host_key_checking = False
# log_path = ./provision.log
nocows = 1
-# inventory = inventory/pdns-test.yml
+display_skipped_hosts = no
# control_path = /tmp/%%h
--- /dev/null
+import re
+# =============================================================================
+class FilterModule(object):
+ re_key = re.compile(r'nsslapd-', re.IGNORECASE)
+ re_sep = re.compile(r':\s+')
+ re_int = re.compile('^[+-]?\d+$')
+ re_float = re.compile('^[+-]?\d+\.\d*$')
+ # ------------------
+ def filters(self):
+ return {'cfg_389ds_to_dict': self.cfg_389ds_to_dict }
+ # ------------------
+ def cfg_389ds_to_dict(self, the_list):
+ result = {}
+ for line in the_list:
+ (key, value) = self.re_sep.split(line, maxsplit=1)
+ key = self.re_key.sub('', key)
+ value = self.mangle_value(value)
+ if key in result:
+ old_val = result[key]
+ if isinstance(old_val, list):
+ result[key].append(value)
+ else:
+ result[key] = [old_val, value]
+ else:
+ result[key] = value
+ return result
+ # ------------------
+ def mangle_value(self, value):
+ if self.re_int.match(value):
+ return int(value)
+ if self.re_float.match(value):
+ return float(value)
+ if value.lower() == 'on':
+ return True
+ if value.lower() == 'off':
+ return False
+ return value
+# =============================================================================
+# vim: ts=4 et list
haproxy_user_socket: '/run/haproxy/user.sock'
haproxy_admin_socket: '/run/haproxy/admin.sock'
+# vim: filetype=yaml
--- /dev/null
+- name: "Configuring 389ds LDAP servers."
+ hosts: ldap_servers
+ gather_facts: false
+ tasks:
+ - name: "Exec command for retrieving version of 389ds LDAP server."
+ ns-slapd -v | grep -i '^389-Directory' | sed -e 's|.*/||' -e 's/[ ].*//'
+ register: get_389ds_version
+ check_mode: false
+ changed_when: false
+ - name: "Get the version of the 389ds LDAP server."
+ ansible.builtin.set_fact:
+ version_389ds: "{{ get_389ds_version.stdout }}"
+ cacheable: true
+ - name: "Show version of 389ds LDAP server."
+ debug:
+ var: version_389ds
+ verbosity: 0
+ - name: "Fail for non existing 389ds LDAP server."
+ msg: "No 389ds LDAP server found on host '{{ ansible_fqdn }}'."
+ when: version_389ds == ''
+ - name: "Configure logging for host '{{ inventory_hostname }}'."
+ include_role:
+ name: '389ds-config-logging'
+# vim: filetype=yaml
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+- name: "Get current configuration of config for log facility '{{ log_facility.key }}'."
+ "dsconf '{{ slapd_instance }}' config get | grep -P -i 'nsslapd-{{ log_facility.key }}log' || true"
+ register: config_get
+ changed_when: false
+ check_mode: false
+- name: "Show current config_get"
+ debug:
+ var: config_get
+ verbosity: 3
+- name: "Generate config hash."
+ when: config_get.stdout != ""
+ block:
+ - name: "Set logging variables"
+ set_fact:
+ log_config: "{{ config_get.stdout_lines | cfg_389ds_to_dict }}"
+ - name: "Show config hash:"
+ debug:
+ var: log_config
+ verbosity: 2
+ - name: "Set config key for '{{ log_facility.key }}' logfile."
+ set_fact:
+ exp_logfile: "{{ base_logdir }}/slapd-{{ slapd_instance }}/{{ log_facility.value.logfile }}"
+ dict_logfile_key: "{{ log_facility.key }}log"
+ config_logfile_key: "nsslapd-{{ log_facility.key }}log"
+ - name: "Show logfile stuff"
+ debug:
+ msg: "Current logfile: '{{ log_config[dict_logfile_key] }}', expected: '{{ exp_logfile }}'."
+ verbosity: 1
+ - name: "Setting new value for {{ log_facility.key }} log to '{{ exp_logfile }}' ..."
+ "dsconf '{{ slapd_instance }}' config replace {{ config_logfile_key }}={{ exp_logfile }}"
+ when: log_config[dict_logfile_key] != exp_logfile
+# vim: filetype=yaml
--- /dev/null
+# Configuring logging of a 389ds LDAP server
+- name: "Configuring logging facility '{{ log_facility.key }}'."
+ include_tasks: 'config-facility.yaml'
+ loop: "{{ logging | dict2items | list }}"
+ loop_control:
+ loop_var: log_facility
+# vim: filetype=yaml
--- /dev/null
+base_logdir: '/var/log/dirsrv'
+ access:
+ logfile: access.log
+ enabled: true
+ audit:
+ logfile: audit.log
+ enabled: false
+ auditfail:
+ logfile: audit.log
+ enabled: true
+ error:
+ logfile: error.log
+ enabled: true
+ security:
+ logfile: security.log
+ enabled: true
+# vim: filetype=yaml