ YELLOW="\033[38;5;226m"
+ GREEN="\033[38;5;46m"
+ BLUE="\033[38;5;27m"
+ NORMAL="\033[39m"
+ else
+ RED=""
+ GREEN=""
+ BLUE=""
+ fi
+ local my_tty=$(tty)
+ if [[ "${my_tty}" =~ 'not a tty' ]] ; then
+ my_tty='-'
+ fi
+ if [[ "${my_tty}" = '-' || "${safe_term}" = "dump" ]] ; then
+ HAS_TTY='n'
+ fi
+description() {
+ echo -e $( cat <<-EOF
+ Creates a backup of all databases of the PostgreSQL installatio
+ on the current host.
+ Only the user '${GREEN}${PGSQL_SYS_USER}${NORMAL}' may execute this script.
+ )
+usage() {
+ cat <<-EOF
+ Usage: ${BASENAME} [-K DAYS|--keep=DAYS] [-b DIR|--backupdir=DIR] [-d|--debug] [[-v|--verbose] | [-q|--quiet]]] [--nocolor]
+ ${BASENAME} [-h|--help]
+ ${BASENAME} [-V|--version]
+ Options:
+ -K|--keep DAYS Keep the backup files of the last DAYS. Default: ${KEEP_DAYS} days.
+ -b|--backupdir DIR
+ Set root backup directory. Default: ${BACKUP_ROOTDIR}
+ -d|--debug Debug output (bash -x).
+ -v|--verbose Set verbosity on. Mutually exclusive to '--quiet'.
+ -q|--quiet Quiet execution, only errors and warnings are shown.
+ --nocolor Don't use colors on display.
+ -h|--help Show this output and exit.
+ -V|--version prints out version number of the script and exit
+get_options() {
+ local tmp=
+ local base_dir=
+ set +e
+ tmp=$( getopt -o K:b:dvqhV \
+ --long keep:,backupdir:,debug,verbose,quiet,nocolor,help,version \
+ -n "${BASENAME}" -- "$@" )
+ if [[ $? != 0 ]] ; then
+ echo "" >&2
+ usage >&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ set -e
+ # Note the quotes around `$TEMP': they are essential!
+ eval set -- "${tmp}"
+ local p=
+ while true ; do
+ case "$1" in
+ -K|--keep)
+ KEEP_DAYS="$2"
+ shift
+ shift
+ ;;
+ -b|--backupdir)
+ shift
+ shift
+ ;;
+ -d|--debug)
+ DEBUG="y"
+ shift
+ ;;
+ -v|--verbose)
+ shift
+ ;;
+ -q|--quiet)
+ QUIET="y"
+ RED=""
+ GREEN=""
+ BLUE=""
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --nocolor)
+ RED=""
+ GREEN=""
+ BLUE=""
+ shift
+ ;;
+ -h|--help)
+ description
+ echo
+ usage
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ -V|--version)
+ echo "${BASENAME} version: ${VERSION}"
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ --) shift
+ break
+ ;;
+ *) echo "Internal error!"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ if [[ "${DEBUG}" = "y" ]] ; then
+ set -x
+ fi
+ if [[ "${VERBOSE}" == "y" && "${QUIET}" == "y" ]] ; then
+ error "The parameters '${RED}${VERBOSE}${NORMAL}' and '${RED}${VERBOSE}${NORMAL}' are mutually exclusive."
+ usage >&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ local keep_int=$(( $KEEP_DAYS + 0 ))
+ if [[ "${keep_int}" -le "0" ]] ; then
+ error "Invalid number of days '${RED}${KEEP_DAYS}${NORMAL}' to keep backup files."
+ echo >&2
+ description >&2
+ echo
+ usage >&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ debug "Keeping backupfiles, which are not older than ${keep_int} days."
+ KEEP_DAYS="${keep_int}"
+ local cur_user=$( id -u -n )
+ if [[ "${cur_user}" != "${PGSQL_SYS_USER}" ]] ; then
+ error "Wrong user '${RED}${cur_user}${NORMAL}'."
+ echo >&2
+ description >&2
+ echo
+ usage >&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+# Some often used funktions
+my_date() {
+ date +'%F %T.%N %:::z'
+debug() {
+ if [[ "${VERBOSE}" != "y" ]] ; then
+ return 0
+ fi
+ echo -e " * [$(my_date)] [${BASENAME}:DEBUG]: $@" | tee -a "${LOGFILE}"
+info() {
+ if [[ "${QUIET}" == "y" ]] ; then
+ echo -e " * [$(my_date)] [${BASENAME}:INFO] : $@" >> "${LOGFILE}"
+ return 0
+ fi
+ echo -e " ${GREEN}*${NORMAL} [$(my_date)] [${BASENAME}:${GREEN}INFO${NORMAL}] : $@" | tee -a "${LOGFILE}"
+warn() {
+ echo -e " ${YELLOW}*${NORMAL} [$(my_date)] [${BASENAME}:${YELLOW}WARN${NORMAL}] : $@" | tee -a "${LOGFILE}"
+error() {
+ echo -e " ${RED}*${NORMAL} [$(my_date)] [${BASENAME}:${RED}ERROR${NORMAL}]: $@" | tee -a "${LOGFILE}"
+MKDIR() {
+ local cmd="mkdir"
+ if [[ "${VERBOSE}" == "y" ]] ; then
+ cmd+=" --verbose"
+ fi
+ eval ${cmd} "$@" 2>&1 | tee -a "${LOGFILE}"
+RM() {
+ local cmd="rm"
+ if [[ "${VERBOSE}" == "y" ]] ; then
+ cmd+=" --verbose"
+ fi
+ eval ${cmd} "$@" 2>&1 | tee -a "${LOGFILE}"
+MV() {
+ local cmd="mv"
+ if [[ "${VERBOSE}" == "y" ]] ; then
+ cmd+=" --verbose"
+ fi
+ eval ${cmd} "$@" 2>&1 | tee -a "${LOGFILE}"
+RMDIR() {
+ local cmd="rmdir"
+ if [[ "${VERBOSE}" == "y" ]] ; then
+ cmd+=" --verbose"
+ fi
+ eval ${cmd} "$@" 2>&1 | tee -a "${LOGFILE}"
+LN() {
+ local cmd="ln"
+ if [[ "${VERBOSE}" == "y" ]] ; then
+ cmd+=" --verbose"
+ fi
+ eval ${cmd} "$@" 2>&1 | tee -a "${LOGFILE}"
+empty_line() {
+ if [[ "${QUIET}" == "y" ]] ; then
+ echo >> "${LOGFILE}"
+ return 0
+ fi
+ echo 2>&1 | tee -a "${LOGFILE}"
+get_databases() {
+ debug "Detecting databases to backup ..."
+ local db=
+ for db in $( psql --list \
+ --tuples-only \
+ --no-align \
+ --no-readline \
+ --expanded \
+ --field-separator=',' | \
+ grep -i '^Name' | \
+ awk -F ',' '{print $2}' ) ; do
+ DATABASES+=( "${db}" )
+ done
+ if [[ "${VERBOSE}" == "y" ]] ; then
+ echo | tee -a "${LOGFILE}"
+ echo "Databases to backup:" | tee -a "${LOGFILE}"
+ for db in "${DATABASES[@]}" ; do
+ echo " * '${db}'" | tee -a "${LOGFILE}"
+ done
+ echo | tee -a "${LOGFILE}"
+ fi
+cleanup_tmp_dir() {
+ if [[ -n "${TMP_DIR}" ]] ; then
+ if [[ -e "${TMP_DIR}" ]] ; then
+ debug "Removing temporary directory '${TMP_DIR}' ..."
+ RM --force --recursive "${TMP_DIR}"
+ fi
+ fi
+prepare_dirs() {
+ if [[ ! -d "${BACKUP_ROOTDIR}" ]] ; then
+ error "Directory '${RED}${BACKUP_ROOTDIR}${NORMAL}' does not exists or is not a directory."
+ exit 5
+ fi
+ if [[ ! -w "${BACKUP_ROOTDIR}" ]] ; then
+ error "No write access to '${RED}${BACKUP_ROOTDIR}${NORMAL}'."
+ exit 6
+ fi
+ info "Creating all necessary directories ..."
+ TMP_DIR=$( mktemp -d -p "${HOME}" backup.XXXXXXXX.d )
+ debug "Temporary directory is '${TMP_DIR}'."
+ debug "Creating trap to cleanup temporary directory ..."
+ trap cleanup_tmp_dir INT TERM EXIT ABRT
+cleanup_old_backups() {
+ info "Cleaning up old backup files and directories ..."
+ local verbose_option=""
+ if [[ "${VERBOSE}" == "y" ]] ; then
+ verbose_option="--verbose"
+ fi
+ find "${BACKUP_ROOTDIR}" -type f -mtime +${KEEP_DAYS} -print0 | \
+ xargs --null --no-run-if-empty rm ${verbose_option} 2>&1 | tee -a "${LOGFILE}"
+ local year=
+ local month=
+ local day=
+ for year in $( ls -1 "${BACKUP_ROOTDIR}" ); do
+ local y_dir="${BACKUP_ROOTDIR}/${year}"
+ if [[ -d "${y_dir}" ]] ; then
+ for month in $( ls -1 "${y_dir}" ); do
+ local m_dir="${y_dir}/${month}"
+ if [[ -d "${m_dir}" ]] ; then
+ for day in $( ls -1 "${m_dir}" ); do
+ local d_dir="${m_dir}/${day}"
+ if [[ -d "${d_dir}" && "${d_dir}" != "${BACKUP_DIR}" ]] ; then
+ rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty "${d_dir}"
+ if [[ ! -d "${d_dir}" ]] ; then
+ debug "Removed directory '${d_dir}'."
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+ rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty "${m_dir}"
+ if [[ ! -d "${m_dir}" ]] ; then
+ debug "Removed directory '${m_dir}'."
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+ rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty "${y_dir}"
+ if [[ ! -d "${y_dir}" ]] ; then
+ debug "Removed directory '${y_dir}'."
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+backup_globals() {
+ empty_line
+ info "Backing up ${GREEN}globals${NORMAL} ..."
+ local output_sql="globals-${TIMESTAMP}.sql"
+ local output_sql_compressed="${output_sql}.bz2"
+ local out_sql_tmp="${TMP_DIR}/${output_sql}"
+ local out_sql_tmp_compressed="${TMP_DIR}/${output_sql_compressed}"
+ local out_sql_tgt="${BACKUP_DIR}/${output_sql}"
+ local out_sql_tgt_compressed="${BACKUP_DIR}/${output_sql_compressed}"
+ local out_sql_tgt_latest="${BACKUP_ROOTDIR}/globals-latest.sql.bz2"
+ local verbose_option=""
+ if [[ "${VERBOSE}" == "y" ]] ; then
+ verbose_option="--verbose"
+ fi
+ pg_dumpall --globals-only ${verbose_option} 2>&1 >"${out_sql_tmp}" | tee -a "${LOGFILE}"
+ local blocks=$(stat -c "%b" "${out_sql_tmp}")
+ local bs=$(stat -c "%B" "${out_sql_tmp}")
+ local bytes=$(stat -c "%s" "${out_sql_tmp}")
+ local b_bytes=$(( ${blocks} * ${bs} ))
+ local k_bytes=$(( ${b_bytes} / 1024 ))
+ local m_bytes=$(( ${k_bytes} / 1024 ))
+ local msg=$( printf "Original size of %-50s %10d Bytes => %7d KiB => %4d MiB" \
+ "'${output_sql}':" "${bytes}" "${k_bytes}" "${m_bytes}" )
+ info "${msg}"
+ debug "Compressing '${out_sql_tmp}' ..."
+ bzip2 ${verbose_option} --best "${out_sql_tmp}" 2>&1 | tee -a "${LOGFILE}"
+ blocks=$(stat -c "%b" "${out_sql_tmp_compressed}")
+ bs=$(stat -c "%B" "${out_sql_tmp_compressed}")
+ bytes=$(stat -c "%s" "${out_sql_tmp_compressed}")
+ b_bytes=$(( ${blocks} * ${bs} ))
+ k_bytes=$(( ${b_bytes} / 1024 ))
+ m_bytes=$(( ${k_bytes} / 1024 ))
+ BYTES_TOTAL=$(( ${BYTES_TOTAL} + ${b_bytes} ))
+ local msg=$( printf "Compressed size of %-50s %10d Bytes => %7d KiB => %4d MiB" \
+ "'${output_sql}':" "${bytes}" "${k_bytes}" "${m_bytes}" )
+ info "${msg}"
+ debug "Moving '${out_sql_tmp_compressed}' => '${BACKUP_DIR}' ..."
+ MV -i "${out_sql_tmp_compressed}" "${BACKUP_DIR}"
+ info "Updating reference '${out_sql_tgt_latest}' -> '${out_sql_tgt_compressed}'"
+ LN -sf "${out_sql_tgt_compressed}" "${out_sql_tgt_latest}"
+backup_databases() {
+ local db=
+ for db in "${DATABASES[@]}" ; do
+ backup_database "${db}"
+ done
+ empty_line
+ local k_bytes=$(( ${BYTES_TOTAL} / 1024 ))
+ local m_bytes=$(( ${k_bytes} / 1024 ))
+ local msg=$( printf "Total compressed size: %10d Bytes => %7d KiB => %4d MiB" \
+ "${BYTES_TOTAL}" "${k_bytes}" "${m_bytes}" )
+ info "${msg}"
+backup_database() {
+ local db="$1"
+ empty_line
+ info "Backing up database '${GREEN}${db}${NORMAL}' ..."
+ local output_sql="${db}-${TIMESTAMP}.sql"
+ local output_sql_compressed="${output_sql}.bz2"
+ local out_sql_tmp="${TMP_DIR}/${output_sql}"
+ local out_sql_tmp_compressed="${TMP_DIR}/${output_sql_compressed}"
+ local out_sql_tgt="${BACKUP_DIR}/${output_sql}"
+ local out_sql_tgt_compressed="${BACKUP_DIR}/${output_sql_compressed}"
+ local out_sql_tgt_latest="${BACKUP_ROOTDIR}/${db}-latest.sql.bz2"
+ local verbose_option=""
+ if [[ "${VERBOSE}" == "y" ]] ; then
+ verbose_option="--verbose"
+ fi
+ pg_dump ${verbose_option} --blobs --clean \
+ --create --if-exists --serializable-deferrable \
+ "${db}" 2>&1 >"${out_sql_tmp}" | tee -a "${LOGFILE}"
+ local blocks=$(stat -c "%b" "${out_sql_tmp}")
+ local bs=$(stat -c "%B" "${out_sql_tmp}")
+ local bytes=$(stat -c "%s" "${out_sql_tmp}")
+ local b_bytes=$(( ${blocks} * ${bs} ))
+ local k_bytes=$(( ${b_bytes} / 1024 ))
+ local m_bytes=$(( ${k_bytes} / 1024 ))
+ local msg=$( printf "Original size of %-50s %10d Bytes => %7d KiB => %4d MiB" \
+ "'${output_sql}':" "${bytes}" "${k_bytes}" "${m_bytes}" )
+ info "${msg}"
+ debug "Compressing '${out_sql_tmp}' ..."
+ bzip2 ${verbose_option} --best "${out_sql_tmp}" 2>&1 | tee -a "${LOGFILE}"
+ blocks=$(stat -c "%b" "${out_sql_tmp_compressed}")
+ bs=$(stat -c "%B" "${out_sql_tmp_compressed}")
+ bytes=$(stat -c "%s" "${out_sql_tmp_compressed}")
+ b_bytes=$(( ${blocks} * ${bs} ))
+ k_bytes=$(( ${b_bytes} / 1024 ))
+ m_bytes=$(( ${k_bytes} / 1024 ))
+ BYTES_TOTAL=$(( ${BYTES_TOTAL} + ${b_bytes} ))
+ local msg=$( printf "Compressed size of %-50s %10d Bytes => %7d KiB => %4d MiB" \
+ "'${output_sql}':" "${bytes}" "${k_bytes}" "${m_bytes}" )
+ info "${msg}"
+ debug "Moving '${out_sql_tmp_compressed}' => '${BACKUP_DIR}' ..."
+ MV -i "${out_sql_tmp_compressed}" "${BACKUP_DIR}"
+ info "Updating reference '${out_sql_tgt_latest}' -> '${out_sql_tgt_compressed}'"
+ LN -sf "${out_sql_tgt_compressed}" "${out_sql_tgt_latest}"
+## Main
+main() {
+ get_options "$@"
+ prepare_dirs
+ info "Starting backup ..."
+ get_databases
+ backup_globals
+ cleanup_old_backups
+ backup_databases
+ empty_line
+ debug "Deactivating trap."
+ cleanup_tmp_dir
+ info "Finished."
+main "$@"
+exit 0
+# vim: ts=4 et list
--- /dev/null
+set -u
+set -e
+BASE_NAME="$( basename ${0} )"
+MY_REAL_NAME=$( readlink -f $0 )
+BIN_DIR=$( dirname "${MY_REAL_NAME}" )
+BASE_DIR=$( dirname "${BIN_DIR}" )
+if [[ -f "${LIB_DIR}/functions.rc" ]] ; then
+ . "${LIB_DIR}/functions.rc"
+ echo "Bash resource file '${LIB_DIR}/functions.rc' not found" >&2
+ exit 5
+ Checks the given password of the given user against the password in LDAP.
+usage() {
+ cat <<-EOF
+ Usage: ${BASE_NAME} [Common Options] [LDAP Options] <UID|EMAIL> <PASSWORD>
+ ${BASE_NAME} [-h|--help]
+ ${BASE_NAME} [-V|--version]
+ Mandatory Parameter(s):
+ UID|EMAIL: Either the Uid of the requested object
+ (Posix name, mostly in the form 'first_name.last_name'), or
+ the E-Mail address of the account or group to search.
+ PASSWORD: The password to check against the password inside LDAP.
+ LDAP Options:
+ echo "${LDAP_USAGE_MSG}"
+ echo
+ echo " Common Options:"
+ echo "${STD_USAGE_MSG}"
+get_options() {
+ local tmp=
+ local base_dir=
+ set +e
+ tmp=$( getopt -o ${LDAP_STD_OPTS_SHORT}${STD_SHORT_OPTIONS} \
+ -n "${BASE_NAME}" -- "$@" )
+ if [[ $? != 0 ]] ; then
+ echo "" >&2
+ usage >&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ set -e
+ # Note the quotes around `$TEMP': they are essential!
+ eval set -- "${tmp}"
+ eval_common_options "$@"
+ if [[ "${DEBUG}" == 'y' ]] ; then
+ declare -p REMAINING_OPTS
+ declare -p REMAINING_ARGS
+ fi
+ eval_ldap_options "${REMAINING_OPTS[@]}" "${REMAINING_ARGS[@]}"
+ if [[ "${DEBUG}" == 'y' ]] ; then
+ declare -p REMAINING_OPTS
+ declare -p REMAINING_ARGS
+ fi
+ debug "Remaining arguments: ${CYAN}${#REMAINING_ARGS[@]}${NORMAL}"
+ if [[ "${#REMAINING_OPTS[@]}" -gt 0 ]] ; then
+ error "Unknown options: ${REMAINING_OPTS[*]}"
+ echo >&2
+ usage >&2
+ exit 2
+ fi
+ if [[ "${#REMAINING_ARGS[@]}" == "0" ]] ; then
+ error "No Uids or E-Mail addresses given to retrieve."
+ echo >&2
+ usage >&2
+ exit 2
+ fi
+ if [[ "${#REMAINING_ARGS[@]}" != "3" ]] ; then
+ error "No Password given to check."
+ echo >&2
+ usage >&2
+ exit 2
+ fi
+ info "Checking password '${CYAN}${GIVEN_PASSWD}${NORMAL}' of user '${CYAN}${OBJECT_TOKEN}${NORMAL}' ..."
+main() {
+ get_options "$@"
+ local oifs="${IFS}"
+ IFS="
+ local cmd=
+ local filter=
+ local result=
+ local cmd_base="ldapsearch -LLL -o ldif-wrap=no "
+ cmd_base+="-h \"${LDAP_HOST}\" -p ${LDAP_PORT} -b \"${LDAP_BASE}\" "
+ cmd_base+="-x -D \"${LDAP_USR}\" -y \"${LDAP_PWD_FILE}\""
+ local filter="(&(|(uid=${OBJECT_TOKEN})(mail=${OBJECT_TOKEN}))(userPassword=*))"
+ local cmd="${cmd_base} \"${filter}\" userPassword 2>&1 | "
+ cmd+=" grep -i '^userPassword:' | sed -e 's/^userPassword::[ ][ ]*//'"
+ debug "Executing: ${cmd}"
+ result=$( eval ${cmd} )
+ debug "ldap_passwd_coded: '${CYAN}${result}${NORMAL}'."
+ if [[ -z "${result}" ]] ; then
+ echo
+ error "Nutzer mit uid '${RED}${OBJECT_TOKEN}${NORMAL}' nicht gefunden oder hat kein Passwort." >&2
+ echo
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ local ldap_passwd_value=$( echo "${result}" | base64 -d )
+ debug "ldap_passwd_value: '${CYAN}${ldap_passwd_value}${NORMAL}'."
+ local ldap_hash_method=$( echo "${ldap_passwd_value}" | \
+ sed -e 's/^{//' -e 's/}.*//' | \
+ tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' )
+ debug "ldap_hash_method: '${CYAN}${ldap_hash_method}${NORMAL}'."
+ if [[ "${ldap_hash_method}" != 'crypt' ]] ; then
+ echo
+ error "Unbekannte Hash-Methode '${RED}${ldap_hash_method}${NORMAL}'" >&2
+ echo
+ exit 5
+ fi
+ local ldap_passwd_hash=$( echo "${ldap_passwd_value}" | sed -e 's/^{[^}]*}//' )
+ debug "ldap_passwd_hash: '${CYAN}${ldap_passwd_hash}${NORMAL}'."
+ local salt=$( echo "${ldap_passwd_hash}" | sed -e 's/^\(..\).*/\1/' )
+ debug "salt: '${CYAN}${salt}${NORMAL}'."
+ local encr_passwd=$( mkpasswd -m des "${GIVEN_PASSWD}" "${salt}" )
+ debug "encr_passwd: '${CYAN}${encr_passwd}${NORMAL}'."
+ echo
+ if [[ "${ldap_passwd_hash}" == "${encr_passwd}" ]] ; then
+ echo -e "Passwort ist ${GREEN}OKAY${NORMAL}."
+ echo
+ else
+ echo -e "Passwort is ${RED}FALSCH${NORMAL}." >&2
+ echo
+ exit 1
+ fi
+main "$@"
+exit 0
+# vim: et list filetype=sh
--- /dev/null
+set -e
+set -u
+BASE_NAME="$( basename ${0} )"
+MY_REAL_NAME=$( readlink -f $0 )
+BIN_DIR=$( dirname "${MY_REAL_NAME}" )
+BASE_DIR=$( dirname "${BIN_DIR}" )
+if [[ -f "${LIB_DIR}/functions.rc" ]] ; then
+ . "${LIB_DIR}/functions.rc"
+ echo "Bash resource file '${LIB_DIR}/functions.rc' not found" >&2
+ exit 5
+declare -a ZONES=()
+ Gets via zone transfer the complete content of a DNS zone and generates
+ a normalized zone file for this zone.
+usage() {
+ cat <<-EOF
+ Usage: ${BASE_NAME} [Common Options] <ZONE> [<ZONE> ...]
+ ${BASE_NAME} [-h|--help]
+ ${BASE_NAME} [-V|--version]
+ Mandatory Parameter(s):
+ ZONE: The name of the zone (a.k.a. domain), which you want to retrieve
+ completely. May be given for multiple zones.
+ It generates in current directory zone files for each given zone
+ with a timestamp and a sequential number included in the file name.
+ Common Options:
+get_options() {
+ local tmp=
+ local base_dir=
+ set +e
+ tmp=$( getopt -o ${STD_SHORT_OPTIONS} --long ${STD_LONG_OPTIONS} -n "${BASE_NAME}" -- "$@" )
+ if [[ $? != 0 ]] ; then
+ echo "" >&2
+ usage >&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ set -e
+ # Note the quotes around `$TEMP': they are essential!
+ eval set -- "${tmp}"
+ eval_common_options "$@"
+ if [[ "${DEBUG}" == 'y' ]] ; then
+ declare -p REMAINING_OPTS
+ declare -p REMAINING_ARGS
+ fi
+ if [[ "${#REMAINING_OPTS[@]}" -gt 0 ]] ; then
+ error "Unknown options: ${REMAINING_OPTS[*]}"
+ echo >&2
+ usage >&2
+ exit 2
+ fi
+ if [[ "${#REMAINING_ARGS[@]}" == "0" ]] ; then
+ error "No zones given to retrieve."
+ echo >&2
+ usage >&2
+ exit 2
+ fi
+ local i=0
+ local zone=
+ for zone in "${REMAINING_ARGS[@]}" ; do
+ if [[ "$i" == 0 ]]; then
+ i=1
+ continue
+ fi
+ ZONES+=(${zone})
+ i=$(( $i + 1 ))
+ done
+ if [[ "${DEBUG}" == 'y' ]] ; then
+ declare -p ZONES
+ fi
+cur_ts() {
+ date +'%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S'
+get_zone() {
+ local zone="$1"
+ echo >&2
+ info "Get zone '${GREEN}${zone}${NORMAL}' ..."
+ local tmpfile=$( mktemp "${zone}.XXXXXXXXXX.zone" )
+ local i=0
+ local zone_file="${zone}.$( cur_ts ).${i}.zone"
+ while [[ -e "${zone_file}" ]] ; do
+ i=$(( $i + 1 ))
+ zone_file="${zone}.$( cur_ts ).${i}.zone"
+ done
+ dig axfr "${zone}" >"${tmpfile}"
+ if grep -i 'Transfer failed' "${tmpfile}" >/dev/null ; then
+ error "Could not transfer zone '${RED}${zone}${NORMAL}'."
+ else
+ if type -p named-compilezone >/dev/null ; then
+ named-compilezone -o "${zone_file}" -s relative "${zone}" "${tmpfile}"
+ else
+ cat "${tmpfile}" | grep -P -v '^\s*(;|$)' >"${zone_file}"
+ fi
+ info "Created zone file '${GREEN}${zone_file}${NORMAL}'."
+ fi
+ RM "${tmpfile}"
+main() {
+ get_options "$@"
+ umask 0022
+ local the_zone=
+ set_locale "en_US.utf8"
+ for the_zone in "${ZONES[@]}" ; do
+ get_zone "${the_zone}"
+ done
+main "$@"
+exit 0
+# vim: et list
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+export LC_ALL=C
+export LANG=C
+# console colors:
+BASENAME="$(basename ${0})"
+BASE_DIR="$(dirname ${0})"
+declare -A ENV_HOST=()
+declare -A ENV_PORT=()
+declare -A ENV_USER=()
+declare -A ENV_GROUP=()
+declare -A ENV_HOME=()
+detect_color() {
+ local safe_term="${TERM//[^[:alnum:]]/?}"
+ local match_lhs=""
+ local use_color="false"
+ [[ -f ~/.dir_colors ]] && match_lhs="${match_lhs}$(<~/.dir_colors)"
+ [[ -f /etc/DIR_COLORS ]] && match_lhs="${match_lhs}$(</etc/DIR_COLORS)"
+ [[ -z ${match_lhs} ]] \
+ && type -P dircolors >/dev/null \
+ && match_lhs=$(dircolors --print-database)
+ [[ $'\n'${match_lhs} == *$'\n'"TERM "${safe_term}* ]] && use_color="true"
+ # console colors:
+ if [ "${use_color}" = "true" ] ; then
+ RED="\033[38;5;196m"
+ YELLOW="\033[38;5;226m"
+ GREEN="\033[38;5;46m"
+ BLUE="\033[38;5;27m"
+ NORMAL="\033[39m"
+ else
+ RED=""
+ GREEN=""
+ BLUE=""
+ fi
+ local my_tty=$(tty)
+ if [[ "${my_tty}" =~ 'not a tty' ]] ; then
+ my_tty='-'
+ fi
+ if [[ "${my_tty}" = '-' || "${safe_term}" = "dump" ]] ; then
+ HAS_TTY='n'
+ fi
+description() {
+ echo -e $( cat <<-EOF
+ Gets the current root Kubernetes configuration files of both live
+ and stage Kubernetes of Sparkasse.
+ Only the user '${GREEN}root${NORMAL}' may execute this script.
+ )
+usage() {
+ cat <<-EOF
+ Usage: ${BASENAME} [-d|--debug] [[-v|--verbose] | [-q|--quiet]]] [--nocolor]
+ ${BASENAME} [-h|--help]
+ ${BASENAME} [-V|--version]
+ Options:
+ -d|--debug Debug output (bash -x).
+ -v|--verbose Set verbosity on. Mutually exclusive to '--quiet'.
+ -q|--quiet Quiet execution, only errors and warnings are shown.
+ --nocolor Don't use colors on display.
+ -h|--help Show this output and exit.
+ -V|--version prints out version number of the script and exit
+get_options() {
+ local tmp=
+ local base_dir=
+ set +e
+ tmp=$( getopt -o dvqhV \
+ --long debug,verbose,quiet,nocolor,help,version \
+ -n "${BASENAME}" -- "$@" )
+ if [[ $? != 0 ]] ; then
+ echo "" >&2
+ usage >&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ set -e
+ # Note the quotes around `$TEMP': they are essential!
+ eval set -- "${tmp}"
+ local p=
+ while true ; do
+ case "$1" in
+ -d|--debug)
+ DEBUG="y"
+ shift
+ ;;
+ -v|--verbose)
+ shift
+ ;;
+ -q|--quiet)
+ QUIET="y"
+ RED=""
+ GREEN=""
+ BLUE=""
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --nocolor)
+ RED=""
+ GREEN=""
+ BLUE=""
+ shift
+ ;;
+ -h|--help)
+ description
+ echo
+ usage
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ -V|--version)
+ echo "${BASENAME} version: ${VERSION}"
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ --) shift
+ break
+ ;;
+ *) echo "Internal error!"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ if [[ "${DEBUG}" = "y" ]] ; then
+ set -x
+ fi
+ if [[ "${VERBOSE}" == "y" && "${QUIET}" == "y" ]] ; then
+ error "The parameters '${RED}${VERBOSE}${NORMAL}' and '${RED}${VERBOSE}${NORMAL}' are mutually exclusive."
+ usage >&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if [[ "$( type -t curl || true )" != "file" ]] ; then
+ error "Command '${RED}curl${NORMAL}' not found, please install the appropriate package."
+ echo >&2
+ exit 5
+ fi
+ local cur_user_id=$( id -u )
+ if [[ "${cur_user_id}" != "0" ]] ; then
+ error "Wrong user '${RED}$( id -u -n )${NORMAL}'."
+ echo >&2
+ description >&2
+ echo
+ usage >&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+# Some often used funktions
+my_date() {
+ date +'%F %T.%N %:::z'
+debug() {
+ if [[ "${VERBOSE}" != "y" ]] ; then
+ return 0
+ fi
+ echo -e " * [$(my_date)] [${BASENAME}:DEBUG]: $@"
+info() {
+ if [[ "${QUIET}" == "y" ]] ; then
+ return
+ fi
+ echo -e " ${GREEN}*${NORMAL} [$(my_date)] [${BASENAME}:${GREEN}INFO${NORMAL}] : $@"
+warn() {
+ echo -e " ${YELLOW}*${NORMAL} [$(my_date)] [${BASENAME}:${YELLOW}WARN${NORMAL}] : $@" >&2
+error() {
+ echo -e " ${RED}*${NORMAL} [$(my_date)] [${BASENAME}:${RED}ERROR${NORMAL}]: $@" >&2
+MKDIR() {
+ local cmd="mkdir"
+ if [[ "${VERBOSE}" == "y" ]] ; then
+ cmd+=" --verbose"
+ fi
+ eval ${cmd} "$@"
+CHMOD() {
+ local cmd="chmod"
+ if [[ "${VERBOSE}" == "y" ]] ; then
+ cmd+=" --verbose"
+ fi
+ eval ${cmd} "$@"
+CHOWN() {
+ local cmd="chown"
+ if [[ "${VERBOSE}" == "y" ]] ; then
+ cmd+=" --verbose"
+ fi
+ eval ${cmd} "$@"
+CHGRP() {
+ local cmd="chgrp"
+ if [[ "${VERBOSE}" == "y" ]] ; then
+ cmd+=" --verbose"
+ fi
+ eval ${cmd} "$@"
+RM() {
+ local cmd="rm"
+ if [[ "${VERBOSE}" == "y" ]] ; then
+ cmd+=" --verbose"
+ fi
+ eval ${cmd} "$@"
+CP() {
+ local cmd="cp"
+ if [[ "${VERBOSE}" == "y" ]] ; then
+ cmd+=" --verbose"
+ fi
+ eval ${cmd} "$@"
+cleanup_tmp_file() {
+ if [[ -n "${TEMPFILE}" ]] ; then
+ if [[ -e "${TEMPFILE}" ]] ; then
+ debug "Removing temporary file '${TEMPFILE}' ..."
+ RM --force "${TEMPFILE}"
+ fi
+ fi
+do_backup() {
+ local my_user_home="$1"
+ local k8s_dir="${my_user_home}/${REL_K8S_CFGDIR}"
+ local k8s_cfg_file="${k8s_dir}/${REL_K8S_CFGFILE}"
+ if [[ ! -f "${k8s_cfg_file}" ]] ; then
+ debug "File '${k8s_cfg_file}' not found for backup"
+ return 0
+ fi
+ local backup_file="${k8s_cfg_file}.$( date -r "${k8s_cfg_file}" +'%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S' )"
+ info "Copying '${k8s_cfg_file}' => '${backup_file}' ..."
+ CP -p "${k8s_cfg_file}" "${backup_file}"
+check_home_dirs() {
+ local my_user_home="$1"
+ local my_user="$2"
+ local my_group="$3"
+ local k8s_dir="${my_user_home}/${REL_K8S_CFGDIR}"
+ debug "Checking directories '${my_user_home}' and '${k8s_dir}' ..."
+ if [[ -z "${my_user_home}" ]] ; then
+ error "Could not evaluate \$HOME of user '${RED}${my_user}${NORMAL}'."
+ return 6
+ fi
+ if [[ ! -e "${my_user_home}" ]] ; then
+ error "Directory '${RED}${my_user_home}${NORMAL}' does not exists."
+ return 6
+ fi
+ if [[ ! -d "${my_user_home}" ]] ; then
+ error "Path '${RED}${my_user_home}${NORMAL}' exists, but is not a directory."
+ return 6
+ fi
+ if [[ -e "${k8s_dir}" ]] ; then
+ MKDIR -p "${k8s_dir}"
+ else
+ if [[ ! -d "${k8s_dir}" ]] ; then
+ error "Path '${RED}${k8s_dir}${NORMAL}' exists, but is not a directory."
+ return 6
+ fi
+ fi
+ local dir_owner=$( stat --printf="%U" "${k8s_dir}" )
+ local dir_group=$( stat --printf="%G" "${k8s_dir}" )
+ local dir_mode=$( stat --printf="%a" "${k8s_dir}" )
+ debug "Directory '${k8s_dir}' current: owner='${dir_owner}', group='${dir_group}', mode='${dir_mode}'"
+ if [[ "${dir_owner}" != "${my_user}" ]] ; then
+ info "Setting owner of '${k8s_dir}' to '${my_user}'."
+ CHOWN "${my_user}" "${k8s_dir}"
+ fi
+ if [[ "${dir_group}" != "${my_group}" ]] ; then
+ info "Setting group of '${k8s_dir}' to '${my_group}'."
+ CHGRP "${my_group}" "${k8s_dir}"
+ fi
+ if [[ "${dir_mode}" != "700" ]] ; then
+ info "Setting mode of '${k8s_dir}' to 0700."
+ CHMOD "0700" "${k8s_dir}"
+ fi
+ return 0
+get_config() {
+ local env="$1"
+ info "Get current Kubernetes configuration for environment '${GREEN}${env}${NORMAL}'."
+ local host="${ENV_HOST[${env}]}"
+ local port="${ENV_PORT[${env}]}"
+ local user="${ENV_USER[${env}]}"
+ local group="${ENV_GROUP[${env}]}"
+ local url="http://${host}"
+ if [[ "${port}" != "80" ]] ; then
+ url+=":${port}"
+ fi
+ url+="/"
+ debug "URL to get the config: '${url}'."
+ local user_home=$( getent passwd "${user}" | head -n 1 | awk -F: '{print $6}' )
+ debug "Home directory of user '${user}': '${user_home}'"
+ if check_home_dirs "${user_home}" "${user}" "${group}" ; then
+ :
+ else
+ return 0
+ fi
+ TEMPFILE=$( mktemp )
+ debug "Temporary file is '${TEMPFILE}'."
+ trap cleanup_tmp_file INT TERM EXIT ABRT
+ debug "Get '${url}' ..."
+ cmd="curl -o \"${TEMPFILE}\" --silent --max-time \"${TIMEOUT}\" \"${url}\""
+ debug "Executing: ${cmd}"
+ eval ${cmd}
+ if [[ "${VERBOSE}" == "y" ]] ; then
+ ls -l "${TEMPFILE}"
+ fi
+ if [[ ! -s "${TEMPFILE}" ]] ; then
+ error "Got an empty configuration from '${url}' ..."
+ cleanup_tmp_file
+ return 0
+ fi
+ local k8s_dir="${user_home}/${REL_K8S_CFGDIR}"
+ local k8s_cfg_file="${k8s_dir}/${REL_K8S_CFGFILE}"
+ if diff --ignore-tab-expansion --ignore-trailing-space --ignore-blank-lines \
+ --text "${k8s_cfg_file}" "${TEMPFILE}" >/dev/null ; then
+ info "Kubernetes configuration '${GREEN}${k8s_cfg_file}${NORMAL}' will be left unchanged."
+ else
+ warn "Installing new Kubernetes configuration '${YELLOW}${k8s_cfg_file}${NORMAL}' ..."
+ do_backup "${user_home}"
+ CP -p "${TEMPFILE}" "${k8s_cfg_file}"
+ fi
+ cleanup_tmp_file
+ local file_owner=$( stat --printf="%U" "${k8s_cfg_file}" )
+ local file_group=$( stat --printf="%G" "${k8s_cfg_file}" )
+ local file_mode=$( stat --printf="%a" "${k8s_cfg_file}" )
+ debug "File '${k8s_cfg_file}' current: owner='${file_owner}', group='${file_group}', mode='${file_mode}'"
+ if [[ "${file_owner}" != "${user}" ]] ; then
+ info "Setting owner of '${k8s_cfg_file}' to '${user}'."
+ CHOWN "${user}" "${k8s_cfg_file}"
+ fi
+ if [[ "${file_group}" != "${group}" ]] ; then
+ info "Setting group of '${k8s_cfg_file}' to '${group}'."
+ CHGRP "${group}" "${k8s_cfg_file}"
+ fi
+ if [[ "${file_mode}" != "600" ]] ; then
+ info "Setting mode of '${k8s_cfg_file}' to 0600."
+ CHMOD "0600" "${k8s_cfg_file}"
+ fi
+ debug "Finished environment '${env}'."
+## Main
+main() {
+ get_options "$@"
+ get_config 'live'
+ get_config 'stage'
+ cleanup_tmp_file
+main "$@"
+exit 0
+# vim: ts=4 et list
--- /dev/null
+set -e
+set -u
+BASE_NAME="$( basename ${0} )"
+MY_REAL_NAME=$( readlink -f $0 )
+BIN_DIR=$( dirname "${MY_REAL_NAME}" )
+BASE_DIR=$( dirname "${BIN_DIR}" )
+if [[ -f "${LIB_DIR}/functions.rc" ]] ; then
+ . "${LIB_DIR}/functions.rc"
+ echo "Bash resource file '${LIB_DIR}/functions.rc' not found" >&2
+ exit 5
+declare -a TOKENS=()
+ Get LDAP distinguished names (DN) either by a given UID or Mail address.
+usage() {
+ cat <<-EOF
+ Usage: ${BASE_NAME} [Common Options] [LDAP Options] <UID|EMAIL> [<UID|EMAIL> ...]
+ ${BASE_NAME} [-h|--help]
+ ${BASE_NAME} [-V|--version]
+ Mandatory Parameter(s):
+ UID|EMAIL: Either the Uid of the requested User
+ (Posix name, mostly in the form 'first_name.last_name'), or
+ the E-Mail address of the account or group to search.
+ LDAP Options:
+ echo "${LDAP_USAGE_MSG}"
+ echo
+ echo " Common Options:"
+ echo "${STD_USAGE_MSG}"
+get_options() {
+ local tmp=
+ local base_dir=
+ set +e
+ tmp=$( getopt -o ${LDAP_STD_OPTS_SHORT}${STD_SHORT_OPTIONS} \
+ -n "${BASE_NAME}" -- "$@" )
+ if [[ $? != 0 ]] ; then
+ echo "" >&2
+ usage >&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ set -e
+ # Note the quotes around `$TEMP': they are essential!
+ eval set -- "${tmp}"
+ eval_common_options "$@"
+ if [[ "${DEBUG}" == 'y' ]] ; then
+ declare -p REMAINING_OPTS
+ declare -p REMAINING_ARGS
+ fi
+# local -a rest_args_common=()
+# for tmp in "${REMAINING_ARGS[@]}" ; do
+# rest_args_common+=(${tmp})
+# done
+ eval_ldap_options "${REMAINING_OPTS[@]}" "${REMAINING_ARGS[@]}"
+ if [[ "${DEBUG}" == 'y' ]] ; then
+ declare -p REMAINING_OPTS
+ declare -p REMAINING_ARGS
+ fi
+ if [[ "${#REMAINING_OPTS[@]}" -gt 0 ]] ; then
+ error "Unknown options: ${REMAINING_OPTS[*]}"
+ echo >&2
+ usage >&2
+ exit 2
+ fi
+ if [[ "${#REMAINING_ARGS[@]}" == "0" ]] ; then
+ error "No Uids or E-Mail addresses given to retrieve."
+ echo >&2
+ usage >&2
+ exit 2
+ fi
+ local i=0
+ local token=
+ for token in "${REMAINING_ARGS[@]}" ; do
+ if [[ "$i" == 0 ]]; then
+ i=1
+ continue
+ fi
+ TOKENS+=(${token})
+ i=$(( $i + 1 ))
+ done
+ if [[ "${DEBUG}" == 'y' ]] ; then
+ declare -p TOKENS
+ fi
+main() {
+ get_options "$@"
+ local oifs="${IFS}"
+ IFS="
+ local token=
+ local cmd=
+ local filter=
+ local cmd_base="ldapsearch -LLL -o ldif-wrap=no "
+ cmd_base+="-h \"${LDAP_HOST}\" -p ${LDAP_PORT} -b \"${LDAP_BASE}\""
+ cmd_base+=" -x -D \"${LDAP_USR}\" -y \"${LDAP_PWD_FILE}\" "
+ for token in "${TOKENS[@]}" ; do
+ echo >&2
+ info "Getting DN of LDAP-Object with token '${GREEN}${token}${NORMAL}' ..." >&2
+ filter="(|(uid=${token})(mail=${token})(mailAlternateAddress=${token})(mailEquivalentAddress=${token}))"
+ cmd="${cmd_base} \"${filter}\" dn"
+ debug "Executing: ${cmd}"
+ echo >&2
+ eval ${cmd}
+ done
+main "$@"
+exit 0
+# vim: et list
--- /dev/null
+set -e
+set -u
+BASE_NAME="$( basename ${0} )"
+MY_REAL_NAME=$( readlink -f $0 )
+BIN_DIR=$( dirname "${MY_REAL_NAME}" )
+BASE_DIR=$( dirname "${BIN_DIR}" )
+if [[ -f "${LIB_DIR}/functions.rc" ]] ; then
+ . "${LIB_DIR}/functions.rc"
+ echo "Bash resource file '${LIB_DIR}/functions.rc' not found" >&2
+ exit 5
+declare -a TOKENS=()
+ Get complete information about the given LDAP objects by their uid-
+ or mail-Attribute.
+usage() {
+ cat <<-EOF
+ Usage: ${BASE_NAME} [Common Options] [LDAP Options] <UID|EMAIL> [<UID|EMAIL> ...]
+ ${BASE_NAME} [-h|--help]
+ ${BASE_NAME} [-V|--version]
+ Mandatory Parameter(s):
+ UID|EMAIL: Either the Uid of the requested object
+ (Posix name, mostly in the form 'first_name.last_name'), or
+ the E-Mail address of the account or group to search.
+ LDAP Options:
+ echo "${LDAP_USAGE_MSG}"
+ echo
+ echo " Common Options:"
+ echo "${STD_USAGE_MSG}"
+get_options() {
+ local tmp=
+ local base_dir=
+ set +e
+ tmp=$( getopt -o ${LDAP_STD_OPTS_SHORT}${STD_SHORT_OPTIONS} \
+ -n "${BASE_NAME}" -- "$@" )
+ if [[ $? != 0 ]] ; then
+ echo "" >&2
+ usage >&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ set -e
+ # Note the quotes around `$TEMP': they are essential!
+ eval set -- "${tmp}"
+ eval_common_options "$@"
+ if [[ "${DEBUG}" == 'y' ]] ; then
+ declare -p REMAINING_OPTS
+ declare -p REMAINING_ARGS
+ fi
+ eval_ldap_options "${REMAINING_OPTS[@]}" "${REMAINING_ARGS[@]}"
+ if [[ "${DEBUG}" == 'y' ]] ; then
+ declare -p REMAINING_OPTS
+ declare -p REMAINING_ARGS
+ fi
+ if [[ "${#REMAINING_OPTS[@]}" -gt 0 ]] ; then
+ error "Unknown options: ${REMAINING_OPTS[*]}"
+ echo >&2
+ usage >&2
+ exit 2
+ fi
+ if [[ "${#REMAINING_ARGS[@]}" == "0" ]] ; then
+ error "No Uids or E-Mail addresses given to retrieve."
+ echo >&2
+ usage >&2
+ exit 2
+ fi
+ local i=0
+ local token=
+ for token in "${REMAINING_ARGS[@]}" ; do
+ if [[ "$i" == 0 ]]; then
+ i=1
+ continue
+ fi
+ TOKENS+=(${token})
+ i=$(( $i + 1 ))
+ done
+ if [[ "${DEBUG}" == 'y' ]] ; then
+ declare -p TOKENS
+ fi
+main() {
+ get_options "$@"
+ local oifs="${IFS}"
+ IFS="
+ local token=
+ local cmd=
+ local filter=
+ local result=
+ local cmd_base="ldapsearch -LLL -o ldif-wrap=no "
+ cmd_base+="-h \"${LDAP_HOST}\" -p ${LDAP_PORT} -x -D \"${LDAP_USR}\" -y \"${LDAP_PWD_FILE}\" "
+ for token in "${TOKENS[@]}" ; do
+ local -a dns=()
+ local dn=
+ echo >&2
+ info "Getting LDAP info about user with token '${GREEN}${token}${NORMAL}' ..." >&2
+ filter="(|(uid=${token})(mail=${token})(mailAlternateAddress=${token})(mailEquivalentAddress=${token}))"
+ cmd="${cmd_base} -b \"${LDAP_BASE}\" \"${filter}\" dn 2>/dev/null | grep '^dn' | sed -e 's/^dn:[ ]*//'"
+ debug "Executing: ${cmd}"
+ result=$( eval ${cmd} )
+ if [[ -z "${result}" ]] ; then
+ warn "LDAP object with Uid or Mail '${YELLOW}${token}${NORMAL}' not found."
+ continue
+ fi
+ for dn in ${result} ; do
+ echo >&2
+ info "Found DN: '${GREEN}${dn}${NORMAL}'"
+ cmd="${cmd_base} -b \"${dn}\" -s base \"objectclass=*\" 2>/dev/null | sort -i"
+ debug "Executing: ${cmd}"
+ eval ${cmd}
+ done
+ done
+main "$@"
+exit 0
+# vim: et list
--- /dev/null
+set -e
+set -u
+BASE_NAME="$( basename ${0} )"
+MY_REAL_NAME=$( readlink -f $0 )
+BIN_DIR=$( dirname "${MY_REAL_NAME}" )
+BASE_DIR=$( dirname "${BIN_DIR}" )
+if [[ -f "${LIB_DIR}/functions.rc" ]] ; then
+ . "${LIB_DIR}/functions.rc"
+ echo "Bash resource file '${LIB_DIR}/functions.rc' not found" >&2
+ exit 5
+declare -a TOKENS=()
+ Get all relevant information about the given mail addresses from LDAP.
+usage() {
+ cat <<-EOF
+ Usage: ${BASE_NAME} [Common Options] [LDAP Options] <EMAIL> [<EMAIL> ...]
+ ${BASE_NAME} [-h|--help]
+ ${BASE_NAME} [-V|--version]
+ Mandatory Parameter(s):
+ EMAIL: The E-Mail address of the account or group to search.
+ LDAP Options:
+ echo "${LDAP_USAGE_MSG}"
+ echo
+ echo " Common Options:"
+ echo "${STD_USAGE_MSG}"
+get_options() {
+ local tmp=
+ local base_dir=
+ set +e
+ tmp=$( getopt -o ${LDAP_STD_OPTS_SHORT}${STD_SHORT_OPTIONS} \
+ -n "${BASE_NAME}" -- "$@" )
+ if [[ $? != 0 ]] ; then
+ echo "" >&2
+ usage >&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ set -e
+ # Note the quotes around `$TEMP': they are essential!
+ eval set -- "${tmp}"
+ eval_common_options "$@"
+ if [[ "${DEBUG}" == 'y' ]] ; then
+ declare -p REMAINING_OPTS
+ declare -p REMAINING_ARGS
+ fi
+ eval_ldap_options "${REMAINING_OPTS[@]}" "${REMAINING_ARGS[@]}"
+ if [[ "${DEBUG}" == 'y' ]] ; then
+ declare -p REMAINING_OPTS
+ declare -p REMAINING_ARGS
+ fi
+ if [[ "${#REMAINING_OPTS[@]}" -gt 0 ]] ; then
+ error "Unknown options: ${REMAINING_OPTS[*]}"
+ echo >&2
+ usage >&2
+ exit 2
+ fi
+ if [[ "${#REMAINING_ARGS[@]}" == "0" ]] ; then
+ error "No E-Mail addresses given to retrieve."
+ echo >&2
+ usage >&2
+ exit 2
+ fi
+ local i=0
+ local token=
+ for token in "${REMAINING_ARGS[@]}" ; do
+ if [[ "$i" == 0 ]]; then
+ i=1
+ continue
+ fi
+ TOKENS+=(${token})
+ i=$(( $i + 1 ))
+ done
+ if [[ "${DEBUG}" == 'y' ]] ; then
+ declare -p TOKENS
+ fi
+main() {
+ get_options "$@"
+ local ldap_filter_oclass="(|"
+ local oclass=
+ for oclass in inetLocalMailRecipient inetMailGroup inetMailingListUser inetOrgPerson \
+ inetResource mailGroup mailGroupMember mailRecipient; do
+ ldap_filter_oclass+="(objectClass=${oclass})"
+ done
+ ldap_filter_oclass+=")"
+ local filter_tpl="(&${ldap_filter_oclass}(|(mail=@@ADDRESS@@)(mailAlternateAddress=@@ADDRESS@@)"
+ filter_tpl+="(mailEquivalentAddress=@@ADDRESS@@)))"
+ local oifs="${IFS}"
+ IFS="
+ local token=
+ local cmd=
+ local filter=
+ local cmd_base="ldapsearch -LLL -o ldif-wrap=no "
+ cmd_base+="-h \"${LDAP_HOST}\" -p ${LDAP_PORT} -b \"${LDAP_BASE}\""
+ cmd_base+=" -x -D \"${LDAP_USR}\" -y \"${LDAP_PWD_FILE}\" "
+ for token in "${TOKENS[@]}" ; do
+ echo >&2
+ info "Getting DN of LDAP-Object with E-Mail address '${GREEN}${token}${NORMAL}' ..." >&2
+ filter=$( echo "${filter_tpl}" | sed -e "s/@@ADDRESS@@/${token}/g" )
+ cmd="${cmd_base} \"${filter}\" dn cn mail mailAlternateAddress mailEquivalentAddress "
+ cmd+="mgrpRFC822MailMember uniqueMember memberURL mailForwardingAddress mailRoutingAddress"
+ debug "Executing: ${cmd}"
+ echo >&2
+ eval ${cmd}
+ done
+main "$@"
+exit 0
+# vim: et list
--- /dev/null
+set -e
+set -u
+BASE_NAME="$( basename ${0} )"
+MY_REAL_NAME=$( readlink -f $0 )
+BIN_DIR=$( dirname "${MY_REAL_NAME}" )
+BASE_DIR=$( dirname "${BIN_DIR}" )
+if [[ -f "${LIB_DIR}/functions.rc" ]] ; then
+ . "${LIB_DIR}/functions.rc"
+ echo "Bash resource file '${LIB_DIR}/functions.rc' not found" >&2
+ exit 5
+declare -a SEARCH_IDS=()
+ Get all LDAP groups, where the user with the given DN uid or mail address is a member of.
+get_options() {
+ local tmp=
+ local base_dir=
+ set +e
+ tmp=$( getopt -o ${LDAP_STD_OPTS_SHORT}${STD_SHORT_OPTIONS} \
+ -n "${BASE_NAME}" -- "$@" )
+ if [[ $? != 0 ]] ; then
+ echo "" >&2
+ usage >&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ set -e
+ # Note the quotes around `$TEMP': they are essential!
+ eval set -- "${tmp}"
+ eval_common_options "$@"
+ if [[ "${DEBUG}" == 'y' ]] ; then
+ declare -p REMAINING_OPTS
+ declare -p REMAINING_ARGS
+ fi
+ eval_ldap_options "${REMAINING_OPTS[@]}" "${REMAINING_ARGS[@]}"
+ if [[ "${DEBUG}" == 'y' ]] ; then
+ declare -p REMAINING_OPTS
+ declare -p REMAINING_ARGS
+ fi
+ if [[ "${#REMAINING_OPTS[@]}" -gt 0 ]] ; then
+ error "Unknown options: ${REMAINING_OPTS[*]}"
+ echo >&2
+ usage >&2
+ exit 2
+ fi
+ if [[ "${#REMAINING_ARGS[@]}" == "0" ]] ; then
+ error "No user given to retrieve."
+ echo >&2
+ usage >&2
+ exit 2
+ fi
+ local i=0
+ local token=
+ for token in "${REMAINING_ARGS[@]}" ; do
+ if [[ "$i" == 0 ]]; then
+ i=1
+ continue
+ fi
+ SEARCH_IDS+=(${token})
+ i=$(( $i + 1 ))
+ done
+ if [[ "${DEBUG}" == 'y' ]] ; then
+ declare -p SEARCH_IDS
+ fi
+usage() {
+ cat <<-EOF
+ Usage: ${BASE_NAME} [Common Options] [LDAP Options] <ID> [<ID> ...]
+ ${BASE_NAME} [-h|--help]
+ ${BASE_NAME} [-V|--version]
+ Mandatory Parameter(s):
+ ID: The DN, UID or mail address of the user to search.
+ LDAP Options:
+ echo "${LDAP_USAGE_MSG}"
+ echo
+ echo " Common Options:"
+ echo "${STD_USAGE_MSG}"
+get_dn() {
+ local user_id="$1"
+ local dn=
+ local ldap_filter_oclass="(|"
+ local oclass=
+ local line=
+ for oclass in inetLocalMailRecipient inetMailingListUser inetOrgPerson \
+ inetResource mailGroupMember mailRecipient; do
+ ldap_filter_oclass+="(objectClass=${oclass})"
+ done
+ ldap_filter_oclass+=")"
+ local filter="(&${ldap_filter_oclass}(|(mail=${user_id})(mailAlternateAddress=${user_id})"
+ filter+="(mailEquivalentAddress=${user_id})(uid=${user_id})))"
+ info "Getting DN of LDAP-Object with E-Mail address or UID '${CYAN}${user_id}${NORMAL}' ..."
+ cmd="ldapsearch -LLL -o ldif-wrap=no -h \"${LDAP_HOST}\" -p ${LDAP_PORT} -b \"${LDAP_BASE}\""
+ cmd+=" -x -D \"${LDAP_USR}\" -y \"${LDAP_PWD_FILE}\" \"${filter}\" dn"
+ debug "Executing: ${cmd}"
+ for line in $( eval ${cmd} | grep -i '^dn:' | sed -e 's/^dn:[ ]*//i' ) ; do
+ echo "${line}"
+ done
+search_memberships() {
+ local dn="$1"
+ info "Searching for groups with member '${CYAN}${dn}${NORMAL}' ..."
+ local ldap_filter_oclass="(|"
+ local oclass=
+ for oclass in groupOfNames groupOfUniqueNames; do
+ ldap_filter_oclass+="(objectClass=${oclass})"
+ done
+ ldap_filter_oclass+=")"
+ local filter="(&${ldap_filter_oclass}(|(uniqueMember=${dn})(member=${dn})))"
+ cmd="ldapsearch -LLL -o ldif-wrap=no -h \"${LDAP_HOST}\" -p ${LDAP_PORT} -b \"${LDAP_BASE}\""
+ cmd+=" -x -D \"${LDAP_USR}\" -y \"${LDAP_PWD_FILE}\" \"${filter}\""
+ cmd+=" dn cn description mail mailAlternateAddress mailEquivalentAddress"
+ debug "Executing: ${cmd}"
+ eval ${cmd}
+search_user() {
+ local user_id="$1"
+ local dn=
+ local oifs="${IFS}"
+ IFS="
+ echo
+ if echo "${user_id}" | grep -q -i "${LDAP_BASE}\$" ; then
+ dn="${user_id}"
+ info "Searching for user with DN '${CYAN}${dn}${NORMAL}' ..."
+ search_memberships "${dn}"
+ else
+ for dn in $( get_dn "${user_id}" ); do
+ info "Searching for user '${CYAN}${user_id}${NORMAL}' with DN '${CYAN}${dn}${NORMAL}' ..."
+ search_memberships "${dn}"
+ done
+ fi
+ IFS="${oifs}"
+main() {
+ get_options "$@"
+ local id
+ for id in "${SEARCH_IDS[@]}" ; do
+ search_user "${id}"
+ done
+main "$@"
+exit 0
+# vim: et list
--- /dev/null
+set -e
+set -u
+BASE_NAME="$( basename ${0} )"
+MY_REAL_NAME=$( readlink -f $0 )
+BIN_DIR=$( dirname "${MY_REAL_NAME}" )
+BASE_DIR=$( dirname "${BIN_DIR}" )
+if [[ -f "${LIB_DIR}/functions.rc" ]] ; then
+ . "${LIB_DIR}/functions.rc"
+ echo "Bash resource file '${LIB_DIR}/functions.rc' not found" >&2
+ exit 5
+if [[ -f "${CONF_DIR}/pp-nfs.rc" ]] ; then
+ . "${CONF_DIR}/pp-nfs.rc"
+ Removes orphaned NFS home directories under ${CYAN}${NFS_HOMEDIR_PARENT}${NORMAL}
+ and archives them under ${CYAN}${NFS_HOMEDIR_PARENT}/${OLD_HOMES_DIR}${NORMAL}.
+usage() {
+ cat <<-EOF
+ Usage: ${BASE_NAME} [-d] [-v] [--nocolor] [NFS_HOMEDIR_PARENT]
+ ${BASE_NAME} [-h|--help]
+ ${BASE_NAME} [-V|--version]
+ Optional Parameter:
+ NFS_HOMEDIR_PARENT: The parent directory of the NFS home directories.
+ Defaults to: '${NFS_HOMEDIR_PARENT}'.
+ Options:
+ echo "${STD_USAGE_MSG}"
+get_options() {
+ local tmp=
+ local base_dir=
+ set +e
+ tmp=$( getopt -o ${STD_SHORT_OPTIONS} \
+ --long start:,${STD_LONG_OPTIONS} \
+ -n "${BASE_NAME}" -- "$@" )
+ if [[ $? != 0 ]] ; then
+ echo "" >&2
+ usage >&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ set -e
+ # Note the quotes around `$TEMP': they are essential!
+ eval set -- "${tmp}"
+ eval_common_options "$@"
+ #if [[ "${VERBOSE}" == 'y' ]] ; then
+ # declare -p REMAINING_ARGS
+ #fi
+ local num_args="${#REMAINING_ARGS[@]}"
+ if [[ "${num_args}" != "0" ]] ; then
+ if [[ "${num_args}" -gt "2" ]] ; then
+ error "Invalid number of arguments."
+ echo >&2
+ usage >&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [[ ! -d "${NFS_HOMEDIRS}" ]] ; then
+ error "Parent of NFS home directories '${RED}${NFS_HOMEDIRS}${NORMAL}' not found."
+ echo >&2
+ usage >&2
+ exit 2
+ fi
+check_dir() {
+ local hdir="${1}"
+ local bname=$( basename "${hdir}" )
+ local ex=
+ local skip="n"
+ debug "Checking directory '${CYAN}${NFS_HOMEDIRS}/${hdir}${NORMAL}' ..."
+ local owner=$( stat --format="%U" "${hdir}" )
+ if [[ "${owner}" != 'UNKNOWN' ]] ; then
+ debug "Owner: '${owner}'"
+ return
+ fi
+ for ex in $( echo "${EXCLUDE_DIRS}" | egrep -v "^[ ]*(#|$)" | sed -e 's/^[ ]*//' -e 's/[ ]*$//' ) ; do
+ if [[ "${bname}" == "${ex}" ]] ; then
+ skip="y"
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ if [[ "${skip}" == "y" ]] ; then
+ info "Skipping '${CYAN}${NFS_HOMEDIRS}/${hdir}${NORMAL}'."
+ return
+ fi
+ info "Directory '${CYAN}${NFS_HOMEDIRS}/${hdir}${NORMAL}' is orphaned, cleaning it up"
+ ls -ld "${hdir}"
+ du -sm "${hdir}"
+ local j=0
+ local tarfile="${NFS_HOMEDIRS}/${OLD_HOMES_DIR}/$bname.$j.tar.gz"
+ while [[ -e "${tarfile}" ]] ; do
+ j=$(( $j + 1 ))
+ tarfile="${NFS_HOMEDIRS}/${OLD_HOMES_DIR}/$bname.$j.tar.gz"
+ done
+ debug "Creating tarfile: '${CYAN}${tarfile}${NORMAL}'"
+ local cmd="tar cfz \"${tarfile}\" \"${hdir}\""
+ if [[ "${VERBOSE}" == "y" ]] ; then
+ cmd="tar cfzv \"${tarfile}\" \"${hdir}\""
+ fi
+ debug "Executing: ${cmd}"
+ if [[ "${SIMULATE}" != "y" ]] ; then
+ eval ${cmd}
+ ls -l "${tarfile}"
+ else
+ debug "Tarfile '${tarfile}' not created."
+ fi
+ info "Removing directory '${CYAN}${NFS_HOMEDIRS}/${hdir}${NORMAL}' ..."
+ RM --recursive "${hdir}"
+do_cleanup() {
+ cd "${NFS_HOMEDIRS}"
+ local dir=
+ local oifs="${IFS}"
+ IFS="
+ for dir in $( ls -1 -U ) ; do
+ if [[ ! -d "${dir}" ]] ; then
+ continue
+ fi
+ if [[ "${dir}" == "${OLD_HOMES_DIR}" ]] ; then
+ continue
+ fi
+ check_dir "${dir}"
+ done
+ IFS="${oifs}"
+main() {
+ get_options "$@"
+ set_locale "en_US.utf8"
+ info "Starting cleanup homedirs ..."
+ do_cleanup
+ info "Finished cleanup homedirs."
+main "$@"
+exit 0
+# vim: et ts=4 list
--- /dev/null
+# by @rwaffen
+#update zelos
+DATE=$(date '+%Y-%m-%d')
+is_mounted=$(mount | grep /mnt/storagebox/backup -c)
+backup_box_pass=$1 #see tpm
+if [ -z "${backup_box_pass}" ]; then
+ echo "Bitte Password aus TPM entnehmen!"
+ exit 1
+# mount hetzner backup disk
+if [ $is_mounted -ne 1 ]; then
+ mount.cifs -o user=u234365,pass=${backup_box_pass} //u234365.your-storagebox.de/backup /mnt/storagebox/backup
+# delete older backups
+find /mnt/storagebox/backup -mtime +20 -delete
+# make file backups
+echo "packe /root"
+tar cfz /mnt/storagebox/backup/${DATE}_root.tgz /root
+echo "packe /opt/asterisk"
+tar cfz /mnt/storagebox/backup/${DATE}_asterisk.tgz /opt/asterisk
+echo "packe /etc"
+tar cfz /mnt/storagebox/backup/${DATE}_etc.tgz /etc
+echo "packe /home"
+tar cfz /mnt/storagebox/backup/${DATE}_home.tgz /home
+# make db backup
+echo "mache db dump"
+echo "kann so 60min. dauern..."
+time /root/MysqlDumps/backupZabbixDB.sh
+mv $(find /opt/dbstorage -name "*.bz2" -daystart -ctime 0) /mnt/storagebox/backup
+# update system
+yum update -y
+# reboot
+systemctl reboot