--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+@summary: An application script for removing empty groups from LDAP.
+@author: Frank Brehm
+@contact: frank.brehm@pixelpark.com
+@copyright: © 2023 by Frank Brehm, Berlin
+from __future__ import print_function
+# Standard modules
+import locale
+import os
+import sys
+__exp_py_version_major__ = 3
+__min_py_version_minor__ = 6
+if sys.version_info[0] != __exp_py_version_major__:
+ print('This script is intended to use with Python {}.'.format(
+ __exp_py_version_major__), file=sys.stderr)
+ print('You are using Python: {0}.{1}.{2}-{3}-{4}.'.format(
+ *sys.version_info) + '\n', file=sys.stderr)
+ sys.exit(1)
+if sys.version_info[1] < __min_py_version_minor__:
+ print('A minimal Python version of {maj}.{min} is necessary to execute this script.'.format(
+ maj=__exp_py_version_major__, min=__min_py_version_minor__), file=sys.stderr)
+ print('You are using Python: {0}.{1}.{2}-{3}-{4}.'.format(
+ *sys.version_info) + '\n', file=sys.stderr)
+ sys.exit(1)
+# Standard modules
+ from pathlib import Path
+except ImportError:
+ from pathlib2 import Path
+__author__ = 'Frank Brehm <frank.brehm@pixelpark.com>'
+__copyright__ = '(C) 2023 by Frank Brehm, Digitas Pixelpark GmbH, Berlin'
+# own modules:
+my_path = Path(__file__)
+my_real_path = my_path.resolve()
+bin_path = my_real_path.parent
+base_dir = bin_path.parent
+lib_dir = base_dir.joinpath('lib')
+module_dir = lib_dir.joinpath('pp_admintools')
+if module_dir.exists():
+ sys.path.insert(0, str(lib_dir))
+from pp_admintools.app.clean_empty_ldap_groups import CleanEmptyLdapGroupsApplication
+appname = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
+locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')
+app = CleanEmptyLdapGroupsApplication(appname=appname, base_dir=base_dir)
+app.initialized = True
+if app.verbose > 2:
+ print('{c}-Object:\n{a}'.format(c=app.__class__.__name__, a=app))
+# vim: tabstop=4 expandtab shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
--- /dev/null
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+@summary: An application module for removing empty groups from LDAP.
+@author: Frank Brehm
+@contact: frank.brehm@pixelpark.com
+@copyright: © 2023 by Frank Brehm, Berlin
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+# Standard modules
+import copy
+import logging
+# Third party modules
+from fb_tools.collections import CIStringSet
+from fb_tools.common import is_sequence, to_bool
+from fb_tools.xlate import format_list
+# Own modules
+from .ldap import BaseLdapApplication
+from .ldap import FatalLDAPError, LdapAppError
+from .. import pp
+from ..argparse_actions import LimitedIntegerOptionAction
+from ..xlate import XLATOR
+__version__ = '0.1.0'
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+_ = XLATOR.gettext
+ngettext = XLATOR.ngettext
+# =============================================================================
+class CleanEmptyLdapGroupsUserError(LdapAppError):
+ """Special exception class for exceptions inside this module."""
+ pass
+# =============================================================================
+class CleanEmptyLdapGroupsApplication(BaseLdapApplication):
+ """Application class for removing empty groups from LDAP."""
+ show_simulate_option = True
+ show_quiet_option = False
+ default_max_cycles = 20
+ max_max_cycles = 1000
+ group_object_classes = ('posixGroup', 'groupOfNames', 'uniqueMember')
+ member_attributes = ('member', 'uniqueMember', 'memberUid', 'mgrpRFC822MailMember')
+ # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def __init__(self, appname=None, base_dir=None):
+ """Initialize the CleanEmptyLdapGroupsApplication object."""
+ self.use_default_ldap_connection = False
+ self.use_multiple_ldap_connections = True
+ self.show_cmdline_ldap_timeout = True
+ self.dns_todo = CIStringSet()
+ self.dns_done = CIStringSet()
+ self.current_cycle = 0
+ self.last_nr_groups_done = 0
+ self._max_cycles = self.default_max_cycles
+ desc = _(
+ 'Removes all LDAP groups, which does not have any members, that means, they are one '
+ 'of the following objectClasses:')
+ desc += ' ' + format_list(self.group_object_classes) + ', '
+ desc += _('and they have none of the following attributes:')
+ desc += ' ' + format_list(self.member_attributes, do_repr=True)
+ super(CleanEmptyLdapGroupsApplication, self).__init__(
+ appname=appname, description=desc, base_dir=base_dir, initialized=False)
+ self.initialized = True
+ # -------------------------------------------
+ @property
+ def max_cycles(self):
+ """Define, that the given users will not be removed, bur deactivated instaed."""
+ return self._max_cycles
+ @max_cycles.setter
+ def max_cycles(self, value):
+ if value is None:
+ self._max_cycles = self.default_max_cycles
+ return
+ try:
+ v = int(value)
+ if v <= 0 or v > 1000:
+ msg = _(
+ 'The maximum number of cycles must not less or equal to zero and mast not be '
+ 'greater than {}.').format(self.max_max_cycles)
+ raise ValueError(msg)
+ except Exception as e:
+ msg = _('Got a {} for setting the maximum cycles:').format(e.__class__.__name__)
+ msg += ' ' + str(e)
+ raise CleanEmptyLdapGroupsUserError(msg)
+ # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def as_dict(self, short=True):
+ """
+ Transform the elements of the object into a dict.
+ @param short: don't include local properties in resulting dict.
+ @type short: bool
+ @return: structure as dict
+ @rtype: dict
+ """
+ res = super(CleanEmptyLdapGroupsApplication, self).as_dict(short=short)
+ res['default_max_cycles'] = self.default_max_cycles
+ res['group_object_classes'] = copy.copy(self.group_object_classes)
+ res['max_cycles'] = self.max_cycles
+ res['max_max_cycles'] = self.max_max_cycles
+ res['member_attributes'] = copy.copy(self.member_attributes)
+ return res
+ # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def init_arg_parser(self):
+ """Initialize specific command line parameters for this application."""
+ remove_group = self.arg_parser.add_argument_group(_('Removing options'))
+ cycles_help = _(
+ 'The maximum number of iteration cycles for searching for empty groups. '
+ 'It must not be less or equal to zero and must not be greater than {}.')
+ cycles_help = cycles_help.format(self.max_max_cycles)
+ cycles_help += ' ' + _('Default: {}.').format(self.default_max_cycles)
+ remove_group.add_argument(
+ '--cycles', dest='cycles', metavar=_('COUNT'), min_val=1, max_val=self.max_max_cycles,
+ action=LimitedIntegerOptionAction, help=cycles_help)
+ super(CleanEmptyLdapGroupsApplication, self).init_arg_parser()
+ # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def _verify_instances(self):
+ super(CleanEmptyLdapGroupsApplication, self)._verify_instances(
+ is_admin=True, readonly=False)
+ # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def post_init(self):
+ """Execute some steps before calling run()."""
+ super(CleanEmptyLdapGroupsApplication, self).post_init()
+ cycles = getattr(self.args, 'cycles', None)
+ if cycles:
+ self.max_cycles = cycles
+ self.check_instances()
+ # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def check_instances(self):
+ """Check given instances for admin and read/write access."""
+ msg = _('Checking given instances for admin and read/write access.')
+ LOG.debug(msg)
+ all_ok = True
+ for inst_name in self.ldap_instances:
+ if inst_name not in self.cfg.ldap_connection:
+ msg = _('LDAP instance {!r} not found in configuration.').format(inst_name)
+ LOG.error(msg)
+ all_ok = False
+ continue
+ inst = self.cfg.ldap_connection[inst_name]
+ if inst.readonly:
+ msg = _('LDAP instance {!r} has only readonly access.').format(inst_name)
+ LOG.error(msg)
+ all_ok = False
+ if not inst.is_admin:
+ msg = _('No admin access to LDAP instance {!r}.').format(inst_name)
+ LOG.error(msg)
+ all_ok = False
+ if not all_ok:
+ self.exit(8)
+ # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def _run(self):
+ LOG.debug(_('Searching for empty groups ...'))
+# =============================================================================
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ pass
+# =============================================================================
+# vim: tabstop=4 expandtab shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 list