-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE delegatemap [
<!ELEMENT delegatemap (delegate)+>
<!ELEMENT delegate (#PCDATA)>
decode="in_format" encode="out_format"
- specify the rules for converting from in_format to out_format These
- rules may be used to translate directly between formats.
+ specify the rules for converting from in_format to out_format. Use these
+ rules to translate directly between formats.
Commands which specify only
specify the rules for converting from in_format to some format that
- ImageMagick will automatically recognize. These rules are used to
- decode formats.
+ ImageMagick automatically recognizes. Use these rules to decode formats.
Commands which specify only
specify the rules for an "encoder" which may accept any input format.
- For delegates other than ps:*, pcl:*, and mpeg:* the substitution rules are
- as follows:
+ The substitution rules are as follows:
- %i input image filename
- %o output image filename
- %u unique temporary filename
- %Z unique temporary filename
- %# input image signature
- %b image file size
- %c input image comment
+ %a authentication passphrase
+ %b image file size in bytes
%g image geometry
%h image rows (height)
- %k input image number colors
- %l image label
+ %i input image filename
+ %# input image signature
%m input image format
+ %o output image filename
%p page number
%q input image depth
%s scene number
+ %u unique temporary filename
%w image columns (width)
%x input image x resolution
%y input image y resolution
If stealth="True" the delegate is not listed in user requested
"-list delegate" listings. These are typically special internal delegates.
- If spawn="True" ImageMagick will not way for the delegate to finish,
- nor will it read any output image. It will only wait for either the input
- file to be removed (See "ephemeral:" coder) indicating that the input file
- has been read, or a maximum time limit of 2 seconds.
+ If spawn="True", ImageMagick does not wait for the delegate to finish, nor
+ will it read any output image.
- <delegate decode="autotrace" stealth="True" command=""convert" "%i" "pnm:%u"\n"autotrace" -input-format pnm -output-format svg -output-file "%o" "%u""/>
- <delegate decode="bpg" command=""bpgdec" -b 16 -o "%o.png" "%i"; mv "%o.png" "%o""/>
- <delegate decode="png" encode="bpg" command=""bpgenc" -b 12 -o "%o" "%i""/>
+ <delegate decode="bpg" command=""bpgdec" -b 16 -o "%o.png" "%i"; /bin/mv "%o.png" "%o""/>
+ <delegate decode="png" encode="bpg" command=""bpgenc" -b 12 -q %[fx:quality/2] -o "%o" "%i""/>
<delegate decode="blender" command=""blender" -b "%i" -F PNG -o "%o""\n"convert" -concatenate "%o*.png" "%o""/>
- <delegate decode="browse" stealth="True" spawn="True" command=""xdg-open" http://www.imagemagick.org/; rm "%i""/>
- <delegate decode="cdr" command=""uniconvertor" "%i" "%o.svg"; mv "%o.svg" "%o""/>
- <delegate decode="cgm" command=""uniconvertor" "%i" "%o.svg"; mv "%o.svg" "%o""/>
+ <delegate decode="browse" stealth="True" spawn="True" command=""xdg-open" http://www.imagemagick.org/; /bin/rm "%i""/>
+ <delegate decode="cdr" command=""uniconvertor" "%i" "%o.svg"; /bin/mv "%o.svg" "%o""/>
+ <delegate decode="cgm" command=""uniconvertor" "%i" "%o.svg"; /bin/mv "%o.svg" "%o""/>
+ <delegate decode="https" command=""curl" -s -k -L -o "%o" "https:%M""/>
<delegate decode="dng:decode" command=""ufraw-batch" --silent --create-id=also --out-type=png --out-depth=16 "--output=%u.png" "%i""/>
- <delegate decode="doc" command=""soffice" --headless --convert-to pdf --outdir `dirname "%i"` "%i" 2> "%Z"; mv "%i.pdf" "%o""/>
- <delegate decode="docx" command=""soffice" --headless --convert-to pdf --outdir `dirname "%i"` "%i" 2> "%Z"; mv "%i.pdf" "%o""/>
+ <delegate decode="doc" command=""soffice" --convert-to pdf -outdir `dirname "%i"` "%i" 2> "%u"; /bin/mv "%i.pdf" "%o""/>
+ <delegate decode="docx" command=""soffice" --convert-to pdf -outdir `dirname "%i"` "%i" 2> "%u"; /bin/mv "%i.pdf" "%o""/>
<delegate decode="dot" command='"dot" -Tsvg "%i" -o "%o"' />
<delegate decode="dvi" command=""dvips" -q -o "%o" "%i""/>
- <delegate decode="dxf" command=""uniconvertor" "%i" "%o.svg"; mv "%o.svg" "%o""/>
+ <delegate decode="dxf" command=""uniconvertor" "%i" "%o.svg"; /bin/mv "%o.svg" "%o""/>
<delegate decode="edit" stealth="True" command=""xterm" -title "Edit Image Comment" -e vi "%o""/>
<delegate decode="eps" encode="pdf" mode="bi" command=""gs" -q -dQUIET -dSAFER -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -dNOPROMPT -dMaxBitmap=500000000 "-sDEVICE=pdfwrite" "-sOutputFile=%o" "-f%i""/>
<delegate decode="eps" encode="ps" mode="bi" command=""gs" -q -dQUIET -dSAFER -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -dNOPROMPT -dMaxBitmap=500000000 -dAlignToPixels=0 -dGridFitTT=2 "-sDEVICE=ps2write" "-sOutputFile=%o" "-f%i""/>
- <delegate decode="fig" command=""uniconvertor" "%i" "%o.svg"; mv "%o.svg" "%o""/>
- <delegate decode="hpg" command=""hp2xx" -q -m eps -f `basename "%o"` "%i"; mv -f `basename "%o"` "%o""/>
- <delegate decode="hpgl" command=""hp2xx" -q -m eps -f `basename "%o"` "%i"; mv -f `basename "%o"` "%o""/>
+ <delegate decode="fig" command=""uniconvertor" "%i" "%o.svg"; /bin/mv "%o.svg" "%o""/>
+ <delegate decode="hpg" command=""hp2xx" -q -m eps -f `basename "%o"` "%i"; /bin/mv -f `basename "%o"` "%o""/>
+ <delegate decode="hpgl" command=""hp2xx" -q -m eps -f `basename "%o"` "%i"; /bin/mv -f `basename "%o"` "%o""/>
<delegate decode="htm" command=""html2ps" -U -o "%o" "%i""/>
<delegate decode="html" command=""html2ps" -U -o "%o" "%i""/>
- <delegate decode="https" command=""curl" -s -k -L -o "%o" "https:%M""/>
<delegate decode="ilbm" command=""ilbmtoppm" "%i" > "%o""/>
- <delegate decode="jxr" command="mv "%i" "%i.jxr"; "JxrDecApp" -i "%i.jxr" -o "%o.bmp" -c 0; mv "%i.jxr" "%i"; mv "%o.bmp" "%o""/>
- <delegate decode="man" command=""groff" -man -Tps "%i" > "%o""/>
- <delegate decode="miff" encode="show" spawn="True" command=""display" -delay 0 -window-group %[group] -title "%l " "ephemeral:%i""/>
- <delegate decode="miff" encode="win" stealth="True" spawn="True" command=""display" -immutable -delay 0 -window-group %[group] -title "%l " "ephemeral:%i""/>
- <delegate decode="mpeg:decode" command=""avconv" -v -1 -i "%i" -vframes %S -vcodec pam -an -f rawvideo -y "%u.pam" 2> "%Z""/>
- <delegate decode="odt" command=""soffice" --headless --convert-to pdf --outdir `dirname "%i"` "%i" 2> "%Z"; mv "%i.pdf" "%o""/>
+ <delegate decode="jxr" command="/bin/mv "%i" "%i.jxr"; "JxrDecApp" -i "%i.jxr" -o "%o.bmp" -c 0; /bin/mv "%i.jxr" "%i"; /bin/mv "%o.bmp" "%o""/>
+ <delegate decode="miff" encode="show" spawn="True" command=""display" -immutable -delay 0 -title "%M" "%i""/>
+ <delegate decode="miff" encode="win" stealth="True" spawn="True" command=""display" -immutable -delay 0 -title "%M" "%i""/>
+ <delegate decode="mpeg:decode" command=""avconv" -nostdin -v -1 -i "%i" -vframes %S -vcodec pam -an -f rawvideo -y "%u.pam" 2> "%u""/>
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- <delegate decode="pdf" encode="ps" mode="bi" command=""gs" -q -dQUIET -dSAFER -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -dNOPROMPT -dMaxBitmap=500000000 -dAlignToPixels=0 -dGridFitTT=2 "-sDEVICE=ps2write" "-sOutputFile=%o" "-f%i""/>
- <delegate decode="plt" command=""echo" "set size 1.25,0.62; set terminal postscript portrait color solid; set output \'%o\'; load \'%i\'" > "%u";"gnuplot" "%u""/>
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- <delegate decode="rgba" encode="rle" mode="encode" command=""rawtorle" -o "%o" -v "%i""/>
- <delegate decode="scan" command=""scanimage" -d "%i" > "%o""/>
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+ name="ComicSansMSB"
+ fullname="Comic Sans MS Bold"
+ family="Comic Sans"
+ glyphs="Comic Sans MS Bold.ttf"
+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="ComicSans"
+ fullname="Comic Sans MS"
+ family="Comic Sans"
+ glyphs="Comic Sans MS.ttf"
+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="ComicSans"
+ fullname="Comic Sans MS"
+ family="Comic Sans"
+ glyphs="comic.ttf"
+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="ComicSansMSB"
+ fullname="Comic Sans MS Bold"
+ family="Comic Sans"
+ glyphs="comicbd.ttf"
+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="CorsivaHebrew"
+ fullname="Corsiva Hebrew"
+ family="Corsiva Hebrew"
+ glyphs="Corsiva.ttf"
+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="CorsivaHebrewB"
+ fullname="Corsiva Hebrew Bold"
+ family="Corsiva Hebrew"
+ glyphs="CorsivaBold.ttf"
+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="CourierNewBI"
+ fullname="Courier New Bold Italic"
+ family="Courier New"
+ glyphs="Courier New Bold Italic.ttf"
+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="CourierNewB"
+ fullname="Courier New Bold"
+ family="Courier New"
+ glyphs="Courier New Bold.ttf"
+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="CourierNewI"
+ fullname="Courier New Italic"
+ family="Courier New"
+ glyphs="Courier New Italic.ttf"
+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="CourierNew"
+ fullname="Courier New"
+ family="Courier New"
+ glyphs="Courier New.ttf"
+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="DecoTypeNaskh"
+ fullname="DecoType Naskh"
+ family="DecoType Naskh"
+ glyphs="DecoTypeNaskh.ttf"
+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="Devanagari"
+ fullname="Devanagari MT"
+ family="Devanagari "
+ glyphs="DevanagariMT.ttf"
+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="DevanagariB"
+ fullname="Devanagari MT Bold"
+ family="Devanagari "
+ glyphs="DevanagariMTBold.ttf"
+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="EuphemiaUCASB"
+ fullname="Euphemia UCAS Bold"
+ family="Euphemia UCAS"
+ glyphs="EuphemiaCASBold.ttf"
+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="EuphemiaUCASI"
+ fullname="Euphemia UCAS Italic"
+ family="Euphemia UCAS"
+ glyphs="EuphemiaCASItalic.ttf"
+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="EuphemiaUCAS"
+ fullname="Euphemia UCAS"
+ family="Euphemia UCAS"
+ glyphs="EuphemiaCASRegular.ttf"
+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="GeorgiaBI"
+ fullname="Georgia Bold Italic"
+ family="Georgia"
+ glyphs="Georgia Bold Italic.ttf"
+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="GeorgiaB"
+ fullname="Georgia Bold"
+ family="Georgia"
+ glyphs="Georgia Bold.ttf"
+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="GeorgiaI"
+ fullname="Georgia Italic"
+ family="Georgia"
+ glyphs="Georgia Italic.ttf"
+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="Georgia"
+ fullname="Georgia"
+ family="Georgia"
+ glyphs="Georgia.ttf"
+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="GreekMathSymbols"
+ fullname="GreekMathSymbols Normal"
+ family="GreekMathSymbols"
+ glyphs="GreekMathSymbols Normal.ttf"
+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="Gujarati"
+ fullname="Gujarati MT"
+ family="Gujarati "
+ glyphs="GujaratiMT.ttf"
+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="GujaratiB"
+ fullname="Gujarati MT Bold"
+ family="Gujarati "
+ glyphs="GujaratiMTBold.ttf"
+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="Gulim"
+ fullname="Gulim"
+ family="Gulim"
+ glyphs="Gulim.ttf"
+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="GungSeo"
+ fullname="GungSeo Regular"
+ family="GungSeo"
+ glyphs="Gungseouche.ttf"
+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="Gurmukhi"
+ fullname="Gurmukhi MT"
+ family="Gurmukhi "
+ glyphs="Gurmukhi.ttf"
+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="HeadLineA"
+ fullname="HeadLineA Regular"
+ family="HeadLineA"
+ glyphs="HeadlineA.ttf"
+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="Hei"
+ fullname="Hei Regular"
+ family="Hei"
+ glyphs="Hei.ttf"
+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="Herculanum"
+ fullname="Herculanum"
+ family="Herculanum"
+ glyphs="Herculanum.ttf"
+ />
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+ format="ttf"
+ name="HoeflerTextOrnaments"
+ fullname="Hoefler Text Ornaments"
+ family="Hoefler Text"
+ glyphs="Hoefler Text Ornaments.ttf"
+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="Impact"
+ fullname="Impact"
+ family="Impact"
+ glyphs="Impact.ttf"
+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="InaiMathi"
+ fullname="InaiMathi"
+ family="InaiMathi"
+ glyphs="InaiMathi.ttf"
+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="Kai"
+ fullname="Kai Regular"
+ family="Kai"
+ glyphs="Kai.ttf"
+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="Kailasa"
+ fullname="Kailasa Regular"
+ family="Kailasa"
+ glyphs="Kailasa.ttf"
+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="Kokonor"
+ fullname="Kokonor Regular"
+ family="Kokonor"
+ glyphs="Kokonor.ttf"
+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="Krungthep"
+ fullname="Krungthep"
+ family="Krungthep"
+ glyphs="Krungthep.ttf"
+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="KufiStandardGK"
+ fullname="KufiStandardGK"
+ family="KufiStandardGK"
+ glyphs="KufiStandardGK.ttf"
+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="Symbol"
+ fullname="Symbol"
+ family="Symbol"
+ glyphs="MathSymbol.ttf"
+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="Batang"
+ fullname="Batang"
+ family="Batang"
+ glyphs="Microsoft/Batang.ttf"
+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="BookshelfSymbol7"
+ fullname="Bookshelf Symbol 7"
+ family="Bookshelf Symbol 7"
+ glyphs="Microsoft/Bookshelf Symbol 7.ttf"
+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="BrushScriptI"
+ fullname="Brush Script MT Italic"
+ family="Brush Script "
+ glyphs="Microsoft/Brush Script.ttf"
+ />
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+ format="ttf"
+ name="CalibriBI"
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+ />
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+ format="ttf"
+ name="CalibriB"
+ fullname="Calibri Bold"
+ family="Calibri"
+ glyphs="Microsoft/Calibri Bold.ttf"
+ />
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+ format="ttf"
+ name="CalibriI"
+ fullname="Calibri Italic"
+ family="Calibri"
+ glyphs="Microsoft/Calibri Italic.ttf"
+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="Calibri"
+ fullname="Calibri"
+ family="Calibri"
+ glyphs="Microsoft/Calibri.ttf"
+ />
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+ format="ttf"
+ name="CambriaBI"
+ fullname="Cambria Bold Italic"
+ family="Cambria"
+ glyphs="Microsoft/Cambria Bold Italic.ttf"
+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="CambriaB"
+ fullname="Cambria Bold"
+ family="Cambria"
+ glyphs="Microsoft/Cambria Bold.ttf"
+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="CambriaI"
+ fullname="Cambria Italic"
+ family="Cambria"
+ glyphs="Microsoft/Cambria Italic.ttf"
+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="Cambria"
+ fullname="Cambria"
+ family="Cambria"
+ glyphs="Microsoft/Cambria.ttf"
+ />
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+ format="ttf"
+ name="CandaraBI"
+ fullname="Candara Bold Italic"
+ family="Candara"
+ glyphs="Microsoft/Candara Bold Italic.ttf"
+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="CandaraB"
+ fullname="Candara Bold"
+ family="Candara"
+ glyphs="Microsoft/Candara Bold.ttf"
+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="CandaraI"
+ fullname="Candara Italic"
+ family="Candara"
+ glyphs="Microsoft/Candara Italic.ttf"
+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="Candara"
+ fullname="Candara"
+ family="Candara"
+ glyphs="Microsoft/Candara.ttf"
+ />
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+ format="ttf"
+ name="ConsolasBI"
+ fullname="Consolas Bold Italic"
+ family="Consolas"
+ glyphs="Microsoft/Consolas Bold Italic.ttf"
+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="ConsolasB"
+ fullname="Consolas Bold"
+ family="Consolas"
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+ />
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+ format="ttf"
+ name="ConsolasI"
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+ glyphs="Microsoft/Consolas Italic.ttf"
+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="Consolas"
+ fullname="Consolas"
+ family="Consolas"
+ glyphs="Microsoft/Consolas.ttf"
+ />
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+ format="ttf"
+ name="ConstantiaTestI"
+ fullname="Constantia Test Italic"
+ family="Constantia"
+ glyphs="Microsoft/Constantia Bold Italic.ttf"
+ />
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+ format="ttf"
+ name="ConstantiaB"
+ fullname="Constantia Bold"
+ family="Constantia"
+ glyphs="Microsoft/Constantia Bold.ttf"
+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="ConstantiaI"
+ fullname="Constantia Italic"
+ family="Constantia"
+ glyphs="Microsoft/Constantia Italic.ttf"
+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="Constantia"
+ fullname="Constantia"
+ family="Constantia"
+ glyphs="Microsoft/Constantia.ttf"
+ />
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+ format="ttf"
+ name="CorbelTestBI"
+ fullname="Corbel Test Bold Italic"
+ family="Corbel"
+ glyphs="Microsoft/Corbel Bold Italic.ttf"
+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="CorbelTestB"
+ fullname="Corbel Test Bold"
+ family="Corbel"
+ glyphs="Microsoft/Corbel Bold.ttf"
+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="CorbelI"
+ fullname="Corbel Italic"
+ family="Corbel"
+ glyphs="Microsoft/Corbel Italic.ttf"
+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="Corbel"
+ fullname="Corbel"
+ family="Corbel"
+ glyphs="Microsoft/Corbel.ttf"
+ />
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+ format="ttf"
+ name="FranklinGothicBookI"
+ fullname="Franklin Gothic Book Italic"
+ family="Franklin Gothic Book"
+ glyphs="Microsoft/Franklin Gothic Book Italic.ttf"
+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="FranklinGothicBook"
+ fullname="Franklin Gothic Book"
+ family="Franklin Gothic Book"
+ glyphs="Microsoft/Franklin Gothic Book.ttf"
+ />
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+ format="ttf"
+ name="FranklinGothicMI"
+ fullname="Franklin Gothic Medium Italic"
+ family="Franklin Gothic Medium"
+ glyphs="Microsoft/Franklin Gothic Medium Italic.ttf"
+ />
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+ format="ttf"
+ name="FranklinGothicM"
+ fullname="Franklin Gothic Medium"
+ family="Franklin Gothic Medium"
+ glyphs="Microsoft/Franklin Gothic Medium.ttf"
+ />
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+ format="ttf"
+ name="GillSansBI"
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+ family="Gill Sans "
+ glyphs="Microsoft/Gill Sans MT Bold Italic.ttf"
+ />
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+ format="ttf"
+ name="GillSansB"
+ fullname="Gill Sans MT Bold"
+ family="Gill Sans "
+ glyphs="Microsoft/Gill Sans MT Bold.ttf"
+ />
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+ format="ttf"
+ name="GillSansI"
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+ family="Gill Sans "
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+ />
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+ format="ttf"
+ name="GillSans"
+ fullname="Gill Sans MT"
+ family="Gill Sans "
+ glyphs="Microsoft/Gill Sans MT.ttf"
+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="Gulim"
+ fullname="Gulim"
+ family="Gulim"
+ glyphs="Microsoft/Gulim.ttf"
+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="LucidaConsole"
+ fullname="Lucida Console"
+ family="Lucida Console"
+ glyphs="Microsoft/Lucida Console.ttf"
+ />
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+ format="ttf"
+ name="LucidaSansUnicode"
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+ family="Lucida Sans Unicode"
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+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="Marlett"
+ fullname="Marlett"
+ family="Marlett"
+ glyphs="Microsoft/Marlett.ttf"
+ />
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+ format="ttf"
+ name="MeiryoBI"
+ fullname="Meiryo Bold Italic"
+ family="Meiryo"
+ glyphs="Microsoft/Meiryo Bold Italic.ttf"
+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="MeiryoB"
+ fullname="Meiryo Bold"
+ family="Meiryo"
+ glyphs="Microsoft/Meiryo Bold.ttf"
+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="MeiryoI"
+ fullname="Meiryo Italic"
+ family="Meiryo"
+ glyphs="Microsoft/Meiryo Italic.ttf"
+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="Meiryo"
+ fullname="Meiryo"
+ family="Meiryo"
+ glyphs="Microsoft/Meiryo.ttf"
+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="Gothic"
+ fullname="MS Gothic"
+ family="Gothic"
+ glyphs="Microsoft/MS Gothic.ttf"
+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="Mincho"
+ fullname="MS Mincho"
+ family="Mincho"
+ glyphs="Microsoft/MS Mincho.ttf"
+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="PGothic"
+ fullname="MS PGothic"
+ family="PGothic"
+ glyphs="Microsoft/MS PGothic.ttf"
+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="PMincho"
+ fullname="MS PMincho"
+ family="PMincho"
+ glyphs="Microsoft/MS PMincho.ttf"
+ />
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+ format="ttf"
+ name="ReferenceSansSerif"
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+ family="Reference Sans Serif"
+ glyphs="Microsoft/MS Reference Sans Serif.ttf"
+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="ReferenceSpecialty"
+ fullname="MS Reference Specialty"
+ family="Reference Specialty"
+ glyphs="Microsoft/MS Reference Specialty.ttf"
+ />
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+ format="ttf"
+ name="PerpetuaBI"
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+ family="Perpetua"
+ glyphs="Microsoft/Perpetua Bold Italic.ttf"
+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="PerpetuaB"
+ fullname="Perpetua Bold"
+ family="Perpetua"
+ glyphs="Microsoft/Perpetua Bold.ttf"
+ />
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+ format="ttf"
+ name="PerpetuaI"
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+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="Perpetua"
+ fullname="Perpetua"
+ family="Perpetua"
+ glyphs="Microsoft/Perpetua.ttf"
+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="PMingLiU"
+ fullname="PMingLiU"
+ family="PMingLiU"
+ glyphs="Microsoft/PMingLiU.ttf"
+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="SimSun"
+ fullname="SimSun"
+ family="SimSun"
+ glyphs="Microsoft/SimSun.ttf"
+ />
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+ format="ttf"
+ name="TwCenBI"
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+ family="Tw Cen "
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+ />
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+ format="ttf"
+ name="TwCenB"
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+ glyphs="Microsoft/Tw Cen MT Bold.ttf"
+ />
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+ format="ttf"
+ name="TwCenI"
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+ />
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+ format="ttf"
+ name="TwCen"
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+ glyphs="Microsoft/Tw Cen MT.ttf"
+ />
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+ format="ttf"
+ name="MicrosoftSansSerif"
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+ glyphs="Microsoft Sans Serif.ttf"
+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="Gothic"
+ fullname="MS Gothic"
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+ glyphs="MS Gothic.ttf"
+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="Mincho"
+ fullname="MS Mincho"
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+ glyphs="MS Mincho.ttf"
+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="PGothic"
+ fullname="MS PGothic"
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+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="PMincho"
+ fullname="MS PMincho"
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+ />
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+ format="ttf"
+ name="MshtakanB"
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+ />
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+ format="ttf"
+ name="MshtakanBoldOblique"
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+ />
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+ format="ttf"
+ name="MshtakanOb"
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+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="Mshtakan"
+ fullname="Mshtakan"
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+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="Nadeem"
+ fullname="Nadeem"
+ family="Nadeem"
+ glyphs="Nadeem.ttf"
+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="NewPeninim"
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+ family="New Peninim "
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+ />
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+ format="ttf"
+ name="NewPeninimB"
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+ />
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+ format="ttf"
+ name="NewPeninimBInclined"
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+ />
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+ format="ttf"
+ name="NewPeninimInclined"
+ fullname="New Peninim MT Inclined"
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+ />
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+ format="ttf"
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+ format="ttf"
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+ />
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+ format="ttf"
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+ />
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+ format="ttf"
+ name="OpenSansXb"
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+ />
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+ />
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+ name="OpenSansI"
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+ />
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+ format="ttf"
+ name="OpenSansL"
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+ />
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+ format="ttf"
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+ />
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+ format="ttf"
+ name="OpenSans"
+ fullname="Open Sans"
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+ />
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+ format="ttf"
+ name="OpenSansSemibold"
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+ format="ttf"
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+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="Osaka"
+ fullname="Osaka"
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+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="OsakaMono"
+ fullname="Osaka-Mono"
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+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="PCMyungjo"
+ fullname="PCMyungjo Regular"
+ family="PCMyungjo"
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+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="Pharmacy"
+ fullname="Pharmacy"
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+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="PilGi"
+ fullname="PilGi Regular"
+ family="PilGi"
+ glyphs="Pilgiche.ttf"
+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="PlantagenetCherokee"
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+ family="Plantagenet Cherokee"
+ glyphs="PlantagenetCherokee.ttf"
+ />
+ <type
+ format="ttf"
+ name="Raanana"
+ fullname="Raanana"
+ family="Raanana"
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+ />
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+ format="ttf"
+ name="RaananaB"
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+ />
+ <type
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