--- /dev/null
+## !/bin/bash
+create_networkconfig() {
+ echo -e "\e[0Ksection_start:$( date +%s ):ks_create_networkconfig[collapsed=true]\r\e[0KGenerating network configuration ..."
+ echo
+ echo "${HASH_LINE}"
+ echo
+ log "Generating network configuration ..."
+ local temp_dir=$( mktemp -p /tmp -d 'tmp.XXXXXXXXXX.cobbler' )
+ local tmp_nw_cfg="${temp_dir}/network"
+ local tmp_nw_script_dir="${temp_dir}/network-scripts"
+ local nw_script_dir="/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts"
+ local nw_old_dir="${nw_script_dir}/.old"
+ local nm_cfg_dir='/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections'
+ local nm_old_dir="${nm_cfg_dir}/.old"
+ local ifcfg_file=
+ local if_uuid=$( uuidgen -r )
+ mkdir -pv "${tmp_nw_script_dir}"
+ mkdir -pv "${nw_old_dir}"
+ mkdir -pv "${nm_old_dir}"
+ echo "Generating /etc/sysconfig/network ..."
+ grep -v 'GATEWAY|HOSTNAME' /etc/sysconfig/network > "${tmp_nw_cfg}"
+ echo "GATEWAY=${gateway}" >> "${tmp_nw_cfg}"
+ echo "HOSTNAME=${hostname}" >> "${tmp_nw_cfg}"
+ mv -v /etc/sysconfig/network "/etc/sysconfig/network.orig.$( date -r /etc/sysconfig/network +'%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S' )"
+ mv -v "${tmp_nw_cfg}" /etc/sysconfig/network
+ echo "Generated /etc/sysconfig/network:"
+ cat /etc/sysconfig/network || true
+ echo
+ # Also set the hostname now, some applications require it
+ echo "Generating '/etc/hostname' ..."
+ /bin/hostname "${base_hostname}"
+ echo "${base_hostname}" > '/etc/hostname'
+ echo "Updating '/etc/hosts' ..."
+ echo >>'/etc/hosts'
+ echo "${ip_address_eth0} ${hostname} ${base_hostname}" >>'/etc/hosts'
+ echo "Generated /etc/hosts:"
+ cat '/etc/hosts' | true
+ echo
+ for ifcfg_file in ${nw_script_dir}/ifcfg-* ; do
+ if [[ ! -f "${ifcfg_file}" ]] ; then
+ continue
+ fi
+ local bname=$(basename "${ifcfg_file}" )
+ if [[ "${bname}" == "ifcfg-lo" ]] ; then
+ continue
+ fi
+ mv -v "${ifcfg_file}" "${nw_old_dir}"
+ done
+ for ifcfg_file in ${nm_cfg_dir}/*.nmconnection ; do
+ if [[ ! -f "${ifcfg_file}" ]] ; then
+ continue
+ fi
+ local bname=$( basename "${ifcfg_file}" .nmconnection )
+ if [[ "${bname}" == "lo" ]] ; then
+ continue
+ fi
+ mv -v "${ifcfg_file}" "${nm_old_dir}"
+ done
+ local dev_basename="${DEVNAME_ETH0}.nmconnection"
+ local dev_file="${tmp_nw_script_dir}/${dev_basename}"
+ echo "Generating '${dev_file}' ..."
+ cat <<-EOF >"${dev_file}"
+ [connection]
+ id=${DEVNAME_ETH0}
+ uuid=${if_uuid}
+ type=ethernet
+ interface-name=${DEVNAME_ETH0}
+ [ethernet]
+ [ipv4]
+ method=manual
+ address1=${IP_ADDRESS_ETH0}/${NETMASK_INT_ETH0},${gateway}
+ local i=1
+ local nameservers=
+ local searchdomains=
+ local ns=
+ local domain=
+ if [[ "${#NAMESERVERS[*]}" -gt 0 ]] ; then
+ for ns in "${NAMESERVERS[@]}" ; do
+ nameservers+="${ns};"
+ done
+ echo "dns=${nameservers}" >>"${dev_file}"
+ fi
+ if [[ "${#NS_SEARCH_DOMAINS[*]}" -gt 0 ]] ; then
+ for domain in "${NS_SEARCH_DOMAINS[@]}" ; do
+ searchdomains+="${domain};"
+ done
+ echo "dns-search=${searchdomains}" >>"${dev_file}"
+ fi
+ cat <<-EOF >>"${dev_file}"
+ dns-options=timeout:1,attempts:2
+ [ipv6]
+ addr-gen-mode=eui64
+ method=auto
+ [proxy]
+ chmod -v 0600 "${dev_file}"
+ mv -v "${dev_file}" "${nm_cfg_dir}"
+ rm -vrf "${temp_dir}"
+ echo "Generated NM configfile '${nm_cfg_dir}/${dev_basename}'"
+ cat "${nm_cfg_dir}/${dev_basename}" || true
+ echo
+ echo
+ echo "${HASH_LINE}"
+ echo "Content of ${nm_cfg_dir} ..."
+ ls -lA "${nm_cfg_dir}"
+ echo -e "\e[0Ksection_end:$( date +%s ):ks_create_networkconfig\r\e[0K"
+#end raw
+## vim: ts=4 et list