--- /dev/null
+# Global OpenRC configuration settings
+# Set rc_interactive to "YES" and you'll be able to press the I key during
+# boot so you can choose to start specific services. Set to "NO" to disable
+# this feature.
+# If we need to drop to a shell, you can specify it here.
+# If not specified we use $SHELL, otherwise the one specified in /etc/passwd,
+# otherwise /bin/sh
+# Linux users could specify /sbin/sulogin
+# Do we allow any started service in the runlevel to satisfy the dependency
+# or do we want all of them regardless of state? For example, if net.eth0
+# and net.eth1 are in the default runlevel then with rc_depend_strict="NO"
+# both will be started, but services that depend on 'net' will work if either
+# one comes up. With rc_depend_strict="YES" we would require them both to
+# come up.
+# rc_hotplug is a list of services that we allow to be hotplugged.
+# By default we do not allow hotplugging.
+# A hotplugged service is one started by a dynamic dev manager when a matching
+# hardware device is found.
+# This service is intrinsically included in the boot runlevel.
+# To disable services, prefix with a !
+# Example - rc_hotplug="net.wlan !net.*"
+# This allows net.wlan and any service not matching net.* to be plugged.
+# Example - rc_hotplug="*"
+# This allows all services to be hotplugged
+# rc_logger launches a logging daemon to log the entire rc process to
+# /var/log/rc.log
+# NOTE: Linux systems require the devfs service to be started before
+# logging can take place and as such cannot log the sysinit runlevel.
+# Through rc_log_path you can specify a custom log file.
+# The default value is: /var/log/rc.log
+# By default we filter the environment for our running scripts. To allow other
+# variables through, add them here. Use a * to allow all variables through.
+#rc_env_allow="VAR1 VAR2"
+# By default we assume that all daemons will start correctly.
+# However, some do not - a classic example is that they fork and return 0 AND
+# then child barfs on a configuration error. Or the daemon has a bug and the
+# child crashes. You can set the number of milliseconds start-stop-daemon
+# waits to check that the daemon is still running after starting here.
+# The default is 0 - no checking.
+# rc_nostop is a list of services which will not stop when changing runlevels.
+# This still allows the service itself to be stopped when called directly.
+# rc will attempt to start crashed services by default.
+# However, it will not stop them by default as that could bring down other
+# critical services.
+# There variables are shared between many init scripts
+# Set unicode to YES to turn on unicode support for keyboards and screens.
+# Below is the default list of network fstypes.
+# afs cifs coda davfs fuse fuse.sshfs gfs glusterfs lustre ncpfs
+# nfs nfs4 ocfs2 shfs smbfs
+# If you would like to add to this list, you can do so by adding your
+# own fstypes to the following variable.
+# These variables are documented here, but should be configured in
+# /etc/conf.d/foo for service foo and NOT enabled here unless you
+# really want them to work on a global basis.
+# Some daemons are started and stopped via start-stop-daemon.
+# We can set some things on a per service basis, like the nicelevel.
+#export SSD_NICELEVEL="-19"
+# Pass ulimit parameters
+#rc_ulimit="-u 30"
+# It's possible to define extra dependencies for services like so
+# You can also enable the above commands here for each service. Below is an
+# example for service foo.
+# You can also remove dependencies.
+# This is mainly used for saying which servies do NOT provide net.
+# This is the subsystem type. Valid options on Linux:
+# "" - nothing special
+# "lxc" - Linux Containers
+# "openvz" - Linux OpenVZ
+# "prefix" - Prefix
+# "uml" - Usermode Linux
+# "vserver" - Linux vserver
+# "xen0" - Xen0 Domain
+# "xenU" - XenU Domain
+# If this is commented out, automatic detection will be attempted.
+# Note that autodetection will not work in a prefix environment or in a
+# linux container.
+# This should be set to the value representing the environment this file is
+# PRESENTLY in, not the virtualization the environment is capable of.
+# This is the number of tty's used in most of the rc-scripts (like
+# consolefont, numlock, etc ...)
mkdir -p './texmf/dvips.d'
mkdir -p './unixODBC/ODBCDataSources'
maybe chmod 0755 '.'
+maybe chmod 0644 './._cfg0000_rc.conf'
maybe chmod 0700 './.etckeeper'
maybe chmod 0644 './.gitignore'
maybe chmod 0644 './.make.conf.swp'
maybe chmod 0644 './colordiffrc'
maybe chmod 0644 './colordiffrc-lightbg'
maybe chmod 0755 './conf.d'
+maybe chmod 0644 './conf.d/._cfg0000_fsck'
maybe chmod 0644 './conf.d/._cfg0000_udev'
+maybe chmod 0644 './conf.d/._cfg0000_urandom'
maybe chmod 0644 './conf.d/apache2'
maybe chmod 0644 './conf.d/auditd'
maybe chmod 0644 './conf.d/bootmisc'
maybe chmod 0644 './idnalias.conf'
maybe chmod 0644 './idnalias.conf.sample'
maybe chmod 0755 './init.d'
+maybe chmod 0755 './init.d/._cfg0000_bootmisc'
+maybe chmod 0755 './init.d/._cfg0000_consolefont'
+maybe chmod 0755 './init.d/._cfg0000_fsck'
+maybe chmod 0755 './init.d/._cfg0000_hwclock'
+maybe chmod 0755 './init.d/._cfg0000_keymaps'
+maybe chmod 0755 './init.d/._cfg0000_modules'
+maybe chmod 0755 './init.d/._cfg0000_net.lo'
+maybe chmod 0755 './init.d/._cfg0000_network'
+maybe chmod 0755 './init.d/._cfg0000_numlock'
+maybe chmod 0755 './init.d/._cfg0000_staticroute'
+maybe chmod 0755 './init.d/._cfg0000_sysfs'
+maybe chmod 0755 './init.d/._cfg0000_termencoding'
maybe chmod 0755 './init.d/._cfg0000_udev'
maybe chmod 0755 './init.d/._cfg0000_udev-mount'
maybe chmod 0755 './init.d/._cfg0000_udev-postmount'
+maybe chmod 0755 './init.d/._cfg0000_urandom'
maybe chmod 0755 './init.d/apache2'
maybe chmod 0755 './init.d/atd'
maybe chmod 0755 './init.d/auditd'
--- /dev/null
+# Pass any arguments to fsck.
+# By default we preen.
+# Linux systems also force -C0 and -T.
+# If fsck_args is not specified then Linux systems also use -A
+# (and -R if / is rw)
+# We can also specify the passno in /etc/fstab to check
+# If you multiplex fsck (ie ln -s fsck /etc/init.d/fsck.late) then you can
+# do an fsck outside of the normal scope, say for /home.
+# Here are some exampes:-
+#fsck_passno="=1 =2"
+# If passno is not enough granularity, you can also specify mountpoints to
+# check. This should NOT be used for the default non-multiplexed fsck, or your
+# system might not be checked. Additionally, it is mutually exclusive with
+# the fsck_passno setting.
+# Most modern fs's don't require a full fsck on boot, but for those that do
+# it may be advisable to skip this when running on battery.
+# WARNING: Do not turn this off if you have any JFS partitions.
+# fsck_shutdown causes fsck to trigger during shutdown as well as startup.
+# The end result of this is that if any periodic non-root filesystem checks are
+# scheduled, under normal circumstances the actual check will happen during
+# shutdown rather than at next boot.
+# This is useful when periodic filesystem checks are causing undesirable
+# delays at startup, but such delays at shutdown are acceptable.
--- /dev/null
+# Sometimes you want to have urandom start before "localmount"
+# (say for crypt swap), so you will need to customize this
+# behavior. If you have /var on a separate partition, then
+# make sure this path lives on your root device somewhere.
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Roy Marples <roy@marples.name>
+# Released under the 2-clause BSD license.
+ need localmount
+ before logger
+ after clock sysctl
+ keyword -prefix -timeout
+ mkdir "$1"/.test.$$ 2>/dev/null && rmdir "$1"/.test.$$
+: ${wipe_tmp:=${WIPE_TMP:-yes}}
+: ${log_dmesg:=${LOG_DMESG:-yes}}
+ local dir="$1"
+ if ! [ -d "$dir" ]; then
+ mkdir -p "$dir" || return $?
+ fi
+ dir_writable "$dir" || return 1
+ chmod a+rwt "$dir" 2> /dev/null
+ cd "$dir" || return 1
+ if yesno $wipe_tmp; then
+ ebegin "Wiping $dir directory"
+ # Faster than raw find
+ if ! rm -rf -- [^ajlq\.]* 2>/dev/null ; then
+ # Blah, too many files
+ find . -maxdepth 1 -name '[^ajlq\.]*' -exec rm -rf -- {} +
+ fi
+ # pam_mktemp creates a .private directory within which
+ # each user gets a private directory with immutable
+ # bit set; remove the immutable bit before trying to
+ # remove it.
+ [ -d /tmp/.private ] && chattr -R -a /tmp/.private 2> /dev/null
+ # Prune the paths that are left
+ find . -maxdepth 1 \
+ ! -name . \
+ ! -name lost+found \
+ ! -name quota.user \
+ ! -name aquota.user \
+ ! -name quota.group \
+ ! -name aquota.group \
+ ! -name journal \
+ -exec rm -rf -- {} +
+ eend 0
+ else
+ ebegin "Cleaning $dir directory"
+ rm -rf -- .X*-lock esrv* kio* \
+ jpsock.* .fam* .esd* \
+ orbit-* ssh-* ksocket-* \
+ .*-unix
+ eend 0
+ fi
+ : >"$1"
+ # Not all systems have the utmp group
+ chgrp utmp "$1" 2>/dev/null
+ chmod 0664 "$1"
+ src="$1"
+ dst="$2"
+ if [ -L $src -a "$(readlink -f $src)" != $dst ]; then
+ ewarn "$src does not point to $dst."
+ ewarn "Setting $src to point to $dst."
+ rm $src
+ elif [ ! -L $src -a -d $src ]; then
+ ebegin "Migrating $src to $dst"
+ cp -a $src/* $dst/
+ rm -rf $src
+ eend $?
+ fi
+ # If $src doesn't exist at all, just run this
+ if [ ! -e $src ]; then
+ ln -s $dst $src
+ fi
+ # Remove any added console dirs
+ rm -rf "$RC_LIBEXECDIR"/console/*
+ local logw=false runw=false extra=
+ # Ensure that our basic dirs exist
+ if [ "$RC_UNAME" = Linux ]; then
+ # Satisfy Linux FHS
+ extra=/var/lib/misc
+ if [ ! -d /run ]; then
+ extra="/var/run $extra"
+ fi
+ else
+ extra=/var/run
+ fi
+ for x in /var/log /tmp $extra; do
+ if ! [ -d $x ]; then
+ if ! mkdir -p $x; then
+ eend 1 "failed to create needed directory $x"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+ if [ "$RC_UNAME" = Linux -a -d /run ] && false; then
+ migrate_to_run /var/lock /run/lock
+ migrate_to_run /var/run /run
+ fi
+ if dir_writable /var/run; then
+ ebegin "Creating user login records"
+ local xtra=
+ [ "$RC_UNAME" = NetBSD ] && xtra=x
+ for x in "" $xtra; do
+ mkutmp /var/run/utmp$x
+ done
+ [ -e /var/log/wtmp ] || mkutmp /var/log/wtmp
+ eend 0
+ ebegin "Cleaning /var/run"
+ for x in $(find /var/run ! -type d ! -name utmp \
+ ! -name random-seed ! -name dev.db \
+ ! -name ld-elf.so.hints ! -name ld.so.hints);
+ do
+ # Clean stale sockets
+ if [ -S "$x" ]; then
+ if type fuser >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ fuser "$x" >/dev/null 2>&1 || rm -- "$x"
+ else
+ rm -- "$x"
+ fi
+ fi
+ [ ! -f "$x" ] && continue
+ # Do not remove pidfiles of already running daemons
+ case "$x" in
+ *.pid)
+ start-stop-daemon --test --quiet \
+ --stop --pidfile "$x" && continue
+ ;;
+ esac
+ rm -f -- "$x"
+ done
+ eend 0
+ fi
+ # Clean up /tmp directories
+ local tmp=
+ for tmp in ${clean_tmp_dirs:-${wipe_tmp_dirs-/tmp}}; do
+ cleanup_tmp_dir "$tmp"
+ done
+ if dir_writable /tmp; then
+ # Make sure our X11 stuff have the correct permissions
+ # Omit the chown as bootmisc is run before network is up
+ # and users may be using lame LDAP auth #139411
+ rm -rf /tmp/.ICE-unix /tmp/.X11-unix
+ mkdir -p /tmp/.ICE-unix /tmp/.X11-unix
+ chmod 1777 /tmp/.ICE-unix /tmp/.X11-unix
+ if [ -x /sbin/restorecon ]; then
+ restorecon /tmp/.ICE-unix /tmp/.X11-unix
+ fi
+ fi
+ if yesno $log_dmesg; then
+ if $logw || dir_writable /var/log; then
+ # Create an 'after-boot' dmesg log
+ if [ "$RC_SYS" != VSERVER -a "$RC_SYS" != OPENVZ ]; then
+ dmesg > /var/log/dmesg
+ chmod 640 /var/log/dmesg
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ [ -w /etc/nologin ] && rm -f /etc/nologin
+ return 0
+ # Write a halt record if we're shutting down
+ if [ "$RC_RUNLEVEL" = shutdown ]; then
+ [ "$RC_UNAME" = Linux ] && halt -w
+ if [ "$RC_SYS" = OPENVZ ]; then
+ yesno $RC_REBOOT && printf "" >/reboot
+ fi
+ fi
+ return 0
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Roy Marples <roy@marples.name>
+# Released under the 2-clause BSD license.
+description="Sets a font for the consoles."
+ need localmount termencoding
+ after hotplug bootmisc
+ keyword -openvz -prefix -uml -vserver -xenu -lxc
+ ttyn=${rc_tty_number:-${RC_TTY_NUMBER:-12}}
+ consolefont=${consolefont:-${CONSOLEFONT}}
+ unicodemap=${unicodemap:-${UNICODEMAP}}
+ consoletranslation=${consoletranslation:-${CONSOLETRANSLATION}}
+ if [ -z "$consolefont" ]; then
+ ebegin "Using the default console font"
+ eend 0
+ return 0
+ fi
+ if [ "$ttyn" = 0 ]; then
+ ebegin "Skipping font setup (rc_tty_number == 0)"
+ eend 0
+ return 0
+ fi
+ local x= param= sf_param= retval=0 ttydev=/dev/tty
+ # Get additional parameters
+ if [ -n "$consoletranslation" ]; then
+ param="$param -m $consoletranslation"
+ fi
+ if [ -n "${unicodemap}" ]; then
+ param="$param -u $unicodemap"
+ fi
+ # Set the console font
+ ebegin "Setting console font [$consolefont]"
+ [ -d /dev/vc ] && ttydev=/dev/vc/
+ x=1
+ while [ $x -le $ttyn ]; do
+ if ! setfont $consolefont $param -C $ttydev$x >/dev/null; then
+ retval=1
+ break
+ fi
+ : $(( x += 1 ))
+ done
+ eend $retval
+ # Store the last font so we can use it ASAP on boot
+ if [ $retval -eq 0 -a -w "$RC_LIBEXECDIR" ]; then
+ mkdir -p "$RC_LIBEXECDIR"/console
+ for font in /usr/share/consolefonts/"$consolefont".*; do
+ :
+ done
+ cp "$font" "$RC_LIBEXECDIR"/console
+ echo "${font##*/}" >"$RC_LIBEXECDIR"/console/font
+ fi
+ return $retval
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Roy Marples <roy@marples.name>
+# Released under the 2-clause BSD license.
+description="Check and repair filesystems according to /etc/fstab"
+ use dev clock modules
+ keyword -jail -openvz -prefix -timeout -vserver -lxc
+_abort() {
+ rc-abort
+ return 1
+# We should only reboot when first booting
+_reboot() {
+ if [ "$RC_RUNLEVEL" = "$RC_BOOTLEVEL" ]; then
+ reboot "$@"
+ _abort || return 1
+ fi
+ [ -e /forcefsck ] || get_bootparam forcefsck
+ local fsck_opts= p= check_extra=
+ if [ -e /fastboot ]; then
+ ewarn "Skipping fsck due to /fastboot"
+ return 0
+ fi
+ if _forcefsck; then
+ fsck_opts="$fsck_opts -f"
+ check_extra="(check forced)"
+ elif ! yesno ${fsck_on_battery:-YES} && ! on_ac_power; then
+ ewarn "Skipping fsck due to not being on AC power"
+ return 0
+ fi
+ if [ -n "$fsck_passno" ]; then
+ check_extra="[passno $fsck_passno] $check_extra"
+ if [ -n "$fsck_mnt" ]; then
+ eerror "Only 1 of fsck_passno and fsck_mnt must be set!"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ ebegin "Checking local filesystems $check_extra"
+ # Append passno mounts
+ for p in $fsck_passno; do
+ local IFS="$_IFS"
+ case "$p" in
+ [0-9]*) p="=$p";;
+ esac
+ set -- "$@" $(fstabinfo --passno "$p")
+ unset IFS
+ done
+ # Append custom mounts
+ for m in $fsck_mnt ; do
+ local IFS="$_IFS"
+ set -- "$@" "$m"
+ unset IFS
+ done
+ if [ "$RC_UNAME" = Linux ]; then
+ fsck_opts="$fsck_opts -C0 -T"
+ if [ -z "$fsck_passno" -a -z "$fsck_mnt" ]; then
+ fsck_args=${fsck_args--A -p}
+ if echo 2>/dev/null >/.test.$$; then
+ rm -f /.test.$$
+ fsck_opts="$fsck_opts -R"
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ trap : INT QUIT
+ fsck ${fsck_args--p} $fsck_opts "$@"
+ case $? in
+ 0) eend 0; return 0;;
+ 1) ewend 1 "Filesystems repaired"; return 0;;
+ 2|3) if [ "$RC_UNAME" = Linux ]; then
+ ewend 1 "Filesystems repaired, but reboot needed"
+ _reboot -f
+ else
+ ewend 1 "Filesystems still have errors;" \
+ "manual fsck required"
+ _abort
+ fi;;
+ 4) if [ "$RC_UNAME" = Linux ]; then
+ ewend 1 "Fileystem errors left uncorrected, aborting"
+ _abort
+ else
+ ewend 1 "Filesystems repaired, but reboot needed"
+ _reboot
+ fi;;
+ 8) ewend 1 "Operational error"; return 0;;
+ 12) ewend 1 "fsck interrupted";;
+ *) eend 2 "Filesystems couldn't be fixed";;
+ esac
+ _abort || return 1
+ # Fake function so we always shutdown correctly.
+ _abort() { return 0; }
+ _reboot() { return 0; }
+ _forcefsck() { return 1; }
+ yesno $fsck_shutdown && start
+ return 0
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Roy Marples <roy@marples.name>
+# Released under the 2-clause BSD license.
+extra_commands="save show"
+description="Sets the local clock to UTC or Local Time."
+description_save="Saves the current time in the BIOS."
+description_show="Displays the current time in the BIOS."
+: ${clock_adjfile:=${CLOCK_ADJFILE}}
+: ${clock_args:=${CLOCK_OPTS}}
+: ${clock_systohc:=${CLOCK_SYSTOHC}}
+: ${clock:=${CLOCK:-UTC}}
+if [ "$clock" = "UTC" ]; then
+ utc="UTC"
+ utc_cmd="--utc"
+ utc="Local Time"
+ utc_cmd="--localtime"
+ provide clock
+ if yesno $clock_adjfile; then
+ use root
+ else
+ before *
+ fi
+ keyword -openvz -prefix -uml -vserver -xenu -lxc
+ case "$(uname -m)" in
+ s390*)
+ utc="s390"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ if [ -e /proc/devices ] && \
+ grep -q " cobd$" /proc/devices
+ then
+ utc="coLinux"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+ case "$utc" in
+ UTC|Local" "Time);;
+ *) unset utc_cmd;;
+ esac
+# hwclock doesn't always return non zero on error
+ local err="$(hwclock "$@" 2>&1 >/dev/null)"
+ [ -z "$err" ] && return 0
+ echo "${err}" >&2
+ return 1
+ local retval=0 errstr=""
+ setupopts
+ if [ -z "$utc_cmd" ]; then
+ ewarn "Not setting clock for $utc system"
+ return 0
+ fi
+ ebegin "Setting system clock using the hardware clock [$utc]"
+ if [ -e /proc/modules ]; then
+ local rtc=
+ for rtc in /dev/rtc /dev/rtc[0-9]*; do
+ [ -e "$rtc" ] && break
+ done
+ if [ ! -e "${rtc}" ]; then
+ modprobe -q rtc-cmos || modprobe -q rtc || modprobe -q genrtc
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ -e /etc/adjtime ] && yesno $clock_adjfile; then
+ _hwclock --adjust $utc_cmd
+ : $(( retval += $? ))
+ fi
+ # If setting UTC, don't bother to run hwclock when first booting
+ # as that's the default
+ if [ "$PREVLEVEL" != N -o \
+ "$utc_cmd" != --utc -o \
+ -n "$clock_args" ];
+ then
+ if yesno $clock_hctosys; then
+ _hwclock --hctosys $utc_cmd $clock_args
+ else
+ _hwclock --systz $utc_cmd $clock_args
+ fi
+ : $(( retval += $? ))
+ fi
+ eend $retval "Failed to set the system clock"
+ return 0
+ # Don't tweak the hardware clock on LiveCD halt.
+ [ -n "$CDBOOT" ] && return 0
+ yesno $clock_systohc || return 0
+ local retval=0 errstr=""
+ setupopts
+ [ -z "$utc_cmd" ] && return 0
+ ebegin "Setting hardware clock using the system clock" "[$utc]"
+ if ! yesno $clock_adjfile; then
+ # Some implementations don't handle adjustments
+ if LC_ALL=C hwclock --help 2>&1 | grep -q "\-\-noadjfile"; then
+ utc_cmd="$utc_cmd --noadjfile"
+ fi
+ fi
+ _hwclock --systohc $utc_cmd $clock_args
+ retval=$?
+ eend $retval "Failed to sync clocks"
+ clock_systohc=yes
+ stop
+ setupopts
+ hwclock --show "$utc_cmd" $clock_args
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Roy Marples <roy@marples.name>
+# Released under the 2-clause BSD license.
+description="Applies a keymap for the consoles."
+ need localmount termencoding
+ after bootmisc
+ keyword -openvz -prefix -uml -vserver -xenu -lxc
+ ttyn=${rc_tty_number:-${RC_TTY_NUMBER:-12}}
+ : ${unicode:=$UNICODE}
+ : ${keymap:=$KEYMAP}
+ : ${extended_keymaps:=$EXTENDED_KEYMAPS}
+ : ${windowkeys:=$SET_WINDOWSKEYS}
+ : ${fix_euro:=$FIX_EURO}
+ : ${dumpkeys_charset:=${DUMPKEYS_CHARSET}}
+ if [ -z "$keymap" ]; then
+ eerror "You need to setup keymap in /etc/conf.d/keymaps first"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ local ttydev=/dev/tty n=
+ [ -d /dev/vc ] && ttydev=/dev/vc/
+ # Force linux keycodes for PPC.
+ if [ -f /proc/sys/dev/mac_hid/keyboard_sends_linux_keycodes ]; then
+ echo 1 > /proc/sys/dev/mac_hid/keyboard_sends_linux_keycodes
+ fi
+ local wkeys= kmode="-a" msg="ASCII"
+ if yesno $unicode; then
+ kmode="-u"
+ msg="UTF-8"
+ fi
+ yesno $windowkeys && wkeys="windowkeys"
+ # Set terminal encoding to either ASCII or UNICODE.
+ # See utf-8(7) for more information.
+ ebegin "Setting keyboard mode [$msg]"
+ n=1
+ while [ $n -le $ttyn ]; do
+ kbd_mode $kmode -C $ttydev$n
+ : $(( n += 1 ))
+ done
+ eend 0
+ ebegin "Loading key mappings [$keymap]"
+ loadkeys -q $wkeys $keymap $extended_keymaps
+ eend $? "Error loading key mappings" || return $?
+ if yesno $fix_euro; then
+ ebegin "Fixing font for euro symbol"
+ # Fix some fonts displaying the Euro, #173528.
+ echo "altgr keycode 18 = U+20AC" | loadkeys -q
+ eend $?
+ fi
+ # Save the keymapping for use immediately at boot
+ if [ -w "$RC_LIBEXECDIR" ]; then
+ mkdir -p "$RC_LIBEXECDIR"/console
+ dumpkeys >"$RC_LIBEXECDIR"/console/keymap
+ fi
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Roy Marples <roy@marples.name>
+# Released under the 2-clause BSD license.
+description="Loads a user defined list of kernel modules."
+ use isapnp
+ keyword -openvz -prefix -vserver -lxc
+ # Should not fail if kernel do not have module
+ # support compiled in ...
+ [ ! -f /proc/modules ] && return 0
+ local KV x y kv_variant_list
+ KV=$(uname -r)
+ # full $KV
+ kv_variant_list="${KV}"
+ # remove any KV_EXTRA options to just get the full version
+ x=${KV%%-*}
+ # now slowly strip them
+ while [ -n "$x" ] && [ "$x" != "$y" ]; do
+ kv_variant_list="${kv_variant_list} $x"
+ y=$x
+ x=${x%.*}
+ done
+ local list= x= xx= y= args= mpargs= cnt=0 a=
+ for x in $kv_variant_list ; do
+ eval list=\$modules_$(shell_var "$x")
+ [ -n "$list" ] && break
+ done
+ [ -z "$list" ] && list=$modules
+ for x in $list; do
+ a=${x#*:}
+ if [ "$a" = "$x" ]; then
+ unset mpargs
+ ebegin "Loading module $x"
+ else
+ x=${x%%:*}
+ mpargs="-o $a"
+ ebegin "Loading module $x as $a"
+ fi
+ aa=$(shell_var "$a")
+ xx=$(shell_var "$x")
+ for y in $kv_variant_list ; do
+ eval args=\$module_${aa}_args_$(shell_var "$y")
+ [ -n "${args}" ] && break
+ eval args=\$module_${xx}_args_$(shell_var "$y")
+ [ -n "${args}" ] && break
+ done
+ [ -z "$args" ] && eval args=\$module_${aa}_args
+ [ -z "$args" ] && eval args=\$module_${xx}_args
+ eval modprobe -q "$mpargs" "$x" "$args"
+ eend $? "Failed to load $x" && : $(( cnt += 1 ))
+ done
+ einfo "Autoloaded $cnt module(s)"
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Roy Marples <roy@marples.name>
+# Released under the 2-clause BSD license.
+_config_vars="config routes"
+description="Configures network interfaces."
+# Handy var so we don't have to embed new lines everywhere for array splitting
+ local IFACE=${RC_SVCNAME#*.}
+ local IFVAR=$(shell_var "${IFACE}")
+ need localmount
+ after bootmisc
+ provide net
+ keyword -shutdown -jail -prefix -vserver
+ case "${IFACE}" in
+ lo|lo0);;
+ *) after net.lo net.lo0 dbus;;
+ esac
+ if [ "$(command -v "depend_${IFVAR}")" = "depend_${IFVAR}" ]; then
+ depend_${IFVAR}
+ fi
+ local dep= prov=
+ for dep in need use before after provide keyword; do
+ eval prov=\$rc_${dep}_${IFVAR}
+ if [ -n "${prov}" ]; then
+ ${dep} ${prov}
+ fi
+ done
+# Support bash arrays - sigh
+ local _a=
+ eval _a=\$$1
+ _a=$(echo "${_a}" | sed -e 's:^[[:space:]]*::' -e 's:[[:space:]]*$::' -e '/^$/d' -e 's:[[:space:]]\{1,\}: :g')
+ [ -n "${_a}" ] && printf "%s\n" "${_a}"
+ local _a=
+ if [ -n "${BASH}" ]; then
+ case "$(declare -p "$1" 2>/dev/null)" in
+ "declare -a "*)
+ ewarn "You are using a bash array for $1."
+ ewarn "This feature will be removed in the future."
+ ewarn "Please see net.example for the correct format for $1."
+ eval "set -- \"\${$1[@]}\""
+ for _a; do
+ printf "%s\n" "${_a}"
+ done
+ return 0
+ ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ _array_helper $1
+# Flatten bash arrays to simple strings
+ if [ -n "${BASH}" ]; then
+ case "$(declare -p "$1" 2>/dev/null)" in
+ "declare -a "*)
+ ewarn "You are using a bash array for $1."
+ ewarn "This feature will be removed in the future."
+ ewarn "Please see net.example for the correct format for $1."
+ eval "set -- \"\${$1[@]}\""
+ for x; do
+ printf "'%s' " "$(printf "$x" | sed "s:':'\\\'':g")"
+ done
+ return 0
+ ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ _array_helper $1
+ local timeout= efunc=einfon
+ _has_carrier && return 0
+ eval timeout=\$carrier_timeout_${IFVAR}
+ timeout=${timeout:-${carrier_timeout:-5}}
+ # Incase users don't want this nice feature ...
+ [ ${timeout} -le 0 ] && return 0
+ yesno ${RC_PARALLEL} && efunc=einfo
+ ${efunc} "Waiting for carrier (${timeout} seconds) "
+ while [ ${timeout} -gt 0 ]; do
+ sleep 1
+ if _has_carrier; then
+ [ "${efunc}" = "einfon" ] && echo
+ eend 0
+ return 0
+ fi
+ : $(( timeout -= 1 ))
+ [ "${efunc}" = "einfon" ] && printf "."
+ done
+ [ "${efunc}" = "einfon" ] && echo
+ eend 1
+ return 1
+ # Some shells cannot handle hex arithmetic, so we massage it slightly
+ # Buggy shells include FreeBSD sh, dash and busybox.
+ # bash and NetBSD sh don't need this.
+ case $1 in
+ 0x*)
+ local hex=${1#0x*} quad=
+ while [ -n "${hex}" ]; do
+ local lastbut2=${hex#??*}
+ quad=${quad}${quad:+.}0x${hex%${lastbut2}*}
+ hex=${lastbut2}
+ done
+ set -- ${quad}
+ ;;
+ esac
+ local i= len=
+ local IFS=.
+ for i in $1; do
+ while [ ${i} -ne 0 ]; do
+ : $(( len += i % 2 ))
+ : $(( i >>= 1 ))
+ done
+ done
+ echo "${len}"
+ local var= v= t=
+ for var in ${_config_vars}; do
+ local v=
+ for t; do
+ eval v=\$${var}_${t}
+ if [ -n "${v}" ]; then
+ eval ${var}_${IFVAR}=\$${var}_${t}
+ continue 2
+ fi
+ done
+ done
+ local i OIFS
+ # Empty
+ [ -z "$1" ] && return
+ # check paths
+ IFS=:
+ for i in $PATH ; do
+ [ -x $i/$1 ] && echo $i/$1 && break
+ done
+# Like _which, but also consider shell builtins, and multiple alternatives
+ [ -z "$1" ] && return 0
+ local x=
+ for x; do
+ case "${x}" in
+ /*) [ -x "${x}" ] && break;;
+ *) type "${x}" >/dev/null 2>&1 && break;;
+ esac
+ unset x
+ done
+ [ -n "${x}" ] && echo $x && return 0
+ return 1
+ einfo "received address $(_get_inet_address "${IFACE}")"
+# Basically sorts our modules into order and saves the list
+ local x= f= force=$1
+ if ! ${force} && [ -s "${MODULESLIST}" -a "${MODULESLIST}" -nt "${MODULESDIR}" ]; then
+ local update=false
+ for x in "${MODULESDIR}"/*.sh; do
+ [ -e "${x}" ] || continue
+ if [ "${x}" -nt "${MODULESLIST}" ]; then
+ update=true
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ ${update} || return 0
+ fi
+ einfo "Caching network module dependencies"
+ # Run in a subshell to protect the main script
+ (
+ after() {
+ eval ${MODULE}_after="\"\${${MODULE}_after}\${${MODULE}_after:+ }$*\""
+ }
+ before() {
+ local mod=${MODULE}
+ local MODULE=
+ for MODULE; do
+ after "${mod}"
+ done
+ }
+ program() {
+ if [ "$1" = "start" -o "$1" = "stop" ]; then
+ local s="$1"
+ shift
+ eval ${MODULE}_program_${s}="\"\${${MODULE}_program_${s}}\${${MODULE}_program_${s}:+ }$*\""
+ else
+ eval ${MODULE}_program="\"\${${MODULE}_program}\${${MODULE}_program:+ }$*\""
+ fi
+ }
+ provide() {
+ eval ${MODULE}_provide="\"\${${MODULE}_provide}\${${MODULE}_provide:+ }$*\""
+ local x
+ for x in $*; do
+ eval ${x}_providedby="\"\${${MODULE}_providedby}\${${MODULE}_providedby:+ }${MODULE}\""
+ done
+ }
+ for MODULE in "${MODULESDIR}"/*.sh; do
+ sh -n "${MODULE}" || continue
+ . "${MODULE}" || continue
+ eval ${MODULE}_depend
+ done
+ visit() {
+ case " ${VISITED} " in
+ *" $1 "*) return;;
+ esac
+ eval AFTER=\$${1}_after
+ for MODULE in ${AFTER}; do
+ eval PROVIDEDBY=\$${MODULE}_providedby
+ if [ -n "${PROVIDEDBY}" ]; then
+ for MODULE in ${PROVIDEDBY}; do
+ visit "${MODULE}"
+ done
+ else
+ visit "${MODULE}"
+ fi
+ done
+ eval PROVIDE=\$${1}_provide
+ for MODULE in ${PROVIDE}; do
+ visit "${MODULE}"
+ done
+ eval PROVIDEDBY=\$${1}_providedby
+ [ -z "${PROVIDEDBY}" ] && SORTED="${SORTED} $1"
+ }
+ for MODULE in ${MODULES}; do
+ visit "${MODULE}"
+ done
+ printf "" > "${MODULESLIST}"
+ i=0
+ for MODULE in ${SORTED}; do
+ eval PROGRAM=\$${MODULE}_program
+ eval PROGRAM_START=\$${MODULE}_program_start
+ eval PROGRAM_STOP=\$${MODULE}_program_stop
+ eval PROVIDE=\$${MODULE}_provide
+ echo "module_${i}='${MODULE}'" >> "${MODULESLIST}"
+ echo "module_${i}_program='${PROGRAM}'" >> "${MODULESLIST}"
+ echo "module_${i}_program_start='${PROGRAM_START}'" >> "${MODULESLIST}"
+ echo "module_${i}_program_stop='${PROGRAM_STOP}'" >> "${MODULESLIST}"
+ echo "module_${i}_provide='${PROVIDE}'" >> "${MODULESLIST}"
+ : $(( i += 1 ))
+ done
+ echo "module_${i}=" >> "${MODULESLIST}"
+ )
+ return 0
+ local starting=$1 mymods=
+ # Ensure our list is up to date
+ _gen_module_list false
+ if ! . "${MODULESLIST}"; then
+ _gen_module_list true
+ fi
+ if [ "${IFACE}" != "lo" -a "${IFACE}" != "lo0" ]; then
+ eval mymods=\$modules_${IFVAR}
+ [ -z "${mymods}" ] && mymods=${modules}
+ fi
+ local i=-1 x= mod= f= provides=
+ while true; do
+ : $(( i += 1 ))
+ eval mod=\$module_${i}
+ [ -z "${mod}" ] && break
+ [ -e "${MODULESDIR}/${mod}.sh" ] || continue
+ eval set -- \$module_${i}_program
+ if [ -n "$1" ]; then
+ if ! _program_available "$@" >/dev/null; then
+ vewarn "Skipping module $mod due to missing program: $@"
+ continue
+ fi
+ fi
+ if ${starting}; then
+ eval set -- \$module_${i}_program_start
+ else
+ eval set -- \$module_${i}_program_stop
+ fi
+ if [ -n "$1" ]; then
+ if ! _program_available "$@" >/dev/null; then
+ vewarn "Skipping module $mod due to missing program: $@"
+ continue
+ fi
+ fi
+ eval provides=\$module_${i}_provide
+ if ${starting}; then
+ case " ${mymods} " in
+ *" !${mod} "*) continue;;
+ *" !${provides} "*) [ -n "${provides}" ] && continue;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ # Now load and wrap our functions
+ if ! . "${MODULESDIR}/${mod}.sh"; then
+ eend 1 "${RC_SVCNAME}: error loading module \`${mod}'"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ [ -z "${provides}" ] && continue
+ # Wrap our provides
+ local f=
+ for f in pre_start start post_start; do
+ eval "${provides}_${f}() { [ "$(command -v "${mod}_${f}")" = "${mod}_${f}" ] || return 0; ${mod}_${f} \"\$@\"; }"
+ done
+ eval module_${mod}_provides="${provides}"
+ eval module_${provides}_providedby="${mod}"
+ done
+ # Wrap our preferred modules
+ for mod in ${mymods}; do
+ case " ${MODULES} " in
+ *" ${mod} "*)
+ eval x=\$module_${mod}_provides
+ [ -z "${x}" ] && continue
+ for f in pre_start start post_start; do
+ eval "${x}_${f}() { [ "$(command -v "${mod}_${f}")" = "${mod}_${f}" ] || return 0; ${mod}_${f} \"\$@\"; }"
+ done
+ eval module_${x}_providedby="${mod}"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ # Finally remove any duplicated provides from our list if we're starting
+ # Otherwise reverse the list
+ local LIST="${MODULES}" p=
+ if ${starting}; then
+ for mod in ${LIST}; do
+ eval x=\$module_${mod}_provides
+ if [ -n "${x}" ]; then
+ eval p=\$module_${x}_providedby
+ [ "${mod}" != "${p}" ] && continue
+ fi
+ done
+ else
+ for mod in ${LIST}; do
+ done
+ fi
+ veinfo "Loaded modules: ${MODULES}"
+ local config="$(_get_array "config_${IFVAR}")"
+ local fallback="$(_get_array fallback_${IFVAR})"
+ config_index=0
+ local IFS="$__IFS"
+ set -- ${config}
+ # We should support a space separated array for cidr configs
+ # But only as long as they do not contain other parameters for the address
+ if [ $# = 1 ]; then
+ unset IFS
+ set -- ${config}
+ # Of course, we may have a single address added old style.
+ # If the NEXT argument is a v4 or v6 address, it's the next config.
+ # Otherwise, it's arguments to the first config...
+ if [ "${2#*.*}" = "${2}" -a "${2#*:*}" = "${2}" ]; then
+ # Not an IPv4/IPv6
+ local IFS="$__IFS"
+ set -- ${config}
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Ensure that loopback has the correct address
+ if [ "${IFACE}" = "lo" -o "${IFACE}" = "lo0" ]; then
+ if [ "$1" != "null" ]; then
+ config_0=""
+ config_index=1
+ fi
+ else
+ if [ -z "$1" ]; then
+ ewarn "No configuration specified; defaulting to DHCP"
+ config_0="dhcp"
+ config_index=1
+ fi
+ fi
+ # We store our config in an array like vars
+ # so modules can influence it
+ for cmd; do
+ eval config_${config_index}="'${cmd}'"
+ : $(( config_index += 1 ))
+ done
+ # Terminate the list
+ eval config_${config_index}=
+ config_index=0
+ for cmd in ${fallback}; do
+ eval fallback_${config_index}="'${cmd}'"
+ : $(( config_index += 1 ))
+ done
+ # Terminate the list
+ eval fallback_${config_index}=
+ # Don't set to zero, so any net modules don't have to do anything extra
+ config_index=-1
+# Support functions
+ local cmd=$1 iface=$2 ifr=${IFACE} ifv=${IFVAR}
+ # Ensure that we don't stamp on real values
+ local IFACE= IFVAR=
+ shift
+ if [ -n "${iface}" ]; then
+ IFACE="${iface}"
+ [ "${iface}" != "${ifr}" ] && IFVAR=$(shell_var "${IFACE}")
+ else
+ IFACE=${ifr}
+ IFVAR=${ifv}
+ fi
+ ${cmd}
+ _run_if _exists "$@"
+ _run_if _up "$@"
+ _run_if _down "$@"
+ local IFACE=${RC_SVCNAME#*.} oneworked=false fallback=false module=
+ local IFVAR=$(shell_var "${IFACE}") cmd= our_metric=
+ local metric=0 _up_before_preup
+ eval _up_before_preup="\$up_before_preup_${IFVAR}"
+ [ -z "${_up_before_preup}" ] && _up_before_preup=$up_before_preup
+ einfo "Bringing up interface ${IFACE}"
+ eindent
+ if [ -z "${MODULES}" ]; then
+ local MODULES=
+ _load_modules true
+ fi
+ # We up the iface twice if we have a preup to ensure it's up if
+ # available in preup and afterwards incase the user inadvertently
+ # brings it down
+ if [ "$(command -v preup)" = "preup" ]; then
+ yesno "${_up_before_preup:-yes}" && _up 2>/dev/null
+ ebegin "Running preup"
+ eindent
+ preup || return 1
+ eoutdent
+ fi
+ _up 2>/dev/null
+ for module in ${MODULES}; do
+ if [ "$(command -v "${module}_pre_start")" = "${module}_pre_start" ]; then
+ ${module}_pre_start || exit $?
+ fi
+ done
+ if ! _exists; then
+ eerror "ERROR: interface ${IFACE} does not exist"
+ eerror "Ensure that you have loaded the correct kernel module for your hardware"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ if ! _wait_for_carrier; then
+ if service_started devd; then
+ ewarn "no carrier, but devd will start us when we have one"
+ mark_service_inactive "${RC_SVCNAME}"
+ else
+ eerror "no carrier"
+ fi
+ return 1
+ fi
+ local config= config_index=
+ _load_config
+ config_index=0
+ eval our_metric=\$metric_${IFVAR}
+ if [ -n "${our_metric}" ]; then
+ metric=${our_metric}
+ elif [ "${IFACE}" != "lo" -a "${IFACE}" != "lo0" ]; then
+ : $(( metric += $(_ifindex) ))
+ fi
+ while true; do
+ eval config=\$config_${config_index}
+ [ -z "${config}" ] && break
+ set -- ${config}
+ if [ "$1" != "null" -a "$1" != "noop" ]; then
+ ebegin "$1"
+ fi
+ eindent
+ case "$1" in
+ noop)
+ if [ -n "$(_get_inet_address)" ]; then
+ oneworked=true
+ break
+ fi
+ ;;
+ null) :;;
+ [0-9]*|*:*) _add_address ${config};;
+ *)
+ if [ "$(command -v "${config}_start")" = "${config}_start" ]; then
+ "${config}"_start
+ else
+ eerror "nothing provides \`${config}'"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+ if eend $?; then
+ oneworked=true
+ else
+ eval config=\$fallback_${config_index}
+ if [ -n "${config}" ]; then
+ fallback=true
+ eoutdent
+ ewarn "Trying fallback configuration ${config}"
+ eindent
+ eval config_${config_index}=\$config
+ unset fallback_${config_index}
+ : $(( config_index -= 1 ))
+ fi
+ fi
+ eoutdent
+ : $(( config_index += 1 ))
+ done
+ if ! ${oneworked}; then
+ if [ "$(command -v failup)" = "failup" ]; then
+ ebegin "Running failup"
+ eindent
+ failup
+ eoutdent
+ fi
+ return 1
+ fi
+ local hidefirstroute=false first=true routes=
+ if ${fallback}; then
+ routes="$(_get_array "fallback_routes_${IFVAR}")"
+ fi
+ if [ -z "${routes}" ]; then
+ routes="$(_get_array "routes_${IFVAR}")"
+ fi
+ if [ "${IFACE}" = "lo" -o "${IFACE}" = "lo0" ]; then
+ if [ "${config_0}" != "null" ]; then
+ routes=" via
+ hidefirstroute=true
+ fi
+ fi
+ local OIFS="${IFS}" SIFS="${IFS-y}"
+ local IFS="$__IFS"
+ for cmd in ${routes}; do
+ unset IFS
+ if ${first}; then
+ first=false
+ einfo "Adding routes"
+ fi
+ eindent
+ ebegin ${cmd}
+ # Work out if we're a host or a net if not told
+ case ${cmd} in
+ -net" "*|-host" "*);;
+ *" "netmask" "*) cmd="-net ${cmd}";;
+ *.*.*.*/32*) cmd="-host ${cmd}";;
+ *.*.*.*/*||" "*) cmd="-net ${cmd}";;
+ default|default" "*) cmd="-net ${cmd}";;
+ *) cmd="-host ${cmd}";;
+ esac
+ if ${hidefirstroute}; then
+ _add_route ${cmd} >/dev/null 2>&1
+ hidefirstroute=false
+ else
+ _add_route ${cmd} >/dev/null
+ fi
+ eend $?
+ eoutdent
+ done
+ if [ "${SIFS}" = "y" ]; then
+ unset IFS
+ else
+ IFS="${OIFS}"
+ fi
+ for module in ${MODULES}; do
+ if [ "$(command -v "${module}_post_start")" = "${module}_post_start" ]; then
+ ${module}_post_start || exit $?
+ fi
+ done
+ if [ "$(command -v postup)" = "postup" ]; then
+ ebegin "Running postup"
+ eindent
+ postup
+ eoutdent
+ fi
+ return 0
+ local IFACE=${RC_SVCNAME#*.} module=
+ local IFVAR=$(shell_var "${IFACE}") opts=
+ einfo "Bringing down interface ${IFACE}"
+ eindent
+ if [ -z "${MODULES}" ]; then
+ local MODULES=
+ _load_modules false
+ fi
+ if [ "$(command -v predown)" = "predown" ]; then
+ ebegin "Running predown"
+ eindent
+ predown || return 1
+ eoutdent
+ else
+ if is_net_fs /; then
+ eerror "root filesystem is network mounted -- can't stop ${IFACE}"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ for module in ${MODULES}; do
+ if [ "$(command -v "${module}_pre_stop")" = "${module}_pre_stop" ]; then
+ ${module}_pre_stop || exit $?
+ fi
+ done
+ for module in ${MODULES}; do
+ if [ "$(command -v "${module}_stop")" = "${module}_stop" ]; then
+ ${module}_stop
+ fi
+ done
+ # Only delete addresses for interfaces that exist
+ if _exists; then
+ # PPP can manage it's own addresses when IN_BACKGROUND
+ # Important in case "demand" set on the ppp link
+ if ! (yesno ${IN_BACKGROUND} && is_ppp) ; then
+ _delete_addresses "${IFACE}"
+ fi
+ fi
+ for module in ${MODULES}; do
+ if [ "$(command -v "${module}_post_stop")" = "${module}_post_stop" ]; then
+ ${module}_post_stop
+ fi
+ done
+ # If not in background, and not loopback then bring the interface down
+ # unless overridden.
+ if ! yesno ${IN_BACKGROUND} && \
+ [ "${IFACE}" != "lo" -a "${IFACE}" != "lo0" ]; then
+ eval module=\$ifdown_${IFVAR}
+ module=${module:-${ifdown:-YES}}
+ yesno ${module} && _down 2>/dev/null
+ fi
+ type resolvconf >/dev/null 2>&1 && resolvconf -d "${IFACE}" 2>/dev/null
+ if [ "$(command -v "postdown")" = "postdown" ]; then
+ ebegin "Running postdown"
+ eindent
+ postdown
+ eoutdent
+ fi
+ return 0
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (c) 2009 Roy Marples <roy@marples.name>
+# Released under the 2-clause BSD license.
+# This script was inspired by the equivalent rc.d network from NetBSD.
+description="Configures network interfaces."
+ need localmount
+ after bootmisc
+ provide net
+ keyword -jail -prefix -vserver
+ local result= i=
+ for i; do
+ case " $result " in
+ *" $i "*);;
+ *) result="$result $i";;
+ esac
+ done
+ echo "${result# *}"
+ local result= i=
+ for i; do
+ result="$i $result"
+ done
+ echo "${result# *}"
+ case "$RC_UNAME" in
+ Linux)
+ local w= rest= i= cmd=$1
+ while read w rest; do
+ i=${w%%:*}
+ [ "$i" != "$w" ] || continue
+ if [ "$cmd" = u ]; then
+ ifconfig "$i" | grep -q "[ ]*UP" || continue
+ fi
+ printf "%s " "$i"
+ done </proc/net/dev
+ ;;
+ *)
+ ifconfig -l$1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ local inet= address= rest=
+ case "$RC_UNAME" in
+ Linux)
+ [ -x /sbin/ip ] || [ -x /bin/ip ] || return 1
+ [ -n "$(ip -f inet6 addr show tentative)" ]
+ ;;
+ *)
+ local inet= address= rest=
+ LC_ALL=C ifconfig -a | while read inet address rest; do
+ case "${inet}" in
+ inet6)
+ case "${rest}" in
+ *" "tentative*) return 2;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ [ $? = 2 ]
+ ;;
+ esac
+ local ifs= c= f=
+ case "$RC_UNAME" in
+ NetBSD)
+ for c in $(ifconfig -C 2>/dev/null); do
+ for f in /etc/ifconfig.${c}[0-9]*; do
+ [ -f "$f" ] && printf "%s" "$f{##*.} "
+ done
+ done
+ ;;
+ *)
+ for f in /etc/ifconfig.*; do
+ [ -f "$f" ] && printf "%s" "${f##*.} "
+ done
+ for f in /etc/ip.*; do
+ [ -f "$f" ] && printf "%s" "${f##*.} "
+ done
+ ;;
+ esac
+ echo
+ uniqify $(sys_interfaces "$@") $interfaces $(auto_interfaces)
+ local f="$1"
+ shift
+ case "$@" in
+ '') [ -f "$f" ] && cat "$f";;
+ *"$__nl"*) echo "$@";;
+ *)
+ (
+ set -o noglob
+ IFS=';'; set -- $@
+ IFS="$__nl"; echo "$*"
+ );;
+ esac
+ local int="$1" err=
+ shift
+ # Ensure we have a valid broadcast address
+ case "$@" in
+ *" broadcast "*|*" brd "*) ;;
+ *:*) ;; # Ignore IPv6
+ *) set -- "$@" brd +;;
+ esac
+ err=$(LC_ALL=C ip address add "$@" dev "$int" 2>&1)
+ if [ -z "$err" ]; then
+ # ip does not bring up the interface when adding addresses
+ if ! $intup; then
+ ip link set "$int" up
+ intup=true
+ fi
+ return 0
+ fi
+ if [ "$err" = "RTNETLINK answers: File exists" ]; then
+ ip address del "$@" dev "$int" 2>/dev/null
+ fi
+ # Localise the error
+ ip address add "$@" dev "$int"
+ if [ "$RC_UNAME" = Linux ]; then
+ if [ -x /sbin/ip ] || [ -x /bin/ip ]; then
+ ip route flush scope global
+ ip route delete default 2>/dev/null
+ else
+ # Sadly we also delete some link routes, but
+ # this cannot be helped
+ local dest= gate= net= flags= rest=
+ route -n | while read dest gate net flags rest; do
+ [ -z "$net" ] && continue
+ case "$dest" in
+ [0-9]*) ;;
+ *) continue;;
+ esac
+ local xtra= netmask="netmask $net"
+ case "$flags" in
+ U) continue;;
+ *H*) flags=-host; netmask=;;
+ *!*) flags=-net; xtra=reject;;
+ *) flags=-net;;
+ esac
+ route del $flags $dest $netmask $xtra
+ done
+ # Erase any default dev eth0 routes
+ route del default 2>/dev/null
+ fi
+ else
+ route -qn flush
+ fi
+ dumpargs "$@" | while read -r args; do
+ case "$args" in
+ ''|"#"*) ;;
+ *)
+ (
+ eval vebegin "${args#*!}"
+ eval "${args#*!}"
+ veend $?
+ );;
+ esac
+ done
+ local cr=0 r= int= intv= cmd= args= upcmd=
+ if [ -z "$domainname" -a -s /etc/defaultdomain ]; then
+ domainname=$(cat /etc/defaultdomain)
+ fi
+ if [ -n "$domainname" ]; then
+ ebegin "Setting NIS domainname: $domainname"
+ domainname "$domainname"
+ eend $?
+ fi
+ ewarn
+ ewarn "The $RC_SVCNAME script is deprecated and will be"
+ ewarn "removed in the future."
+ ewarn "Please use the net.* scripts to manage your network interfaces."
+ ewarn
+ einfo "Starting network"
+ routeflush
+ if [ "$RC_UNAME" = "Linux" ]; then
+ ifconfig lo netmask || cr=1
+ route add -net netmask \
+ gw reject 2>/dev/null
+ else
+ ifconfig lo0 netmask || cr=1
+ route -q add -inet -netmask \
+ -reject || cr=1
+ fi
+ eindent
+ for int in $(interfaces); do
+ local func= cf=
+ intv=$(shell_var "$int")
+ eval upcmd=\$ifup_$intv
+ for func in ip ifconfig; do
+ eval cmd=\$${func}_$intv
+ if [ -n "$cmd" -o -f /etc/"$func.$int" ]; then
+ cf=/etc/"$func.$int"
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ [ -n "$cf" -o -n "$upcmd" -o \
+ -f /etc/ifup."$int" -o -f "$cf" ] || continue
+ veinfo "$int"
+ case "$func" in
+ ip) func=runip; intup=false;;
+ esac
+ eindent
+ runargs /etc/ifup."$int" "$upcmd"
+ r=0
+ dumpargs "$cf" "$cmd" | while read -r args; do
+ case "$args" in
+ ''|"#"*) ;;
+ "!"*)
+ (
+ eval vebegin "${args#*!}"
+ eval "${args#*!}"
+ veend $?
+ );;
+ *)
+ (
+ set -o noglob
+ eval set -- "$args"
+ vebegin "$@"
+ $func "$int" "$@"
+ veend $?
+ );;
+ esac
+ done
+ eoutdent
+ done
+ eoutdent
+ eend $cr
+ # Wait for any inet6 tentative addresses
+ r=5
+ while [ $r -gt 0 ]; do
+ tentative || break
+ [ $r = 5 ] && vebegin "Waiting for tentative addresses"
+ sleep 1
+ : $(( r -= 1 ))
+ done
+ if [ $r != 5 ]; then
+ [ $r != 0 ]
+ veend $?
+ fi
+ if [ -n "$defaultroute" ]; then
+ ebegin "Setting default route $defaultroute"
+ route add default $defaultroute
+ eend $?
+ elif [ -n "$defaultiproute" ]; then
+ ebegin "Setting default route $defaultiproute"
+ ip route add default $defaultiproute
+ eend $?
+ fi
+ if [ -n "$defaultroute6" ]; then
+ ebegin "Setting default route $defaultroute6"
+ if [ "$RC_UNAME" = Linux ]; then
+ routecmd="route -A inet6 add"
+ else
+ routecmd="route -inet6 add"
+ fi
+ $routecmd default $defaultroute6
+ eend $?
+ elif [ -n "$defaultiproute6" ]; then
+ ebegin "Setting default route $defaultiproute6"
+ ip -f inet6 route add default $defaultiproute6
+ eend $?
+ fi
+ return 0
+ # Don't stop the network at shutdown.
+ # We don't use the noshutdown keyword so that we are started again
+ # correctly if we go back to multiuser.
+ yesno ${shutdown_network:-YES} && yesno $RC_GOINGDOWN && return 0
+ local int= intv= cmd= downcmd= r=
+ einfo "Stopping network"
+ routeflush
+ eindent
+ for int in $(reverse $(interfaces u)); do
+ intv=$(shell_var "$int")
+ eval downcmd=\$ifdown_$intv
+ eval cmd=\$ip_$intv
+ [ -z "$cmd" ] && eval cmd=\$ifconfig_$intv
+ if [ -n "$cmd" -o -f /etc/ip."$int" -o \
+ -f /etc/ifconfig."$int" -o \
+ -n "$downcmd" -o -f /etc/ifdown."$int" ];
+ then
+ veinfo "$int"
+ runargs /etc/ifdown."$int" "$downcmd"
+ if [ -x /sbin/ip ] || [ -x /bin/ip ]; then
+ # We need to do this, otherwise we may
+ # fail to add things correctly on restart
+ ip address flush dev "$int" 2>/dev/null
+ fi
+ ifconfig "$int" down 2>/dev/null
+ ifconfig "$int" destroy 2>/dev/null
+ fi
+ done
+ eoutdent
+ eend 0
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Roy Marples <roy@marples.name>
+# Released under the 2-clause BSD license.
+description="Turns numlock on for the consoles."
+ need localmount
+ keyword -openvz -prefix -vserver -lxc
+ [ -z "$1" ] && return 1
+ local dev=/dev/tty t= i=1 retval=0
+ [ -d /dev/vc ] && dev=/dev/vc/
+ while [ $i -le $ttyn ]; do
+ setleds -D "$1"num < $dev$i || retval=1
+ : $(( i += 1 ))
+ done
+ return $retval
+ ebegin "Enabling numlock on ttys"
+ _setleds +
+ eend $? "Failed to enable numlock"
+ ebegin "Disabling numlock on ttys"
+ _setleds -
+ eend $? "Failed to disable numlock"
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (c) 2009 Roy Marples <roy@marples.name>
+# Released under the 2-clause BSD license.
+# This script was inspired by the equivalent rc.d staticroute from NetBSD.
+description="Configures static routes."
+ provide net
+ use network
+ keyword -jail -prefix -vserver
+ route=route
+ [ -s /etc/route.conf ] && return 0
+ if [ -n "$staticiproute" ]; then
+ route="ip route"
+ staticroute="$staticiproute"
+ fi
+ # Route configuration file, as used by the NetBSD RC system
+ if [ -s /etc/route.conf ]; then
+ cat /etc/route.conf
+ return $?
+ fi
+ case "$staticroute" in
+ *"$__nl"*)
+ echo "$staticroute"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ (
+ set -o noglob
+ IFS=';'; set -- $staticroute
+ IFS="$__nl"; echo "$*"
+ )
+ ;;
+ esac
+ local xtra= family=
+ [ "$RC_UNAME" != Linux ] && xtra=-q
+ ebegin "$1 static routes"
+ eindent
+ pre_flight_checks
+ dump_args | while read args; do
+ [ -z "$args" ] && continue
+ case "$args" in
+ "#"*)
+ ;;
+ "+"*)
+ [ $2 = "add" ] && eval ${args#*+}
+ ;;
+ "-"*)
+ [ $2 = "del" -o $2 = "delete" ] && eval ${args#*-}
+ ;;
+ *)
+ veinfo "$args"
+ case "$route" in
+ "ip route")
+ ip route $2 $args
+ ;;
+ *)
+ # Linux route does cannot work it out ...
+ if [ "$RC_UNAME" = Linux ]; then
+ case "$args" in
+ *:*) family="-A inet6";;
+ *) family=;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ route $family $xtra $2 -$args
+ ;;
+ esac
+ veend $?
+ esac
+ done
+ eoutdent
+ eend 0
+ ewarn
+ ewarn "The $RC_SVCNAME script is deprecated and will be"
+ ewarn "removed in the future."
+ ewarn "Please use the net.* scripts to manage your network interfaces."
+ ewarn
+ do_routes "Adding" "add"
+ local cmd="delete"
+ [ "$RC_UNAME" = Linux ] && cmd="del"
+ do_routes "Deleting" "$cmd"
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Roy Marples <roy@marples.name>
+# Released under the 2-clause BSD license.
+description="Mount the sys filesystem."
+ keyword -prefix -vserver
+ grep -Eq "[[:space:]]+sysfs$" /proc/filesystems || return 1
+ mountinfo -q /sys && return 0
+ if [ ! -d /sys ]; then
+ if ! mkdir -m 0755 /sys; then
+ ewarn "Could not create /sys!"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ ebegin "Mounting /sys"
+ if ! fstabinfo --mount /sys; then
+ mount -n -t sysfs -o noexec,nosuid,nodev sysfs /sys
+ fi
+ eend $?
+ # Setup Kernel Support for securityfs
+ if [ -d /sys/kernel/security ] && \
+ ! mountinfo -q /sys/kernel/security; then
+ if grep -qs securityfs /proc/filesystems; then
+ ebegin "Mounting security filesystem"
+ mount -n -t securityfs -o nodev,noexec,nosuid \
+ securityfs /sys/kernel/security
+ eend $?
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Setup Kernel Support for debugfs
+ if [ -d /sys/kernel/debug ] && ! mountinfo -q /sys/kernel/debug; then
+ if grep -qs debugfs /proc/filesystems; then
+ ebegin "Mounting debug filesystem"
+ mount -n -t debugfs -o nodev,noexec,nosuid \
+ debugfs /sys/kernel/debug
+ eend $?
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Setup Kernel Support for configfs
+ if [ -d /sys/kernel/config ] && ! mountinfo -q /sys/kernel/config; then
+ if grep -qs configfs /proc/filesystems; then
+ ebegin "Mounting config filesystem"
+ mount -n -t configfs -o nodev,noexec,nosuid \
+ configfs /sys/kernel/config
+ eend $?
+ fi
+ fi
+ # set up kernel support for cgroups
+ if [ -d /sys/fs/cgroup ] && ! mountinfo -q /sys/fs/cgroup; then
+ if grep -qs cgroup /proc/filesystems; then
+ ebegin "Mounting cgroup filesystem"
+ local opts="nodev,noexec,nosuid,mode=755,size=${rc_cgroupsize:-10m}"
+ mount -n -t tmpfs -o ${opts} cgroup_root /sys/fs/cgroup
+ eend $?
+ fi
+ fi
+ yesno ${rc_cgroups:-YES} || return 0
+ if [ ! -e /proc/cgroups ]; then
+ return 0
+ fi
+ while read name hier groups enabled rest; do
+ case "${enabled}" in
+ 1) mkdir /sys/fs/cgroup/${name}
+ mount -t cgroup -o nodev,noexec,nosuid,${name} \
+ ${name} /sys/fs/cgroup/${name}
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done < /proc/cgroups
+ local retval
+ mount_sys
+ retval=$?
+ if [ $retval -eq 0 ]; then
+ mount_misc
+ retval=$?
+ fi
+ if [ $retval -eq 0 ]; then
+ mount_cgroups
+ retval=$?
+ fi
+ return $retval
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Roy Marples <roy@marples.name>
+# Released under the 2-clause BSD license.
+description="Configures terminal encoding."
+: ${unicode:=${UNICODE}}
+ keyword -openvz -prefix -uml -vserver -xenu
+ need root
+ after bootmisc
+ local ttydev=/dev/tty n=
+ [ -d /dev/vc ] && ttydev=/dev/vc/
+ # Set terminal encoding to either ASCII or UNICODE.
+ # See utf-8(7) for more information.
+ local termencoding="%@" termmsg="ASCII"
+ if yesno ${unicode}; then
+ termencoding="%G"
+ termmsg="UTF-8"
+ fi
+ ebegin "Setting terminal encoding [$termmsg]"
+ n=1
+ while [ ${n} -le "$ttyn" ]; do
+ printf "\033%s" "$termencoding" >$ttydev$n
+ : $(( n += 1 ))
+ done
+ # Save the encoding for use immediately at boot
+ if [ -w "$RC_LIBEXECDIR" ]; then
+ mkdir -p "$RC_LIBEXECDIR"/console
+ if yesno ${unicode:-${UNICODE}}; then
+ echo "" > "$RC_LIBEXECDIR"/console/unicode
+ else
+ rm -f "$RC_LIBEXECDIR"/console/unicode
+ fi
+ fi
+ eend 0
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Roy Marples <roy@marples.name>
+# Released under the 2-clause BSD license.
+: ${urandom_seed:=${URANDOM_SEED:-/var/lib/misc/random-seed}}
+description="Initializes the random number generator."
+ need localmount
+ keyword -jail -openvz -prefix
+ local psz=1
+ if [ -e /proc/sys/kernel/random/poolsize ]; then
+ : $(( psz = $(cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/poolsize) / 4096 ))
+ fi
+ ( # sub shell to prevent umask pollution
+ umask 077
+ dd if=/dev/urandom of="$urandom_seed" count=${psz} 2>/dev/null
+ )
+ [ -c /dev/urandom ] || return
+ if [ -f "$urandom_seed" ]; then
+ ebegin "Initializing random number generator"
+ cat "$urandom_seed" > /dev/urandom
+ eend $? "Error initializing random number generator"
+ fi
+ rm -f "$urandom_seed" && save_seed
+ return 0
+ ebegin "Saving random seed"
+ save_seed
+ eend $? "Failed to save random seed"