name: 389ds-config-plugins
+- name: "Restart of the 389ds LDAP servers."
+ hosts: ldap_servers
+ gather_facts: false
+ serial: 1
+ tasks:
- name: "Restarting the 389ds LDAP server."
name: 389ds-restart
- name: 'Check for always-record-login-attr'
exec_set: true
- when: "ds389_plugin_account_policy_always_record_login_attr is not empty ('alwaysrecordloginattr' not in acc_plugin_cfg or (acc_plugin_cfg['alwaysrecordloginattr'] != ds389_plugin_account_policy_always_record_login_attr))"
+ when: "ds389_plugin_account_policy_always_record_login_attr is not empty and ('alwaysrecordloginattr' not in acc_plugin_cfg or (acc_plugin_cfg['alwaysrecordloginattr'] != ds389_plugin_account_policy_always_record_login_attr))"
- name: 'Check limit-attr for vanishing'
restart_389ds: false
+pause_after_restart_389ds: 10
# vim: filetype=yaml
name: "dirsrv@{{ slapd_instance }}.service"
state: restarted
+ - name: "Pause for {{ pause_after_restart_389ds }} seconds after restarting the 389ds LDAP server."
+ ansible.builtin.pause:
+ seconds: "{{ pause_after_restart_389ds }}"
+ prompt: "Waiting for Godot ..."
# vim: filetype=yaml